SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR’S CASE - referred to the Cadre Restructuring Committee
Please see the JCM (DC) Standing Committee Minutes in our Website published last week. Entire issues of System Administrators raised by us in the PJCA Memorandum referred to the Cadre restructuring committee. It will be discussed in that committee. Hence the item is not discussed in PJCA meeting.
= M. Krishnan, S/G NFPE
Source :
No. 8/4/2013-SR
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & I.T.
Department of Posts
(SR Section)
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi, dated the 16th September, 2013
Minutes of the meeting held on 02/08/2013 in the Committee Room, Dak Bhavan under the chairpersonship of Secretary (Posts) to discuss the issues raised by the PJCA.
Kindly find enclosed the minutes of the meeting held on 02/08/2013 in the Committee Room, Dak Bhavan under the chairpersonship of Secretary (Posts) to discuss the issues raised by the PJCA, for necessary action at your end. Action Taken Report may be sent to this office at the earliest.
(Arun Malik)
Director (SR)
Official Side:-
1.Shri S.K. Sinha, CGM (MB&O) 2. Ms. Saroj Punhani, JS & FA
3.Shri Alok Saxena, Secretary (PSB) 4. Shri Vasumitra, DDG (PO)
5.Shri V.K. Tiwary, DDG (R&P) 6. Shri Anil Kumar, DDG (Estt)
7.Shri V.P. Singh, DDG(P) 8. Shri Rajneesh Kumar, DDG (PAF)
9.Shri Rakesh Kumar, Director (Estt) 10.Shri Aman Sharma, OSD to Secretary (Posts)
11. Shri Raj Kumar, Director (Staff) 12.Shri V.C. Kajla, Consultant
Staff Side:-
1. Shri M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE 2. Shri D. Theagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO2. 2. Shri Giri Raj Singh, General Secretary, All India RMS & MMS Employees Union. 3.Shri I.S. Dabas, General Secretary, A.I. Postal Emp. Union, Mailguards & Gr. D / MTS.4. Shri P. Suresh, General Secretary, A.I. RMS & MMS Emp. Union, Mailguards and Grade ‘D’ / MTS.5.Shri T. Satyanarayana, Gen. Secy. A.I. Postal Accounts Emp. Association.6. Shri T.N. Rahate, Gen. Secy. National Union of Postal Employees, Post & Gr. D / MTS CHQ.7. Shri P. Panduranga Rao. 8. Shri Pranab Bhattarcharjee, Gen. Secy. All India Postal Administrative Offices Emp. Union Gr. C & D.9. Shri R. Siva Narayan.10. Shri G.P. Muthu Krishnan. 11. Shri O.P. Khanna, Gen. Secretary, A.I. Postal Administrative Office Association.
12. Shri P.K. Gupta. 13. Shri Devender Kumar.
No. 8/4/2013-SR
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & I.T.
Department of Posts
(SR Section)
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi, Dated the 16th September, 2013
A meeting was held on 02/08/2013 in the Committee Room, Dak Bhavan under the chairpersonship of Secretary (Posts) to discuss the issues raised by the PJCA in the Memorandum submitted by them on 01/04/2013. A list of participants is annexed.
Secretary (PSB) welcomed the participants and thereafter the discussions on the agenda items commenced. After deliberations the following decisions were taken:
Agenda Item
Decision taken
Issues relating to Gramin Dak Sevaks
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a. Enhancement of Bonus ceiling –
In the matter of enhancement of Bonus ceiling to 3500/- of Gramin Dak Sevaks, it was assured that another attempt will be made to get the approval of the Finance Ministry. It was informed that the file has already been submitted to Finance Ministry with the favourable recommendations of the Postal Board and Minister, Communications.
The proposal has been approved by Department of Expenditure on 21/08/2013. The matter is now being placed before the Cabinet for approval.
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b. Revision of Cash handling norms-
On the issue of withdrawal of upward change in cash handling norms etc., it was assured that the entire issue will be re-examined. A DDG level committee was also constituted. Minister of State for communications has also assured the staff side that needful will be done in this case.
Data is being collected from all circles regarding financial implications in case the cash handling norms are revised. Circles are being addressed to expedite response. The proposal will be examined after the requisite data is collected.
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c. Ensuring no reduction of TRCA under any circumstances –
It was assured by Minister of State for communications that orders for full
protection of TRCA will be issued. But, in the orders issued by the Directorate, protection is given for one year only and thereafter if workload is not increased TRCA will be reduced without any protection. As per the earlier orders protection was given up to the maximum of the lower TRCA even if workload is reduced. As per the new order after one year there will be no protection at all. When workload is reduced due to circumstances beyond the Control of the GDS, reducing the TRCA is quite unjustified and inhuman.
