Ph. No. 011-23743667
Mobile No. 9811213808
No. JCM/DC/2012 Dated 21st November, 2013
Giri Raj Singh
All Members
Postal Departmental Council-JCM
Subject:- Notice of Staff Side Meeting on 26-11-2013 on the eve of Departmental Council Meeting to be held on 27-11-2013.
Dear Comrades/ Colleagues,
Director `SR` has intimated vide his letter No. 06-02-2013-SR dated 18-11-2013 that the next meeting of the Departmental Council (JCM) will be held on 27-11-2013 at 10.00 A.M.
Prior to this meeting it is proposed to convene a Staff Side Meeting on 26-11-2013 at 5.00 P.M. at NFPE Head Quarter, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001 to elect leader Staff Side and to discuss the items taken in the Departmental Council.
You are, therefore, requested to attend the said meeting on the above mentioned date & time.
With regards
(Giri Raj Singh)
Staff Side
Copy to:-
Director (SR) o/o D.G. Posts Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-1 for information and necessary action
Retd. Secretary (Posts) appointed as Information Commissioner in the CIC.
Retd. Secretary (Posts) appointed as Information Commissioner in the CIC.
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Ms Manjula Prasher Retd. Secretary (Posts) |
The total number of Information Commissioners including the Chief Information Commissioner has gone up to 10 in the CIC with these five new Information Commissioners.
1. Shri Yashovardhan Azad, a former IPS Officer, before joining the Office of Information Commissioner in Central Information Commission, was holding the post of Secretary (Security) in Cabinet Secretariat.
2. Shri Sharat Sabharwal a career diplomat, retired as High Commissioner of India in Pakistan before joining the Office of Information Commissioner.
3. Smt Manjula Parasher a former Indian Postal Service Officer had retired as Secretary from the Department of Posts before joining the Office of Information Commissioner.
4. Shri MA Khan Yusufi, a former Indian Legal Service Officer, before joining the Office of Information Commissioner in CIC was holding the post of Chairperson in Airport Appellate Tribunal.
5. Shri Madbhushanam Sridhar Acharyulu was working as Professor at NALSAR, before joining the Office of Information Commissioner in CIC.
Friday 22 November 2013
National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) is a class-oriented militant organisation of above five lakhs postal employees. NFPTE was formed on 24.11.1954
The P&T trade union movement in India has inherited a history of struggles and sacrifices right from the days of British Raj. During 1905 when there was no freedom to form unions, Babu Tarapada Mukherjee started this organisation in the name of a Postal Club at Kolkata GPO. Tarapada was dismissed from service by the British Government for delivering a speech against the British Government in the year 1921 at Lahore All India Conference. During the last more than one hundred years many leaders and workers of this organisation has been tortured, arrested and put under jail both by the British and Indian Governments. Com. Dada Ghosh, founder Secretary General of NFPTE was arrested and placed under prolonged suspension. Com.N.J.Iyer, former All India President of NFPE was arrested for delivering a speech against “Emergency” in 1975 and imprisoned in Bikanir Jail for 18 months. Com.K.Adinarayana, Former Secretary General of NFPE was in jail for three years for participating in the Telangara struggle against Nizam. Com. K. G. Bose, who electrified the P&T Trade Union movement with his class-oriented approach was dismissed from service. Many legendary leaders like Coms. O. P. Gupta, Henry Barton, V. G. Dalvi, K. L. Moza, A. S. Rajan, Piramanathan, N. C. Ambalavanan have lead this organization in the past.
25 days historic 1946 P&T strike is marked in the history of India’s freedom movement as one of the most militant struggle launched by P&T employees against the British Raj. 1960 five days strike of Central Government Employees, 1968 September 19th one day strike for Need Based Minimum wage in which 17 employees have been brutally murdered by the Government by resorting to firing and lathicharge. 1974 Bonus Strike, 1984 September 19th Strike for the emancipation of three lakhs Extra-Departmental employees, 1993 five day’s Postal Strike, 1996 eight days strike for bonus ceiling removal, 1998 eight days Postal strike, 2000 fourteen days Postal Strike were all lead by the National Federation of Postal Employees. The one day strike by Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers conducted last year on 12-12-2012 is another milestone in the history of Postal Trade Union movement.
NFPE has been participating in all the nationwide General strikes including the 2013 February 20,21 two days strike conducted by the Central Trade Unions, right from 1991 onwards against the Neo-liberal imperialist globalisation policies pursued by the Central Government.
