View of P & T Co-operative Society Nellore general body meeting
Employment News : Vacancies in Clerical Cadre - Direct Recruitment quota
RBE No-74 /2013.
No. E (NG)-II/91/RR-1/20
New Delhi, Dated 29.7.2013
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units, CORE/AlIahabad,
MTP/Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, CAO (R), DMW/Patiala, COFMOW/New Delhi,
Director General, RDSO/Lucknow, RSC/Vadora,
Director, IRISE/Secundrabad, IRICEN/Pune, IRIEEN/Nasik &
IRJM&EE/Jamalpur and Chairmen/Railway Recruitment Boards.
Managing Director/Konkan Railway Corporation Limited.
Attention is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 15.6.2010 (RBE No.88/2010) on the above subject, where in instructions had been issued for extending the currency of instructions contained in RBE No.210/1991 pertaining to freezing of 25% of the vacancies falling within the direct recruitment quota in the category of Clerks in Pay Band-I of Rs.5200-20200 (Grade Pay: Rs.1900) and in Senior Clerks in Pay Band-I of Rs.5200-20200 (Grade Pay: Rs.2800) and 20% in the category of Junior Accounts Assistant in Pay Rand-I of Rs.5200-20200 (Grade pay: Rs.2800) and Accounts Clerk in Pay Band-I of Rs.5200-20200 (Grade Pay : Rs.1900). The question of continuance of the above freeze orders has been considered by the Board and it has been decided to extend the currency of the instructions mentioned for a further period up to 31.12.2013. Rest of the vacancies may be filled up after reviewing the requirement of clerical staff.
2. In this regard, Board also desire that the Railways and Production Units should furnish information regarding the sanctioned strength of Junior Clerk, Senior Clerk, Junior Accounts Assistant and Accounts Clerk as on 1.4.92 and as on 1.1.2013 as well as their views with respect to continuance or otherwise of such a freeze order for future in the said categories of staff.
3. The instructions will be effective from the date of expiry of earlier freeze order i.e.01.01.2013.
4. It has also come to the notice of this Ministry that the instructions on this freeze order is being interpreted by certain railway establishments in the manner as if there is total ban to till up the posts in question. It is clarified that these instructions only limit percentage of recruitment and should not be construed as complete ban. Remaining posts may, therefore, be filled up by the Railways in terms of instructions on the subject.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(Hindi version will follow.)
(Harsha Dass)
Director Estt. (N) -II
Railway Board
Source :
Postal JCA meeting with Secretary, Department of Posts on
Today JCA leaders had a meeting with Ms.P.Gopinath,Secretary, Posts and Members of Postal Services Board along with other Officers of the Department to discuss on the items in the Memorandum submitted by JCA on 01-04-2013.
The Secretary Generals NFPE & FNPO and all General Secretaries of affiliated Unions participated in the discussion.
On behalf of AIPEU-GDS(NFPE), Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary attended the meeting.
The following are the outcome of the discussion on GDS issues :
1. Bonus Ceiling : File again sent to Ministry of Finance with replies to the queries made by MoF.
2. Cash handling norms : Circles asked to report on the financial implications to change the work load norms of the BPMs.
3. Reduction in TRCA : Even though Protection for one year is instructed, it will be reviewed accordingly
4. Compassionate appointments :It is informed by the Official side that after revising the previous calculation of merit marks, the present attributes for merit marks resulted in increase of percentage of appointments. So there is no scope for immediate relief on this issue.
5. Redeployment of GDSMM : the work establishment of GDSMM will be reviewed on their retirement / promotion, further decision will be taken by the Department.
6. Cash conveyance allowance : it will be reviewed on information obtained from the circles.
7. Introduction of Health scheme : Proposal is under examination by the Finance Ministry. Approval is expected soon.
8. Norms for RPLI : It is clearly mentioned in the instructions on workload norms, 10 transactions – 1 point, but for procuring new business of RPLI as incentive is being given, no separate time factor is given.
9. Norms for cash conveyance from BO to AO vice versa : it will be reviewed.
Consequent on granting permission by the DOP&T to fill up HSG-I vacancies as per existing recruitment rules, HSG-II officials with three year service are considered for HSG-I promotion. But the Postmaster Grade II officials with minimum five years service are only considered for PM Grade-III promotion as per the Postmaster Grade Recruitment Rules approved by DOP&T. ThisDISCRIMINATION was brought to the notice of the Directorate by AIPEU Group ‘C’ (CHQ) earlier. On 02.08.2013, detailed discussion was held with Member (P), Postal Services Board. It is informed that Directorate has already called for the detailed particulars, from Circles. On receipt of information the case will be submitted to DOP&T for RELAXATION of five years to three year at par with HSG II officials.