The remuneration of the GDS and the policy relating to the same is reviewed every ten years in consonance with the Pay Commission by a committee and accepted by the
Finance Ministry and Cabinet for implementation. The policy governing remuneration of GDS is related to work load. If work load increases TRCA is enhanced. On a similar analogy if work load reduces, there is an impact on TRCA. Protection provided for GDS / BPMs for a period of one year is a welfare oriented instruction guiding GDS to increase his work load during the one year period. A fresh establishment review will be done for such post offices at the end of this one year period, which will end in October this year and a number of such offices identified and a decision will be taken.
Secretary (Posts) urged the staff side to convince GDS to make efforts to increase the business which in turn will enhance the workload with consequent rise in TRCA or maintenance of TRCA at the same level.
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d. Removal of minimum 50 points conditions for GDS Compassionate appointment
The data reveals that present norms have yielded compassionate engagement to an extent around 30% - 35% of the cases which is much more than the regular departmental employees who are getting only 5% as per DOPT guidelines based on the Hon’ble Supreme Court judgement, which have restricted compassionate appointment to a maximum of 5% of the total appointment in Government service. The point system cannot be relaxed further to enhance the compassionate appointment cases as it is presently much more than the Supreme Court judgement norms.
Item closed.
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e. Redeployment of GDS mailman posts in new areas
The PJCA has accepted that this is a dying cadre. Therefore, the work that was hitherto being performed by GDS MM will be reflected in the future Establishment of Mail as per justification.
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f. Review of cash conveyance allowance – Monthly ceiling of Rs.50/- to be removed.
Details will be ascertained from circles to know the average expenditure incurred every month by GDS / BPMs. Proposal will be reviewed thereafter, so as to ensure that they are adequately compensated to cover cost.
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g. Introduction of Health Scheme
The proposal for GDS health insurance scheme is under active consideration by Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure.
On 21/08/2013 Secretary (Posts) has demi officially addressed Secretary (Expenditure) to expedite the approval.
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h. Norms for RPLI
GDS BPMs are already being given incentive on RPLI @ 10% of the first year premium towards RPLI policies and 2.5% of the renewal premium income collected by RPLI. No further revision is necessary at this stage.
Item closed.
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i. Providing norms for cash remittance from BO to AO & Vice Versa
The reply sent by Director (SR) vide letter No.8-4/2013-SR dated 22/04/2013 stands withdrawn.
A committee has been formed to look into this issue. The proposal “norms for cash remittance from BO to AO – vice-versa”- will be examined on receipt of report of the committee.
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Immediate finalization of Cadre Restructuring:
After the narration discussion on the problems put forth in the strike charter on 10.01.2012 & 12.01.2012, Secretary, Deptt. of Posts, has assured both orally and also in the minutes, Inter alia;
“As recorded in the minutes of the meeting held on 27.12.2011, the proposal is under consideration of a committee under the Chairpersonship of DDG(P). The Staff side expressed their concern about the undue delay in finalization of the proposal on which the Secretary Posts, desired finalization of this process by 31st March, 2012. It was assured that the timelines would be adhered to”. As regards
restructuring of Postal Accounts officials, it was informed that the proposal was cleared by the JS&FS and stands referred to the Secretary (Posts). It was also decided to have a separate Committee under the Chairpersonship of Ms. Sandhya Rani, PMG (BD) Andhra Pradesh Circle to consider Cadre Restructuring of MMS Staff. The Committee will submit its report within three months from the date of formation.”
Again in the Minutes of the discussion held with the staff side on 21.05.2012, it is further assured as follows:
“It was decided to formulate a proposal of 30th June 2012 for further examination in consultation with the nodal Ministries. Regarding cadre restricting of Postal Accounts it was assured that the matter will be pursued further with Postal Accounts wing and Establishment Division and the PJCA will be kept appraised of the progress in the regard.”
Again during the JCM, Departmental Council standing Committee meeting held on 18.12.2012 and JCM(DC) Meeting held on 28.12.2012 it was assured as follows:
“It was informed that the report of the committee is under consideration. Proposal will be formulated by the Department. However, one round of talks with JCM Members will be held before the proposal is firmed up.”
At one stage, the staff side has made it clear that if the Department goes on dragging the cadre restructuring issue indefinitely, the staff side will be forced to non-cooperate with the IT Modernization project.
It was repeatedly assured that the cadre restructuring will not be linked with the IT Modernization Project. But still the proposals are not finalized. No meeting of the Cadre Restructuring Committee by the Postal Board was held during the last one year. The undue and unwarranted delay is causing concern and also strong resentment among the employees.