NFPE has conducted innumerable struggles for realisation of the legitimate demands of the Postal employees especially the most down-trodden section of Gramin Dak Sevaks and Casual, Part-time, Contingent employees.
NFPE is an affiliate of the Confederation of Central Govt. employees and Workers and is playing leading role in mobilising the Central Government employees and organising struggles including nation wide strikes.
Due to neo-liberal policies implemented by the Central Government during the last more than two decades, the Central Services including Postal department is facing great threat against its existence. Ban on recruitment, outsourcing, downsizing, contractorisation, contributory pension scheme, non-regularisation of the services of Gramin Dak Sevaks, restrictions on compassionate appointments, Bonus discrimination are all the off shoots of this policy. Due to unprecedented price rise the real wages of the employees and workers have eroded like anything. The Central Govt. employees are on continuous struggle demanding appointment of Seventh Pay Commission with effect from 01.01.2011, 50% DA merger, regularisation of Gramin Dak Sevaks and Casual labourers etc.
NFPE Federal council held at Hyderabad in June 2013 has decided to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of NFPE in a befitting manner. Inaugural ceremony of one year long celebrations will be held at New Delhi on 24.11.2013 and final celebrations will be organized at Jam Nagar (Gujarath) in a grand manner on 24th November 2014.
One year long Diamond Jubilee celebrations of NFPE shall definitely discuss all the issues confronting the working class in general and the Postal employees in particular and formulate programmes for future course of action.
NFPE calls upon the entire postal employees to conduct seminars, general body meetings, trade union workshops, honouring former leaders, exhibitions, classes on the history of the postal trade union movement etc. during the period from 24th November 2013 to 24th November 2014 as part of Diamond Jubilee celebrations.
Let us be proud of being a part of this great and glorious organization and let us carry forward our uncompromising fight against all injustices.
The 33RD All India Conference of All India RMS and MMS Employees Union, Mailguards and Multi Tasking Staff Group’C’ was held at 8th to 11th November 2013. at Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalaya, Uruli kanchan, Pune (Maharastra). the venue of the Conference was Named ‘COM. O.P.GUPTA NAGAR, our Former General Secretary RIV and Secretary General NFPTE.
The Conference was historic in many aspects. A large number of delegates and visitors i.e. 630 paid delegates and nearly 650 Visitors/others attended the conference after long time this was the first conference to draw such a large gathering. The conference was addressed by many senior trade union leaders. The conference held purposeful discussions on problems and took appropriate decisions.
The Conference Commenced at 10.00 hrs on 8-11-2013 with the hoisting of National Flag by Com. Shantharam Jadhav ex All India President R4, NFPE Flag hoisted by Com. M.Krishnan Secretary General
NFPE. NFPE R4 Flag hoisted by Com. D.M.Sonwane R4 All India President .
Floral tributes were paid to martyrs who dedicated and laid their lives for the welfare of the working class, by various trade union leaders and Reception committee at the martyr’s column.
The Open Session began at about 15.00 hrs. it was Presided over by Com D.M.Sonwane , the President Reception Committee under the leadership of Com. N.T.Chaudhari Asst General Secretary Reception Committee felicitated , honoured with shawls and mementoes to All Guests and Leaders. Then the Com. R.R.Malwade, Working Chairman of the Reception Committee delivered his welcome address to the delegates of the conference. The Conference was Inaugurated by Com. M.Krishnan Secretary General NFPE, in his inaugural address he dwelt upon the origin of India Post, its importance and the struggles of the postal staff. Chief Guest Ms. Supriyatai Sule. M.P. Pune. Com. Giriraj Singh General Secretary R III, Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas General Secretary P IV, Com. S.S.Mahadevaiah General Secretary AIPEDEU, Com. Shantharam Jdhav ex All India President R4, Com B.G.Thamankar ex President NFPE. Com. D.K.Rahate ex President NFPE, Com. J.A.Ghodke ex All India President R4, Com. D.S.Jagdale Dist. Secretary NFTE (BSNL). Com. N.K.Nalawade Circle President BSNLEU .Maharastra. Com. K.K.SharmaVice-President NFPE, Com. P.Suresh General Secretary R IV, Circle Secretaries of Maharastra Circle NFPE, and other leaders attended addressed in the open session. Vote of thanks by Com. Mane ,
The subject committee started its deliberations on 9-11-2013 at 10.00 hrs. it paid homage to departed dignitaries, leaders, members and others by observing two minutes silence afterwards, Com. D.M.Sonwane presented his presidential address to the conference. The General Secretary presented the draft biennial report to the house for consideration and approval. It was adopted by the conference after discussion. Later the audited accounts for the years 2011-12, 2012-13, which were presented by the treasurer Com. K.K.Sharma along with relevant Auditor’s Report were also adopted by the subject A discussion on staff problems, organization, Departmental Council/Regional Councils, payment of quotas, 6th CPC, and 7th CPC, SPC hub s, L-1 & L2 Problems, compassionate appointments, MMS Staff, Casual Labourers Problems and other related issues. All the Circle Secretaries who attended the Conference spoke on the issues. and many Delegates from various circles participated in the discussions. M.Krishnan, Secretary General NFPE, Com. Shantharam Jadhav ex All India President R4, addressed in our subject committee also.