Eventhough full details of the proposed Post Bank of India is not made public, it is learnt that
(1) Post Bank will be a public sector Bank under the control of Department of Posts as a subsidiary organization. It will function as a Bank separately, just like any other public sector Banks. All Banking Rules and Regulations will be equally applicable to Post Bank also.
(2) Recruiting personnel for running the Bank will be done in the same manner as being done by public sector Banks. Open market recruitment will be made. Existing Postal Employees will not be considered for appointment in the Post Bank.
(3) The Post office Savings Bank will remain as it is and do business as is being done now. Post Bank will be a separate entity.
(4) Full details are yet to be published.
(M. Krishnan)
General Secretary100 Best Amazing facts
1. If you are struck by lightning, your skin will be heated to 28,000 degrees Centigrade, hotter than the surface of the Sun.
2. If you trace your family tree back 25 generations, you will have 33,554,432 direct ancestors – assuming no incest was involved.
3. The average distance between the stars in the sky is 20 million miles.
5. An asteroid wiped out every single dinosaur in the world, but not a single species of toad or salamander was affected. No one knows why, nor why the crocodiles and tortoises survived.
6. If you dug a well to the centre of the Earth, and dropped a brick in it, it would take 45 minutes to get to the bottom – 4,000 miles down.
7. Your body sheds 10 billion flakes of skin every day.
8. The Earth weighs 6,500 million million million tons.
9. Honey is the only food consumed by humans that doesn’t go off.
10. The Hawaiian alphabet has only 12 letters.
11. A donkey can sink into quicksand but a mule can’t.
12. Every time you sneeze your heart stops a second.
13. There are 22 miles more canals in Birmingham UK than in Venice.
14. Potato crisps were invented by a Mr Crumm.
15. Facetious and abstemious contain all the vowels in their correct order.
16. Eskimoes have hundreds of words for snow but none for hello.
17. The word “set” has the most definitions in the English language.
18. The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating its letters is uncopyrightable.
19. Windmills always turn counter-clockwise.
20. The “Sixth Sick Sheik’s Sixth Sheep’s Sick” is the hardest tongue-twister.
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21. The longest English word without a vowel is twyndyllyngs which means "twins".
22. 1 x 8 + 1 = 9; 12 x 8 + 2 = 98; 123 x 8 + 3 = 987; 1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876; 12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765; 123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654; 1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543; 12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432; 123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
23. The word "dreamt" is the only common word in the English language that ends in "mt".
24. Albert Einstein never wore any socks.
25. The average human will eat 8 spiders while asleep in their lifetime.
26. In space, astronauts cannot cry because there is no gravity.
27. Hummingbirds are the only creatures that can fly backwards.
28. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
29. Cockroaches can live 9 days without their heads before they starve to death.
30. A flamingo can eat only when its head is upside down.
31. The lighter was invented before the match.
32. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up at the sky.
33. The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year!
34. Scientists with high-speed cameras have discovered that rain drops are not tear shaped but rather look like hamburger buns.
35. The first Internet domain name ever registered was on March 15, 1985.
36. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone back in 1876, only six phones were sold in the first month.
37. Approximately 7.5% of all office documents get lost.
38. is currently the most expensive domain name sold: for $7.5 million.
39. In 2001, the five most valuable brand names in order were Coca-Cola, Microsoft, IBM, GE, and Nokia.
40. In Canada, the most productive day of the working week is Tuesday.
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41. In a study by the University of Chicago in 1907, it was concluded that the easiest colour to spot is yellow. This is why John Hertz, who is the founder of the Yellow Cab Company picked cabs to be yellow.
42. It takes about 63,000 trees to make the newsprint for the average Sunday edition of The New York Times.
43. On average a business document is copied 19 times.
44. The largest employer in the world is the Indian railway system in India, employing over 1.6 million people.
45. Warner Chappel Music owns the copyright to the song "Happy Birthday." They make over $1 million in royalties every year from the commercial use of the song.
46. All babies are colour-blind when they are born.
47. Children grow faster in the springtime than any other season during the year.
48. Each nostril of a human being registers smells in a different way. Smells that are made from the right nostril are more pleasant than the left. However, smells can be detected more accurately when made by the left nostril.
49. Humans are born with 350 bones in their body, however when a person reaches adulthood they only have 206 bones. This occurs because many of them join together to make a single bone.