The Cadre Restructuring Committee is being reconstituted.
Current Status / Postscript
The Cadre Restructuring Committee has been reconstituted under the Chairmanship of DDG (P).
Sandhya Rani Committee report on organizational restructure of MMS is under consideration.
The report of “cadre restructuring of Postal Accounts” has been approved by FA and has been referred to Ministry of Finance.
Revision of wages of casual labourers and their absorption:
In the minutes of the discussion held with the staff side on 10.01.2012 & 12.01.2012, the Secretary (Posts) has assured as follows:
“The Staff side was appraised that a Committee had been constituted under the Chairpersonship of CPMG Assam circle to look into the issues pertaining to Casual Labourers and it is likely to submit its report shortly. The Staff side expressed its concern over the delay in the decision. Regarding the union’s request for revised minimum wages w.e.f. 01.01.2006, the matter will be examined on priority.”
Again in the minutes of the discussion held on 21.05.2012, it was further assured that_________
“A Comprehensive proposal on the matter of Casual labourers will be formulated by 30th June, 2012”.
In spite of these repeated assurances the payment of pro-rate wages to the law-paid casual laborers w.e.f. 01.01.2006 has not taken place causing inordinate delay in payment of minimum wages to those poor employees.
The committee of field officers under the chairmanship of Shri Vishvapavan Pati, PMG, Hyderabad Region has been constituted to suggest the manner in which the report of the Monojit Kumar Committee can be implemented. On receipt of findings of this committee, final view will be taken in consultation with nodal Departments.
Issuing orders on the items finalized by the Postmen Committee and also follow up action on certain items to be referred to work study unit.
a. Follow up action on certain in item of the Postmen Committee constituted by the Postal Board is yet to be completed, i.e.: maximum beat length, unscientific resorting to single Postmen beats, Double duty, correction in the definition of the Congested area etc.
b. In spite of clear orders issued by the Directorate for filling up of Postmen & MTS Vacancies for the year 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012, in certain circles (Eg. Andhra Pradesh) the examination for promotion to Postmen and MTS is not yet completed.
A separate meeting has been convened on 02/08/2013 under the chairmanship of Member (P), with Secretaries General of NFPE & FNPO and General Secretaries of Postmen unions and separate minutes issued.
All Circles have initiated action for announcing vacancy of postmen and action for filling up the posts is ongoing.
Abnormal delay in notifying HSG-I Recruitment Rules
The finalization of revised HSG-I Recruitment rules is being delayed on one pretext or the other. This is pending over five years. 100% of HSG I Posts are lying vacant and are being managed by officiating arrangements without any financial benefits. Due to the delay in finalizing HSG I Recruitment Rules, Carving out of Postmaster Grade III is also delayed. It is most unfortunate that orders have been issued by the Directorate not to fill up the HSG I Vacancies as per the old r3ecruitment rules. At least this would have been caused to fill up the vacancies.
It has defeated the very purpose of matching savings offered to the extent of 680 PA Posts for availing HSG I Promotion and it is highly deplorable. Necessary action may please be taken to finalise the HSG-I Recruitment Rules or at least to fill all the vacant posts forthwith besides carving out of Postmaster Grade III Posts as per the existing HSG I Recruitment Rules.
In view of the observations of UPSC, file regarding RRs for HSG I has been referred back to DOPT. The vacancies are being filled by the circles as per provisions of the existing Rules by convening DPC meetings.
Abnormal delay in filling up of vacant LSG, HSG II and HSG-I vacancies due to non-holding of DPCs in many circles.
In many circles, the regular DPC to LSG has not been convened. Many LSG Posts are being kept vacant resultantly causing a heavy shortage in PA Cadre due to their officiating. Further the delay caused non-filling up of HSG-II Post due to inadequacies in the eligible candidates in LSG Cadre. In many circles, HSG-II DPC has also not been convened and many of the HSG-II Posts could not be filled up on a regular basis due to the officiating of the incumbents in the vacant HSG I Posts.
In nutshell all the higher posts are being managed only with the officiating or adhoc arrangements causing non filling up of basis PA Posts and denying and depriving the due promotional chances to the eligible candidates.
It is therefore requested to cause appropriate orders to convene DPC and fill up all the vacant LSG & HSG II posts immediately by prescribing time schedule.
Meeting will be convened under the chairmanship of Member (P) to examine individual cases of non-filling of vacant posts. The matter will be taken up with respective CPMGs for immediate action.
Problems of Postmaster Cadre Officials
(i) Allowing Postmaster Cadre officials to appear for IP and PSS Group B Examination.
(ii) Orders permitting the Postmaster Cadre official to officiate in HSG-I vacancies and earmarked Postmaster Grade III Posts.