Subject committee began on the 10-11-2013. CHQ office bearers and Delegates participated in the discussions The conference continued on 11-11-2013. the AIC discussed in depth the adverse development facing the Central Government employees in General and RMS & MMS employees in particular. The AIC discussed the prevailing economic policies of the country and their impact on the employees. Retrenchment has become the policy of the Government. RMS offices are already facing shortage of staff in all the 69 RMS Divisions in the country. OTA rates have not been revised for the last decades. On the other hand women employees are not spared in performing OT duty. Despite DGs order on not to inflict statutory punishment for not performing OT duty, the Heads of Divisions are imposing punishments on employees who are unable to perform OT duty for valid reasons. We have so many problems in normal functioning of RMS & MMS offices which are considered to be the basic and primary need as supply of working materials, uniforms, furniture’s etc. are not made available timely and regularly causing problems to staff. In some cases the office building are located in a very unhygienic places. Building are shabby and dilapidated condition. Non- supply of uniforms and other kit items are regular feature. Non-filling of all vacant posts including promotional posts, Review the additional duties given to MTS cadre and modify the orders, more reduction of staffs, introductions of new schemes are going on.
We are not opposed to ‘New Scheme” but if it is a kind of job killing device then definitely we will oppose it. With the introduction of New Scheme, the new hands should also provided otherwise who will implement the New Scheme ?., speed post and logistics norms affect day-today RMS work badly.Then Com. P. Suresh our General Secretary spoke at length and gave detailed replies to all the issues raised by the Delegates, including those relating the 6th CPC his address was well received by the Delegates. At the end of his speech he proposed the ‘Policy and Programme resolution’ and other resolutions. All the resolutions were adopted unanimously. All the Amendments to the union constitution proposed by the CHQ were also adopted unanimously. Finally, the List of New office –bearers with Com. D.M.Sonwane as President Com. P. Suresh as General Secretary and K.K.Sharma as Treasurer was elected unanimously. The complete list of new office bearers has given elsewhere separately. The Conference concluded in jubilation.
The CHQ in this connection, thanks the Reception Committee for its good arrangements, various leaders for their messages, delegates for their enthusiastic participation and all other, big and small, for their contribution in making this Conference such a Grand Success.
The following office –bearers were elected unanimously for the next session.
President Com Shri. D.M.Sonawane, MTS CPSO Mumbai ( Maharastra)
Vice-President 1 Com Shri. N.R.Malivya MTS Indore RMS ( Madhya Pradesh)
Vice-President 2 Com Y.Bhumeshwar MTS RMS Z Division ( Andhra Pradesh)
Vice-President 3 Com M.Mohan MTS Bangalore Stg. ( Karnataka)
General Secretary Com. P. Suresh MG Hyd Air Sorting ( Andhra Pradesh)
Assistant General Secretaries 1.Com. I.P.Shaik MTS Bhusawal RMS. ( Maharastra)
2. Com. Rajesh Kumar Kapoor MG Allahabad RMS ( Uttar Pradesh)
3. Com. J.Balachandran MTS Kollam RMS ( Kerala)
4. Com. Indraneel Tiwari MG RMS WB Division ( West Bengal )
5. Com. K.Rajendran MG RMS Tirchy ( Tamilnadu )
6. Com. Chandmal Saini MTS , Jaipur RMS ( Rajasthan )
7. Com. R.K.Pagi MTS Wadodra RMS ( Gujarat )
8. Com. K.Muralidharan MTS MMS Chennai (Tamilnadu)
Treasurer Com. K.K.Sharma M.M. Air Mail Division (Delhi)
PTC Mysore release new updates in respect of eMO Client software : IFS Update
Brief Description
Software Package
Release Document
Hither to, for downloading an urgent IFS Money Order, the Operator has to enter the following details n eMO Client software:
a) Complete Name of Payee
b) Complete Name of Sender
c) Money Order Number
Now as per the orders of Directorate (IR Division), all the Urgent IFS Money Orders are to be downloaded by entering the Money Order Number alone. It was also ordered by Directorate (IR Division) that there should be provision to return an Urgent IFS Money Order, if there is mismatch between the Payee Names as available on the Money Order form and the ID Card produced by the Payee.Accordingly suitable software modifications have been done in eMO Clinet and Postman modules. Hence this release.