50. May babies are on average 200 grams heavier than babies born in other months.
51. Leonardo da Vinci was dyslexic, and he often wrote backwards.
52. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had only one testicle.
53. Queen Lydia Liliuokalani was the last reigning monarch of the Hawaiian Islands. She was also the only Queen the United States ever had.
54. Rolling Stones band member Bill Wyman married a 19 year-old model Mandy Smith in 1988. At the same time Wyman's son was engaged to Mandy Smith's mother. If his son had married Smith's mother, Wyman would have been the step grandfather to his own wife.
55. There are 158 verses in the Greek National Anthem.
56. There are about 6,800 languages in the world.
57. There was no punctuation until the 15th century.
58. Children laugh about 400 times a day, while adults laugh on average only 15 times a day.
59. The coconut is the largest seed in the world.
60. There is cyanide in apple pips.
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61. If you were to take 1 lb. of spiders web and stretch it out it would circle the whole way around the world!
62. If every person in China stood on a chair and jumped off at the same would knock the earth off its axis!
63. A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in just one night!
64. The shortest war on record, between Britain and Zanzibar in 1896, lasted just 38 minutes.
65. The Shell Oil Company originally began as a novelty shop in London that sold seashells.
66. The symbols + (addition) and – (subtraction) came into general use in 1489.
67. If you save one penny and double it every successive day, (day two you have 2 pennies and day three you have 4 pennies, and so on), by the end of 30 days you’ll have $5,368,708! (or £’s or whatever currency).
68. It is not possible to tickle yourself. The cerebellum, a part of the brain, warns the rest of the brain that you are about to tickle yourself. Since your brain knows this, it ignores the resulting sensation.
69. The best time for a person to buy shoes is in the afternoon. This is because the foot tends to swell a bit around this time.
70. The typical lead pencil can draw a line that is thirty-five miles long.
71. Due to precipitation, for a few weeks, K2 is taller than Mt. Everest.
72. Astronauts get taller when they are in space.
73. There are over one hundred billion galaxies with each galaxy having billions of stars.
74. The surface area of the lungs is roughly the same size as a tennis court.
75. A dog can hear sounds that are 100 times fainter than the faintest sounds that a person can hear. If a person can just hear a noise that is coming from 10 feet away, a dog could hear that same noise from 100 feet away.
76. If a sole (a type of fish) lays upon a chessboard it can change the colouring of its body to match the pattern of the chess board. The sole takes about 4 minutes to make the change.
77. Of all the animals on earth the mosquito has contributed to the deaths of more people than any other animal.
78. In the courts of the Roman Empire, instead of swearing an oath on a bible, men swore to the truth on their statements while holding their genitals. Hence the word 'testify', from 'testicles'.
79. The first soap powder, produced in 1907, was made with Perborate and Silicate - hence its brand name, Persil.
80. If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, there would be 57 Asians, 21 Europeans, 14 from the Americas and 8 Africans. Only 1 would own a computer.
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81. All elephants walk on tiptoe, because the back portion of their foot is made up of all fat and no bone.
82. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
83. Hawaii has the only royal palace in the United States.
84. Chicken liver can be used to change A type blood to O type blood.
85. It takes only 8 minutes for sunlight to travel from the sun to the earth, which also means, if you see the sun go out, it actually went out 8 minutes ago.
86. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
87. An octopus has 3 hearts.
88. If the population of China walked past you in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.
89. The hair on a polar bear is not white, but clear. They reflect light, so they appear white.
90. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do.
91. The combination "ough" can be pronounced in 9 different ways; Read this: "A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed."
92. The blue whale has a heart the size of a small car and its blood vessel is so broad, that a person could swim through it.
93. A left-handed person finds it easier to open a jar than a right-handed person because they can supply a stronger anticlockwise turning force than a right-handed person. However a right-handed person will find it easier to tighten the jar up afterwards.