(iii) Allow PO & RMS Accounts cadre official to opt for Postmaster cadre.
(iv) Filling up the Postmaster Grade-III posts by granting promotion to Grade-II officials and also by option from HSG-I officials after filling up all HSG-I Posts.
(v) Filling up of all vacant Grade-II and Grade III posts promoting the Postmaster cadre official relaxing the minimum service condition.
(vi) Filling up 100% Senior Postmaster/Chief Postmaster posts which are earmarked for Postmaster cadre by Postmaster Cadre officials alone declaring it as a hierarchical promotion cadre of Postmaster Cadre.
(vii) Delay in holding LSG, HSG II and HSG – I DPCs and thereby denying the chance for giving option to Postmaster Grade – I, II & III to eligible officials.
(viii) Maintenance of up to date separate gradation list for PM Cadre officials.
In the minutes of the discussion held on 21.05.2012 the Secretary (Posts) has assured as follows:
“The issues were discussed at length and it was decided to review it after sometime keeping in view the merits and demerits of the proposal as well as the response of the officials for Postmaster Cadre”.
The minutes did not reflect the real spirit of discussion as it was assured to consider favourably the above items after long discussion. However, it is high time to review the above cases and settle favourably. The entire Postmaster Cadre officials are totally frustrated and disappointed due to the negative attitude of the administration towards them.
Meeting will be convened under the chairmanship of Member (P) to consider these proposals and minutes will be issued separately.
Problems of System Administrators
In the minutes of the Departmental Council JCM Standing Committee dated 02.02.2012 (communicated in letter dated 06.06.2012) for the 15 items pertaining to system Administrators including creation of separate cadre, it is furnished as follows:
“The issue is under the consideration of the cadre Restructuring Committee constituted under the chairmanship of DDG(P) vide Department’s office memo no.01/04/2010-SR dated 05.05.2011”
Finalization of the proposal by the Cadre Restructuring Committee is being delayed indefinitely. Recently, during the demonstration of IT Modernization Project, the staff side has repeatedly requested the Member (Technology) to create a separate cadre and absorb all the existing SAs as a onetime measure in the new cadre. Unfortunately no commitment was given regarding the creation of new cadre, except the assurance that the services of the existing system Administrators will be utilized in future also. It is high time to end the present uncertainty by creating a separate cadre for system Administrators.
After deliberations, the PJCA agreed to drop this item.
Implementation of speed Post hubs and L1, L2 Systems
The High Power Committee appointed to discuss the issues under the Chairpersonship of then Secretary, Department of Posts assured the following before implementation of MNJOP proposals.
(i) There will be no shifting of staff from L1 office to L2 office vice versa for three years.
(ii) Irregular or wrong identification of L1 office will be changed after discussion with the staff side.
But to our dismay both the promises were not kept. There is a complete violation and deviation of assurances. Further, even though directorate has issued instruction to the Chief PMGs regarding change of administrative jurisdiction of speed post hubs, certain Chief PMGs have not yet implemented it and still some of the speed post hubs are co0ntinuing under the administrative jurisdiction of postal superintendent.
Further, CRC & Speed post norms have been finalized without any consultation with staff side. The impracticable norms have been imposed upon violating the earlier decision and agreements on the subject.
Meeting will be convened with PJCA under the chairpersonship of Member (Operations) and minutes will be issued separately.
MACP Related issues
The implementation of the Jodhpur CAT Judgement, i.e. non-counting of promotions acquired from one cadre to other through examination for MACP, Granting of MACP counting the total service rendered in each cadre etc has not been implemented resulting deprival of dues to the senior most promotes in the Department of Posts. This may kindly be considered.
This item will be discussed in a meeting to be convened under the chairmanship of Member (P) and the minutes will be issued separately.
Problems of APM Accounts/Accountants
The following demands in respect of PO & RMS Accountants have not been considered yet causing resentment and displeasure amidst the qualified hands.
(i) Proportionate distribution of APM Accounts posts among LSG, HSG 11 and HSG-1
(ii) Counting special allowance for pay fixation benefits to PO & RMS Accountants on promotion. Implementation of Karnataka High Court order not only for a specific period but also till the withdrawal of the TBOP/BCR Schemes in true spirit. The special allowance should be taken for pay fixation up to 31.08.2008 for TBOP/BCR officials.
(iii) Date of passing Accounts exam may be taken as the criteria for counting seniority for promotion, since no amendment has so far been issued to the statutory rules. Further the earlier passing of examination will have no relevance in future.
This item will be discussed in a meeting to be convened under the chairmanship of Member (P) and the minutes will be issued separately.