a) Update-8 to Meghdoot 7.0 available in ftp site at
This Update contains the following applications:
1 Postman
2 eMO Client
Upgrade Instructions
- All eMO Delivery Post Offices have to implement this patch.
- Please take backup of all related databases after completion of the day’s work before proceeding for going for up-gradation of this update.
Upgradation Procedure
Postman Module
- Replace existing Postman.exe with new one.
- Replace existing EMODelivery.dll with new one.
- Replace existing EVPDelivery.dll with new one.
- Run Postman.exl using Script tool
- Register both EMODelivery.dll and EVPDelivery.dll
eMO Client Module
- Replace existing eMOClient.exe with new one.
- Run emo-1.exl and emo-2.exl using script tool
New Features in IFS Update 22.11.2013
eMO Client Module:
1. Change of Input screen for downloading Urgent IFS eMO:
The operator of eMO Client software has to enter the Money Order Number alone for downloading the Urgent IFS Money Order from eMO Central Server. The new screen looks like
Postman module:
1. Payee Name mismatch – Return of downloaded IFS Money Order to Sender
The Urgent IFS Money Order printed in eMO application will be available automatically in Window Payment screen. Hither to, ‘Paid” is the only option available in r/o Urgent IFS Money Order in Window Payment Screen. In order to handle the situation where the Postmaster observes mismatch between the Name available on the Printed IFS MO form and that available on the ID Card produced, a new option “Payee name Mismatch” is provided in Window Payment Screen of Postman module in order to return such Money Orders unpaid.
If the Postmaster want to return the Money Order due to mismatch in the names as mentioned above, the “Payee Name Mismatch” option has to be clicked. On clicking the same, a blank text box appears for entering the Payee Name as available in the ID Card. The Operator has to enter the Payee Name as available in the ID Card and click on “Return to Sender”. Then the Money Order will be returned to Sender (after Window Submit Account).
Software Package
Release Document
Sealed Tenders are invited for printing and supply of Calendars – 2014 and envelopes for Department of Posts....
To view, please CLICK HERE.
Dopt issued orders on grant of incentive for acquiring higher qualifications.
Dopt issued orders on grant of incentive for acquiring higher qualifications.
Inclusion of additional qualifications / Review of the qualifications listed in the Annexure to this Department’s OM No 1/2/89-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 9/4/1999...
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
dated the 22nd November 2013
Subject: Grant of incentive for acquiring higher qualifications - Inclusion of additional qualifications / Review of the qualifications listed in the Annexure to this Department’s OM No 1/2/89-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 9/4/1999 -reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer this Department’s OM of even number dated 28.4.2009 and subsequent reminders of even number dated 17.6.2009, 20.8.2009, 30.10.2009, 7.1.2010 and 23.3.2010 calling for suggestions regarding addition / deletion of qualifications listed in the Annexure to this Department’s OM dated 9.4.1999.
2. Even after lapse of considerable time, no inputs in this regard have been received from Ministries / Departments, except Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance.
3. All the Ministries / Departments are, therefore, requested to furnish their suggestions in this regard to this Department within 30 days from the date of issuance of this OM, before a final decision is taken in the matter. This OM may please be given wide publicity.
(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
144 Govt Officials penalised by CVC for graft
New Delhi, Nov 22 (PTI) : 144 officials working in various central government departments have been penalised by Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) for their alleged involvement in corruption.
Of them, a maximum of 55 are working in Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC), 16 in Department of Telecommunications, 11 in Ministry of Railways and six each in Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board, UCO Bank and Bank of Maharashtra, the CVC said in its performance report for September.