94. The orbit of the Moon about the Earth would fit easily inside the Sun.
95. A chameleon can move its eyes in two directions at the same time.
96. Typewriter is the longest word that can be made only using one row on the keyboard.
97. Because of the rotation of earth you can throw a ball farther to the west than to the east.
98. The name of all the continents ends with the same letter that they start with.
99. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
100. There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar (euro, pound)
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Employment News : Job Highlights (03 August- 09 August 2013)
- Railway Recruitment Cell, North Central Railway requires 2715 Parcel Porter, Helper, Trackman, Safaiwala etc. against Grade Pay Rs. 1800/- (Erstwhile Group ‘D’) Posts Last Date : 02.09.2013
- West Central Railway requires 590 Helper, Safaiwala, Parcel Porter, Gangman etc. against Exserviceman quota. Last Date : 02.09.2013
- North Eastern Railway invites applications for 273 Group ‘D’ Posts against Ex-serviceman quota. Last Date : 03.09.2013
- Staff Selection Commission notifies Junior Translators in (CSOLs) Examination, 2013 Last Date : 30.08.2013
- Scooters India Limited requires 223 Advanced Trade Trainees Last Date : 24.08.2013
- Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, New Delhi invites applications for various Teaching and Non-Teaching posts. Last Date : 20.08.2013
- Indo-Tibean Border Police Force invites applications for Sub Inspector (Staff Nurse), Assistant Sub Inspector (Pharmacist/Lab Technician/Radiographer) and Head Constable (Midwife). Last Date 30.08.2013
Kerala PSC LDC Notification 2013
Kerala Public Service Commission published notification of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) under Direct Recruitment quota.
Gazette Date: 31/07/2013
Category No: 218/2013

Department: Various
Name of Post: Lower Division Clerk
Scale of pay: Rs. 9940 – 16580/-
No. of vacancies: District wise (Not yet estimated)
Method of appointment: Direct Recruitment
Qualification: Pass in SSLC Examination or any other equivalent qualification
Age limit: 18-36, Only candidates born between 02.01.1977 and 01.01.1995 (both dates included) are eligible to apply for the post with usual relaxation to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward communities.
Last date for receipt of applications: 04/09/2013 Wednesday upto 12.00 Midnight
Mode of Submitting Application:-
1) Candidates shall register as per 'ONE TIME REGISTRATION ' system on the Official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission '' for applying for the post.
2) Candidates who have registered shall apply by logging in to their profile using their User- ID and password.
3) Candidates shall click on the 'Apply Now' button of the respective posts in the
Notification link for applying for a post. No application fee is required.
4) Candidates can view and have a print-out of the details in the profile by clicking the link Registration Card, if required.
5) Candidates are responsible for the correctness of the personal information and
secrecy of password. Before applying for a post, candidates must ensure correctness of the information in their profile.
6) They must quote the User- ID for further communication with the Commission. Applications once submitted will be received as provisional and particulars shall not be deleted or altered after submission.
7) Applications submitted not in accordance with the conditions of the notification will be summarily rejected. Documents to prove qualification, community, age etc. have to be produced as and when called for .
Syllabus and Time Table:-
Part I - Simple Arithmetic and Mental Ability
Part II - General Knowledge and Current Affairs
Part III - General English
Part IV - Regional Language (Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Total Marks – 100
Duration of OMR test – 75 Minutes
Medium of Question Paper – Malayalam, Tamil & Kannada (Except General English)
Time Table
Sl. No.
Date of Exam
Thiruvananthapuram & Kasaragod
2:00 PM– 3:15 pm
Kollam & Kannur
2:00 PM– 3:15 pm
Pathanamthitta & Thrissur
2:00 PM– 3:15 pm
Ernakulam & Wayanad
2:00 PM– 3:15 pm
Alappuzha & Kozhikode
2:00 PM– 3:15 pm
Kottayam & Palakkad
2:00 PM– 3:15 pm
Malappuram & Idukki
2:00 PM– 3:15 pm
Note:- Candidates should be present at the examination centre on or before 1.30 pm on the date of examination. Candidates who failed to do so will not be permitted to attend the examination.
Retirement age increase to 62: proposal comes to cabinet but decision deferred
A proposal to increase the retirement age of government employees from 60 to 62 years came to Cabinet yesterday but a decision was deferred.
The government may make the announcement in the Prime Minister’s 15 August address, his last before elections in 2014.
The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions has proposed an increase in retirement age ofGovernment employees from 60 years to 62 years, top sources confirmed.2013-14 is considered an election year because of five assembly elections and general elections in May next year.
There are around 50 lakh central government employees in India. The last time government raised retirement age of central government employees was in 1998-- from 58 to 60 years.
The move is meant to ease the financial burden on the Government in terms of its pension liabilities, sources said.
The retirement age of professors in all central universities was recently raised to 65 years.
D L Sachdev national secretary of All India Trade Union Congress said that his union was totally against increase of retirement age beyond 60. It will hurt the youth especially when the Government is doing nothing to create jobs for them, Sachdev said. Congress affiliated Indian National Trade Union Congress national president Sanjeeva Reddy said that his union had been demanding increase in retirement age to 62 years and would welcome it.
Minister for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions V Narayanaswami had ruled out increase in retirement age to a question in Parliament in the winter session this year. An official in the ministry when asked refused to speak about it.
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