Filling up of all vacant posts
Even though Government of India has lifted ban on filling up of posts from 2009 onwards, and the Directorate has given repeated instructions to fill up all direct recruitment as well as promotional quota of vacancies up to 2012, in many circles posts are remaining unfilled. Similarly in Postal Accounts much delay in taking place in filling up of posts due to delay in finalization of the Recruitment process by staff selection commission. Action may be taken to fill up all vacant posts from 2009 onwards on top priority basis as the staff are reeling under the pressure of workload which in turn affects the efficiency of the services rendered by the Department of Posts.
In conclusion, we hope that all the above issues will be given top most priority and the Hon’ble Secretary, Department of Posts, shall come forward for a negotiated settlement with the staff side in a time bound manner.
Postal Directorate has taken action to fill up DR Postal Assistant posts for years 2009 and 2010. 11,738 PAs / SAs DR quota vacancies have been filled up.
Examination for 4841 vacancies for the years 2011 and 2012 for PA / SA DR quota, has recently been held and result has been declared. The selected candidates will join their position on completion of pre-appointment formalities.
Non settlement of agreed items placed the Departmental Council (JCM)
Most of the issues agreed in the last Departmental Council meeting held on 28.12.2012 have not been processed further. Many of them remain as it is. There is no serious action taken in mitigating the issues put forth in the departmental council meeting.
Pending items will be discussed in the JCM (Standing Committee meeting).
Additional item submitted by PJCA:-
While conducting promotional cum competitive exams from GDS to MTS, GDS and MTS to Postman cadre we are in receipt of several complaints from the examinees that the examination papers for the relevant examinations were very tough. We tried to convince the Administration to set examination paper in liberal comprehensive manner with the intention that since the aspiring examinees are already in touch in the routine work and they are not required to face with complicated and extraneous nature of work and also to cut down the delay in recruitment process. However, the Directorate has stuck up to its own decision that the above mentioned examinations are competitive and not promotional, liberalization could not be considered. Due to the said decision by the Directorate it will be difficult to Department to hardly get 2 to 5% employees to fill up the vacancies earmarked from GDS to MTS for the designated job and the volume of vacancies will remain unfilled every year. It is once again requested to simplify the questions.
A Committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of DDG (R&P) to examine the contents of Question Papers with reference to prescribed syllabus and submit a report on the standard vis-a-vis the post for which examination is being conducted and post which is appearing for the examination.
Macrorit Disk Partition Expert: Free Disk Management Software for Windows
Macrorit Disk Partition Expert is a new powerful disk management software with a lot of options. Like any other Disk management software Macrorit Disk Partition Expert also has the ability to extend partition, especially for the system drive. The main reason to extend the partition is to avoid low disk space problem. While many may prefer to use the in-built Disk Management Tool, there are some who may want to use a third party disk management software offering more features. Macrorit Disk Partition Expert is the new kid on the block!
Macrorit Disk Partition Expert
Some of the main features of Macrorit Disk Partition Expert are: Resize/Move, Create, Delete, Format, Set Active, Hide/Unhide, Change Label, Change Drive Letter, Explore, View Props, Check, Defragment, wipe, Surface test. Macrorit Disk Partition Expert also claims to have an unprecedented fast working speed. It claims to have the best datamovingalgorithm which is 300% faster than other partition software with least CPU resources.
With Macrorit Disk Partition Expert you can delete, move or shrink partition without losing any data. It’s very easy to do it. What you need to do is first select the drive you want to resize and right-click, then select Move/Resize. Once you do that you’ll get a pop up Window with options to resize the drive. It’s pretty neat and easy to do.
Macrorit Disk Partition Expert has the option to check for bad sectors also. If you need to scan your disk with a custom check range, click the button “Scan area” to choose the check range. Then click on Start now to start the scan. You also have the option to Automatic shutdown after scan which is the recommended way if you are running it overnight.
Then another option is called Wipe Disk where you can wipe the whole drive with a variety of options such as :
- Full sectors with zero
- Full sectors with one
- Full sectors with zero&one
- DoD 5220.22-M
- DoD 5220.28-STD
Macrorit Disk Partition Expert can also Convert GPT disk to MBR disk without data loss and vice versa, but remember it can’t do it for the system drive. It also supports disk larger than 2TB, support 1024 sector size.
It is different form the other disk management software as it includes the following features:
- Fast working speed: Obtain the best data movingalgorithm, 300% faster than other partition software with least CPU resource.
- Flexible task process control: Any operation can be canceled anytime under Windows platform.
- Power-off data protection: Protect your most important enterprise or personal data all the time even in power shortage situation.
- Zero fragmentations guaranteed: Maximum OS performance based on the automatically disk fragmentations during the resize and move partition process.