LIC to stop selling 14 life Insurance Policies
Country's insurance giant Life Insurance Corporation has decided to stop selling as many as 14 policies, including Jeevan Mitra and Anmol Jeevan.
Of this 14 products, LIC has already withdrawn seven policies, including Convertible Term Assurance, Children Deferred Endowment Assurance, with effect from November 16.
As many as five policies including Jeevan Mitra, Jeevan Paramukh Plan, LIC's Bima Account I and II will go off LIC's shelves from November 23.
Besides, two policies New Jeevan Nidhi and Anmol Jeevan I will be discontinued from November 30.
Many of these policies are being discontinued as part of regulatory compliance, a senior official of LIC said.
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) had extended the deadline for implementation of new individual product regulations for the life insurance industry by three months to December 31.
The new guidelines are aimed at making insurance policies more customer-friendly.
"All the existing group policies and all the existing individual products not in conformity with the provisions of this regulation shall be withdrawn from August 1, 2013 and January 1, 2014, respectively," IRDA had said in a circular.
With regard to group policies, the life insurers have been asked not to enroll these policies after the immediate policy anniversary falling due after July 2013.
However, it had said, all group policies at the time of renewal of such policy shall be given an option to switch over to the modified version of the group product, if any, once introduced.
LIC has outperformed its peers in the private sector by recording a 7 per cent growth in premium collection during the first half of the current fiscal.
The company witnessed a 7.26 per cent growth in premium income to Rs 37,906 crore during the six-month period ending September.
As per the company's website, LIC has so far withdrawn 19 other policies, including Jeevan Astha, Market Plus I and Jeevan Nischay and Jeevan Varsha.
Source : The Economic Times
.jpg)
National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) is a class-oriented militant organisation of above five lakhs postal employees. NFPTE was formed on 24.11.1954
The P&T trade union movement in India has inherited a history of struggles and sacrifices right from the days of British Raj. During 1905 when there was no freedom to form unions, Babu Tarapada Mukherjee started this organisation in the name of a Postal Club at Kolkata GPO. Tarapada was dismissed from service by the British Government for delivering a speech against the British Government in the year 1921 at Lahore All India Conference. During the last more than one hundred years many leaders and workers of this organisation has been tortured, arrested and put under jail both by the British and Indian Governments. Com. Dada Ghosh, founder Secretary General of NFPTE was arrested and placed under prolonged suspension. Com.N.J.Iyer, former All India President of NFPE was arrested for delivering a speech against “Emergency” in 1975 and imprisoned in Bikanir Jail for 18 months. Com.K.Adinarayana, Former Secretary General of NFPE was in jail for three years for participating in the Telangara struggle against Nizam. Com. K. G. Bose, who electrified the P&T Trade Union movement with his class-oriented approach was dismissed from service. Many legendary leaders like Coms. O. P. Gupta, Henry Barton, V. G. Dalvi, K. L. Moza, A. S. Rajan, Piramanathan, N. C. Ambalavanan have lead this organization in the past.
25 days historic 1946 P&T strike is marked in the history of India’s freedom movement as one of the most militant struggle launched by P&T employees against the British Raj. 1960 five days strike of Central Government Employees, 1968 September 19th one day strike for Need Based Minimum wage in which 17 employees have been brutally murdered by the Government by resorting to firing and lathicharge. 1974 Bonus Strike, 1984 September 19th Strike for the emancipation of three lakhs Extra-Departmental employees, 1993 five day’s Postal Strike, 1996 eight days strike for bonus ceiling removal, 1998 eight days Postal strike, 2000 fourteen days Postal Strike were all lead by the National Federation of Postal Employees. The one day strike by Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers conducted last year on 12-12-2012 is another milestone in the history of Postal Trade Union movement.
NFPE has been participating in all the nationwide General strikes including the 2013 February 20,21 two days strike conducted by the Central Trade Unions, right from 1991 onwards against the Neo-liberal imperialist globalisation policies pursued by the Central Government.
NFPE has conducted innumerable struggles for realisation of the legitimate demands of the Postal employees especially the most down-trodden section of Gramin Dak Sevaks and Casual, Part-time, Contingent employees.
NFPE is an affiliate of the Confederation of Central Govt. employees and Workers and is playing leading role in mobilising the Central Government employees and organising struggles including nation wide strikes.
Due to neo-liberal policies implemented by the Central Government during the last more than two decades, the Central Services including Postal department is facing great threat against its existence. Ban on recruitment, outsourcing, downsizing, contractorisation, contributory pension scheme, non-regularisation of the services of Gramin Dak Sevaks, restrictions on compassionate appointments, Bonus discrimination are all the off shoots of this policy. Due to unprecedented price rise the real wages of the employees and workers have eroded like anything. The Central Govt. employees are on continuous struggle demanding appointment of Seventh Pay Commission with effect from 01.01.2011, 50% DA merger, regularisation of Gramin Dak Sevaks and Casual labourers etc.
NFPE Federal council held at Hyderabad in June 2013 has decided to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of NFPE in a befitting manner. Inaugural ceremony of one year long celebrations will be held at New Delhi on 24.11.2013 and final celebrations will be organized at Jam Nagar (Gujarath) in a grand manner on 24thNovember 2014.
One year long Diamond Jubilee celebrations of NFPE shall definitely discuss all the issues confronting the working class in general and the Postal employees in particular and formulate programmes for future course of action.
AIPEU Group C (CHQ) calls upon the entire postal employees to conduct seminars, general body meetings, trade union workshops, honouring former leaders, exhibitions, classes on the history of the postal trade union movement etc. during the period from 24th November 2013 to 24th November 2014 as part of Diamond Jubilee celebrations.
Let us be proud of being a part of this great and glorious organization and let us carry forward our uncompromising fight against all injustices.
Source :
New premises for Post Office in Anna Nagar soon
As part of efforts to improve infrastructure of post offices and make them more customer friendly, the postal department is constructing new buildings for three post offices this financial year. Photo: K. Pichumani
People think twice before entering the cramped Anna Nagar Western Extension post office on School Road. This may change soon as the post office is all set to move into a new building.
As part of efforts to improve infrastructure of post offices and make them more customer friendly, the postal department is constructing new buildings for three post offices this financial year.
The post office in Anna Nagar Western Extension now functions from a rented premises. The new facility, being constructed at a cost of Rs. 65.56 lakh, will be spread over nearly 3,000 sq. ft. The postal department is also preparing to construct new buildings for post offices in Mandaveli and Pondicherry Bazaar in Puducherry.
The existing Anna Nagar Western Extension post office, spread over 1,500 sq. ft., caters to people from Anna Nagar West and its neighbouring localities — Mogappair and Padi. But all it has to offer is cramped dingy premises on the first floor.
Several residents say they have no choice as otherwise they would have to travel at least three kilometres further to reach the post offices in Mogappair East or Second Avenue, Anna Nagar.
V. Rajagopal, a resident of Mogappair, says residents have been demanding the post office be shifted to new premises for two years now. Several senior citizens find it hard to climb the narrow, poorly-lit staircase in the office. There is also no proper parking space.
Residents say the department must start passenger reservation system after the post office is shifted to its new premises on Park Road, Anna Nagar Western Extension.
Staff members at the post office say about 80 persons visit the place daily for various services, including registered posts and bill payment. The post office has nearly 7,500 savings account holders.
At present, only 10 per cent of the post offices in city function from their own buildings. There are nearly 230 post offices in the city and suburbs.
Mervin Alexander, postmaster general, Chennai city region, says the department is keen on operating post offices out of their own premises wherever possible.
“We will ensure the new buildings, with lifts and ramps, are barrier free for the differently abled and senior citizens as well,” says Mr. Alexander.
Source :
Daily Current Affairs: 22 November 2013
Daily Current Affairs:
22 November 2013
1) Magnus Carlsen dethrones Anand, becomes new World Champion: Five-time title holder Viswanathan Anand’s reign as the world champion came to a heart-breaking end on 21 Nov 2013 with Norway’s Magnus Carlsen taking the crown after a hard-fought draw in the 10th game of the World Chess Championship match, which ended in Chennai on Friday. Carlsen, who will be 23 years on 30th November, closed the championship with two games to spare by taking his tally to required 6.5 points out of a possible ten, winning three and drawing seven games.
2) CNR Rao became first Indian scientist elected to Chinese academy: Eminent Scientist and Bharat Ratna awardee Prof CNR Rao has become the first Indian scientist to be elected as honorary foreign member of Chinese Academy of Science (CAS). “Prof Rao is the first Indian Scientist to be elected to this prestigious academy, which consists of several Nobel laureates and eminent scientists of the world,” Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, of which Rao is a founder and honorary President, said.