To conclude, there are plenty of options in Macrorit Disk Partition Expert. It is ease to use, and you don’t have to be an IT pro to manipulate the drive. Best of all, the whole program setup is less than 4MB and it installs very fast. If you are looking for a free partition manager for your Windows, then you can consider Macrorit Disk Partition Expert.
Unfortunately, there is no direct link on the home website, you have to download it from CNET. So when you visit the page, remember to click on the Direct Download link and NOT the Download Now CNET Installer.
UPDATE: Here is the direct download link from the website.
A real view of Indian Postal Department
Total Number of Postal Circles
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Total Number of Postal Regions
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Total Number of Postal Divisions
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Total Number of Circle Stamp Depots
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Total Number of Postal Store Depots
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Total Number of Postal Training Centers
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Total Number of post offices in the Country
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Total Number of post offices in Rural Areas
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Total Number of post offices in Urban Areas
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Number of Head Post Offices
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Number of Sub-post offices
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Total Number of GPO
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Courtesy :
Solved Questions - LGO Exam held on dated 15.09.2013
Published by : & |
1 Rs 675 amount to Rs 837 in four years at simple interest . If the interest rate is decreased by 2 % then amount will be
A 729 b 753 c 763 d 783
S I for four years 837-675= 162
Actual interest rate is 6 % if 2 % is decreased ie 4 %
Then amount is 783/-
2 What least number which must be added to 1056 so that the sum is completely divisible by 23?
A 3 b 18 c 2 d 21
23) 1056 (45
Required number = (23 - 21)
= 2.
Answer c 2
3 In a school with 600 students , the average age of the boys is 12 years and that of girls is 11 years . if the average age of the school is 11 years and 9 months then the number of girls in the school is
A 450 b 250 c 150 d 350
Let the number of Girls be X Then number of boys = (600-x)
(11 4/3 * 600 )= 11 x 12 (600-x)
X=7200-7050 =150
Answer c 150
4 Ram bought a cycle and sold it for Rs 4550 which is 30 % more than this original price . What is the original price of the cycle
A 3500/- b 3800/- c 3600/= d 3400/-
Let cost price (C.P.) = 100.
Profit = 30 %. Selling price (S.P.) = (100 + 30) = 130. If selling price (S.P.) is 130, then cost price (C.P.) is 100. If selling price (S.P.) is 1, then cost price (C.P.) is $ (100/130). If selling price (S.P.) is 4550, then cost price (C.P.) is (100 /130 × 4550) = 3500Answer A 3500/- |
5 Rahim sales a cow at a loss of 15 % . if he has sold it for Rs 150 more than he would have made a profit of 10 % . Cost price of the cow was
A 660 b 600 c 575 d None of these
None of these
6 There are some parrots and some tigers in a forest . if the total number of animal heads in the forest are 858 and total number of animal legs are 1746 . What is the number of parrots in the forest
A 843 b 847 c 800 d None of these
Let the no of parrots is assumed as X
Total number of animals = 858
Total tigers = 858-x
Total legs = 2x=4(858-x)=1746
Answer a 843
7 LCM of 36 , 45,52, 108 and 236 is a
A 414180 b 480414 c 441180 d none of these
36 = 2*2*3*3*
45 = 3*3*5 52 = 2*2*13 108 = 2*2*3*3*3* 236 = 2*2*59 Therefore, L.C.M of 36, 45, 52, 108, 236 = 2*2*3*3*3*5*13*59 = 414180
Answer a 414180
8 Salaries of Akash , Babloo and chintu are in the ratio of 2:3:5 . If their salaries were increased by 15 % , 10 % and 20 % respectively
What will be the new ratio of their salaries
A 3:3:10 B 23:33:60 C 20:22:40 D None of these
Let Akash = 2 Babloo = 3 and Chintu = 5
Then 100/115=2 = 23/10
100/110=3 = 33/10
120/100=5= 6
Then new ratio is 23/10 :33/10: 6 = 23:33:60
Answer b 23:33:60
9 A man earns Rs 20 on the first day and spends Rs 15 on the next day . He again earns rs 20 on the third day and spends rs 15 on the fourth day . if he continues to save like how soon will have Rs 60 in hand
A on 30 the day b On 40th Day c On 27th Day D On 17th day
Explanation: Money earned in 2 days = Rs.(20 - 15)
= Rs. 15. Money earned in 16 days = Rs.(5/2 x 16) ‹=›Rs. 40. On 17th day, money in hand = Rs.(40 + 20 ) = Rs. 60.
Answer d 17th Day
10 Ajay can do a piece of work in 25 days and Sanjay can finish it in 20 days . They work together for 5 days and Ajay goes away . In how many days will Sanjay finish the remaining work
A 11 days b 12 days c 14 days d None of these
Answer a
11 The decimal representation of a rational number is
A Always terminating b Either terminating or repeating c Either terminating or non repeating
Answer b
12 A hemispherical bowl of internal radius 9 cm contains a liquid , The liquid is to be filled into cylindrical shaped small bottles of diameter 3 cm and height 4 cm . How many bottles will be needed to empty the bowl
A 45 b 54 c 35 d 48
Radius of hemisphere= 9 cm
volume of hemisphere= 2/3 π r3
= 2/3 x9x9x9 π
= 486 π
radius of cylindrical shaped bottles= 3/2 cm
height= 4 cm
volume of bottles= π r2h
= 3/2x 3/2 x 4 π
=9 π
Reaquired no. of bottles= volume of hemisphere/ volume of bottles
. =486 π/9π
. =54
Hence, no. of bottles required to empty the bowl = 54
Answer b 54
13 If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 200 % and the denominator is increased by 300 % the resultant fraction is 6/11 . What was the original fraction .
A 5/11 b 7/11 . c 8/13 d 8/11
If numerator increase 200 % then Numerator will be x+2x =3x
and denominator increased by 300% means denominator will be y = 3y =4y new fraction will be 3x/4y =6/66 (g
3x/4y = 6/11
dividing numerator by 3 and denominator by 4 both side we will get x/y =6/3/11/4 x/y=6x4/11x3 x/y =24/33 x/y =8/11 Answer d 8/11 |
14 If the ratio of areas of two squares is 9:1 the ratio of perimeter is
A 3:1 b 1:2 c 3:2 d None of these
15 40 Laourers can handle a task of debri clearance in 7 days . if 5 % of the labourers leave after 2 days . What is the total number of days the task will take
A 5 5/19 b 5 ½ c 5 7/8 d 5 8/19
16 If eggs are bought at 10 for Rs 8 and sold at 4 for Rs 5 the business result in
A 50 % loss b 56 1/3 % gain c 51 % gain d 56 ¼ % gain
Answer 56 ¼ % gain
17 A fruit seller buys lemons at 2 for a rupees. His gain percent is
A 10 % b 15 % c 20 % d 25 %
Answer 20 %
18 A car is moving with a speed of 36 km/h . How much time in seconds it will take to cross a 500 m long bridge .
A 40 b 45 c 50 d 55
19 Two cars start from the same point at 8 am . In the same direction . The speed of the first car is 60 km/h and the speed of second car is 55 km/h . The distance between them at 2 p. m on the same day is
A 20 km b 25 km c 28 km d 30 km
Answer b 25 KM
20 The distance between two cities A and B is 520 km . One car starts from city A towards city B with the speed of 60 km/h. At the same time another car starts from city B towards city A with a speed of 70 km/h . After how many hours they will cross each other
A 3 hours b 4 Hours d 5 hours d 6 hours
21 A car towards 90 km in first hour , 60 Km in second hour and 43 km in third hour . The average speed of the car is
A 43 KM/h b 50 KM/h c 51 KM/h 55 KM/h
22 A car travels a distance of 150 km in a hours and next 242 km in 4 hours . The average speed of car for complete journey
A 50 km/h b 55.25 km/h c 56 km/h d 58 km/h
23 If the diagonals of a rhombus are of measure 12 cm and 16 cm . then this measure of its side is
A 10 cm b 20 cm c 15 cm d 96 cm
12/2 cm = 6 cm and 16/2 cm = 8 cm long.
Answer a 10 cm
24 A watch was sold at a profit of 15 % . If its cost had been 5 % less and it had been sold for Rs 21 less , then the profit would have been 10 % . Find the cost price of the watch \
A 200 b 400 c 190 d None of these
None of these
25 60 % of the students in a school are boys . if the number of girls in the school is 300. Then the number of boys is
A 500 b 300 c 450 d 750
If 60% are boys, then 40% must make up the girls.
Let x = total number of students
then .40x = 300 x = 300/.40= 7.5*100=750
Total no of boys 450
Answer c 450
Prepared by s jayachandran , System Administrator , Mavelikara Head Post office , 690101
Negative List Updation Patch - Updated upto 31/08/2013
The file 'NL_20130831.exe' should be copied to DBAnalyzer folder and executed after completion of day's transactions. This will update the negative list in Sanchay Post upto 31/08/2013. (Corrections received upto 11/09/2013).In addition to Negative List, updations relating to PINCODE details are also done in the database. Hence, execution of this patch will take longer than the usual updation time. System Administrators should ensure that the server is not switched off till successful execution of the patch.To confirm updation, use 'DBAnalyzer> Database Discrepancies> NSC > Details of negative list updation' option.