3) Cyprus university world’s first to accept bitcoin: Cyprus’ largest private university said it has become the first in the world to accept increasingly popular digital currency bitcoin for the payment of tuition and other fees.
Bitcoin>> Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency that functions without the intermediation of a central authority. The concept was introduced in a 2008 paper by a pseudonymous developer known as "Satoshi Nakamoto".
4) Milkman of India to feature in Amar Chitra Katha: The Milkman of India will now be part of Indian mythology! The late Dr Verghese Kurien, who piloted the White Revolution during the 1960s-1980s period, and unveiled Amul, “The Taste of India”, will now be immortalised by Amar Chitra Katha (ACK), well-known publishers of children’s illustrated books on India’s rich cultural heritage and mythology. ACK Media will launch the new title, “Verghese Kurien-the Man with the ‘Billion Litre’ Idea” at a function on November 23, the 92nd birth anniversary of the legend, at the Institute of Rural Management-Anand (IRMA).
5) Three Indian writers shortlisted for $50,000 DSC Lit Prize: Three Indians are among the six authors who have been shortlisted for the $50,000 DSC Prize for South Asian Literature 2014. The shortlisted works include "The Book of Destruction" by Anand and "Goat Days" by Benyamin both fiction translated from Malayalam by Chetana Sachidanandan and Joseph Koyippalli respectively. The third is "Chronicle of a Corpse Bearer" by Cyrus Mistry. The final winner of the Prize is scheduled to be announced at the DSC Jaipur Literature Festival in January 2014.
6) Goa police filed FIR against Tarun Tejpal: Goa police on Friday filed an FIR against Tehelka Editor Tarun Tejpal, who has been accused by a woman journalist colleague of sexual assault during an event in Goa about 10 days ago.
7) Indo-American Arts Council honoured Salman Rushdie, Mira Nair: Prominent Indian-Americans — author Salman Rushdie and filmmaker Mira Nair — have been honoured here for their commitment and contributions to the global artistic community. The Indo-American Arts Council (IAAC) honoured the two along with renowned Indian-American pathologist Majula Bansal as it commemorates its 15th anniversary this year to celebrate its contributions of Indian performing, visual and literary arts to New York City’s diverse cultural scene.
8) Cyclone Helen crossed near Machilipatnam coast: Cyclone Helen crossed the coast near Machilipatnam, popularly known as Bandar, the port town which is the headquarters of Krishna district on Friday afternoon and there was widespread rainfall coupled with gales in the coastal districts, with Krishna and the two Godavaridistricts bearing the brunt.
9) T.V. Ramachandran of Vodafone awarded IET honorary fellowship: In recognition of his contribution to mobile telephony in India, T.V. Ramachandran, Resident Director Regulatory Affairs at Vodafone India has been bestowed an honorary fellowship of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
10) Sarfaesi Act most effective tool to recover bad loans: Report- Amidst rising non-performing loans, the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act (Sarfaesi Act) was the most potent tool in the hands of banks for recovering bad loans. The Sarfaesi Act empowers banks and financial institutions to recover their non-performing assets without the intervention of courts.
11) Citibank’s old headquarters in Mumbai put up for sale: Citibank has decided to put its old headquarters in Mumbai on the block and has appointed the CBRE group as its consultant. Citi Centre, an 84,000-sq-ft space in Mumbai’s prime businessdistrict Bandra-Kurla Complex, was Citi India’s headquarters until April last year. The bank had shifted to its new location First International Finance Centre about six months ago.
12) LIC to discontinue 14 policies: Country’s insurance giant Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has decided to stop selling as many as 14 policies, including Jeevan Mitra and Anmol Jeevan. Of this 14 products, LIC has already withdrawn seven policies, including Convertible Term Assurance, Children Deferred Endowment Assurance, with effect from November 16. Many of these policies are being discontinued as part of regulatory compliance, a senior official of LIC said.
13) Serena Williams earns 5th WTA player of the year award: Serena Williams was named WTA player of the year for the second year running and the fifth time overall. Since February, she's been the oldest No. 1 in WTA history. She's now 32.
Courtesy :
Recruitment of Clerks 2014 in Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd.
Recruitment of Clerks 2014 in Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd.
Friends..Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd. has invited applications for its Clerical Recruitment 2014. The details are as follows:
Posts: Recruitment of Clerks 2014
Important dates:
Opening date for Registering Online E-application: Nov 20, 2013.