Employment opportunity in South Central Railway - Last date to apply 30.9.2013
South Central Railway offers through Railway Recruitment Cell for the posts Trackman, Helpers and Assistant Points man. 560 is the total number of vacancies are available and the last date to apply for the posts will be fixed on 30.9.2013. The period is extended to the candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagatand, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti districts and Parigi Sub-division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh and Andaman & Nicobar, lakshadweep Islands upto 15.10.2013.
MINIMUM EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates should possess qualification of pass in 10th or ITI or equivalent. Candidates who are appearing or awaiting
results of the final examInations of 10th/ITI or equivalent on the date of application are not eligible to apply.
results of the final examInations of 10th/ITI or equivalent on the date of application are not eligible to apply.
AGE LIMIT:The normal age (In completed years) for the recruitment is 18-33 years reckoned as on 01.01.2014.
The upper age limit is relaxable for the following specified categories to the extent indicated below.
By 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST communities.
By 3 years for candidates belonging to OBC communities.
By 5 years to candidates who have originaIly been domiciled in the State of Jammu & kashmir during the period from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989.
For Persons with Disabilities (PWD) — 10 years for UR, 13 years for OBC and 15 years for SC/ST candidates.
For the serving Railway Staff, the relaxation in upper age limits will be up to 40 years for Unreserved candidates, 45 years for SC/ST candidates and 43 years for OBC candidates, provided they have put in a minimum of 3 years service (continuous or in broken spells).
For those working in Quasi-Administrative offices of the Railway organization, the relaxation will be up to the length of service rendered subject to maximum 5 years.
Upper age limit in case of widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from the husband but not remarried shall be relaxed up to 35 years for Unreserved, 38 years for OBC and 40 years for SC/ST candidates.
The upper age limit in case of course completed Act Apprentices applying for the posts whose minimum qualification is Course completed Act apprenticeship shall be relaxed to the extent of apprentice training undergone by thorn under the Apprenticeship Act 1961.
For Ex-servicemen upto the extent of service rendered in defence plus 3 years provided they have put in more than 6 months service after attestation.
Appointment on Compassionate Ground in Railways questioned in Lok Sabha
ANSWERED ON 22.08.2013
Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state:-
(a) the total number of applications for appointment on compassionate ground pending with theRailways as on date, zone-wise;
(b) the reasons therefor and the time by which these are likely to be disposed of;
(c) whether the Railways have made provisions of such appointment for the dependents of Group-D employees seeking voluntary retirement;
(d) if so, the details and the present status thereof; and
(e) the steps taken/being taken by the Railways to expedite the process of such appointments to the kins of those who lost their lives while in service?
(a) and (b): The information is being collected and will be laid on the Table of the House.
(c) to (e): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.
(c): No, Madam. Compassionate appointment is admissible only in cases of Railway employees dying in harness or those who retire on medical grounds.
(d): Does not arise.
(e): Each and every case of compassionate appointment is dealt with and disposed expeditiously to save the family of the ex-employee from any hardship. With a view to expedite appointment on compassionate ground the following steps have been taken:
(i) Welfare Inspectors are deputed to contact the family members and to conduct enquiry into the details as soon as the applications are made.
(ii) Constant monitoring is done by Divisional Personnel Officers/Senior Divisional Personnel Officers at the Divisional level and by Chief Personnel Officers at the Head Quarter level and also by the Heads of Personnel Branch in other units.
(iii) Selections for determining the suitability of the applicants are conducted regularly.
(iv) Compassionate appointment Adalats are also held periodically to settle the grievances regarding appointment on compassionate grounds.
(v) The position regarding compassionate appointment is also reviewed by the Railway Board regularly.
Expected DA from Jan 2014 – Rates of Children Education Allowance may be revised again…!
All Central Govt Employees and Pensioners are expecting to hear the announcement of hike in the Dearness allowance by 10% from July 2013.
The Union Cabinet Committee may take the agenda point for approval on DA in the next meeting, which will be held on 19.9.2013 (Thursday).
Following the approval on DA, the total DA will go upto 90% and the DA may cross 100% very soon..!
As per the recommendations of 6th CPC, particular allowances will be increased by 25% every time the Dearness allowance payable on revised pay scales goes up by 50%. Therefore, once again the allowances, including Children Education Allowance will be increased by 25%, when the DA crosses 100%.
There is a slight confusion in the calculation of 25% in increasing Children Education Allowance from Rs.1000 or Rs.1250. Ofcourse, there is lot of time to discuss and decide the calculation factor..!
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