Closing date for Registering Online E-application: Dec 04, 2013.
A Graduate (Arts, Commerce & Science), other than Engineering category, with minimum of 55% marks or a Post Graduate from a recognized University in regularcollege course with knowledge in Computer Operations.
An Engineering Graduate with 60% marks from a recognized University in regularcollege course with knowledge in Computer Operations.
1. Graduation from Open University and Correspondence courses are not eligible.
Maximum: For Graduates: 24 years and for Post Graduates 26 years as on Oct 31, 2013.
Relaxation for MBC / BC will be 2 years. Relaxation for SC / ST / Physically Handicapped will be 5 years.
For More details see detailed notification: Click Here
Courtesy :
Dopt Orders - Relaxation in eligibility condition for Combined Section Officers/PS Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination-2012 & 2013
Dopt Orders - Relaxation in eligibility condition for Combined Section Officers/PS Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination-2012 & 2013
No. 4/4/2012-CS-II(A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Dethi-110003.
Date: 22nd November, 2013
Date: 22nd November, 2013
Whereas the Central Secretariat Stenographers Service Private Secretary Grade (Limited Departmental Competitive Examination) Regulations, 2010 provide that for being eligible to appear in the Private Secretary Grade (Limited Departmental Competitive Examination) any regular Personal Assistant of the Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service (CSSS) possessing a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University, on the crucial date, inter-alia, should satisfy the following condition :-
He/She should have rendered not less than three years’ of approved and continuous service in the grade.
Provided that if he/she had been appointed to the Personal Assistant of the Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service on the results of the competitive
examination, including a Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, such an examination should have been held not Less than three years before the crucial date and he/she should have rendered not less than two years approved and continuous service in that grade.
examination, including a Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, such an examination should have been held not Less than three years before the crucial date and he/she should have rendered not less than two years approved and continuous service in that grade.
2. And whereas, in pursuance to the notice for the Combined Section Officers/Stenographers’ (Grade- B/Grade-I) Limited Departmental Competitive
Examination (LDCE) 2012 & 2013, representations from PAs of CSSS appointed to the grade through LDCE mode were received in this Department seeking relaxation in the eligibility criteria to appear in the Private Secretary Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2012 and 2013.
Examination (LDCE) 2012 & 2013, representations from PAs of CSSS appointed to the grade through LDCE mode were received in this Department seeking relaxation in the eligibility criteria to appear in the Private Secretary Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2012 and 2013.
3. And whereas, on examination of the representations it was observed that the LDC Examination 2009 and 2010 for promotion to the grade of PAs were conducted by the Staff Selection Commission on 5th July, 2009 and 4th July, 2010 respectively. The crucial date for counting of three years of length of service for eligibility criterion for PS Grade LDCE, 2012 and 2013 being 1st JuLy, 2012 and 1st July, 2013 respectively, the PAs appointed through LDCE mode on the basis of the said examinations are thus not eligible for appearing in the PS Grade LDCE 2012 and 2013.
4. And whereas, it was further observed that the PAs appointed to the Grade through Seniority Quota for SL Years 2009 and 2010 are eligible as per the provision for appearing in the PS grade LDC Examination 2012 and 2013 whereas the PAs of 2009 and 2010 appointed through LDCE mode do not fulfill the said eligibility criteria despite some of them being placed higher in the ranking in the Select Lists, 2009 and 2010 of PA Grade. It was noted that the said provision in eligibility criterion of the said examination unduly places the PAs who have been appointed as regular PAs through the mode of LDC Examtnation of 2009 and 2010 at disadvantage.
5. And Now, therefore, it has been decided in consultation with the UPSC, as provided under Rute 23 of the Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service Rules 2010, to give one time relaxation in the condition relating to the eligibility criterion of regular Personal Assistants appointed through LDCE, contained in the Regulation 4 (i) of Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service Private Secretary Grade (Limited Departmental Competitive Examination) Regulation, 2010, for appearing in the Private Secretary Grade LDCE, 2012 and 2013 of CSSS. Consequently regular PAs of CSSS appointed through the results of LDCE for the years 2009 and 2010 will be eligible to appear in the Combined Section Officers/Stenographers’ (Grade-B/Grade-I) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2012 & 2013 (Category —IV, PS Grade of CSSS) respectively to be conducted by UPSC.
(Vandana Sharma)
(Vandana Sharma)