Department of Posts : India
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, A.P.Circle, Hyderabad - 500 001
The Postmaster General,
Hyderabad /Kurnool/Vijayawada/Visakhapatnam Region
The SSPOs, Hyderabad City / Hyderabad South East / Secunderabad Dn /The ChiefPostmaster, Hyderabad GPO
Sub: Induction Training for PA(DR)/SA(DR) from 24.02.2014 to 19.04.2014 -
Ref : 1. PTC, Mysore letter no,rg-2lB-7017073-14 dated 7,72.2013 forwardedby this office email dated 9.72.2013.
This office letter of even no, dated 13.12.2013.
Induction Training for Pas (DR)/SAs(DR) is scheduled from 24.02.2014 to
I9-4-2OI4 at PTC, Mysore, The distribution of seats communicated vide this office
reference cited at 2 above is confirmed.
It is, therefore, requested to take immediate necessary action for deputing them
for the training as per the rules on subject. While deputing the candidates for the
training as per the distribution of seats, those DR candidates who were already selected
earlier under Sports quota and Compassionate Grounds and completed all the pre-
- appointment formalities and awaiting induction training are to be deputed first.
Assistant Postmaster General (Vig.)
For CPMG, A.P.Circle Hyderabad 500 001
Batch from 24-2-2014 to 19-4-2014
Region/Local units PA SA Total
Hyderabad 12 6 18
Kurnool 12 6 18
Vijayawada 12 6 18
Visakhapatnam 12 6 18
Hyderabad City Division 3 - 3
Hyderabad South East Division 3 _ 3
Secunderabad 4 _ 4
Hyderabad GPO 2 _ 2
Hyderabad Sorting Division _ 6 6
Grand Total 60 30 90
Department of Posts: India
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, A.P.Circle, Hyderabad - 500 001
The Postmaster General, Hyderabad/ Visakhapafiam / Vijayawada / Kurnool
The SSP, Hyderabad City / Hy der ab ad SE Division/ Secunderabad Division
The SSRM, Hyderabad Sorting Divisiory Hyderabad
The Chief Postmaster, Hyderabad GPO.
ST/?A/i\disc/20!3 dated at Hvderabad-s00 001, the 6.02.201,4
Sub: Appointment of newly recruited PA/SA/PA SBCO candidates - Regarding.
I am directed by the competent authority to intimate that all the recently recruited PA/SA candidates in whose cases the work of verification of educational qualification certificates has been completed may be given provisional appointment orders by imparting Pre-Induction training for a period of 02 days on Departmental subjects and at counter operations through their concerned Divisional ASP/IP at their respective Divisions. Further necessary action may be taken to complete the verification process of educational certificates /caste certiJicates of other candidates within a week so that they can also be sent for training. The provisional appointments of the candidates are ordered to obviate shortage of staff, fraud prevention and full utilization of seats allotted by PTC, Mysore for PA/SA Induction training.2. The instructions issued in Para-15 of Directorate letter no.51,-2/2003-SPB-I dated 1,0.11,.2004 circulated vide C.O letter no.RE /1.-22/PA/ SA/Rlgs/IV dated 08.12.2004 may be implemented. It should be clearly mentioned in the communication to the candidates as follows.
A declaration covering the following points may be taken from the candidates before they are deputed for training and kept in the personal file .of each candidate-
"This is a letter of purely provisional appointment and that you do not have any claim towards regular appointment. The appointee will be on probation for a period of two years and during this period, if his/her work and conduct is/ are found to be unsatisfactory, he/she will stand discharged from the service without giving prior notice. The period of probation may be extended at the discretion of the appointing authority. Your appointment will be regularized only after completion of the following conditions. Police verification of character and Antecedents (if verification is clear and with no adverse remarks by police)
2 Verification of caste certificates (if verified and caste is found to be genuine).
Educational certificate: only if found to be genuine with reference to marks obtained and Date of Birth with regard to their eligibility into Government service.
Successful completion of formal induction training module at the allotted Postal Training Centre.
No adverse notice to be received from the PTC about the conduct during training. further,
a) The candidates appointed under sports/compassionate Grounds are to be deputed to the induction training first if they happen to be senior to the newly recruited direct recruits against the vacancies 2011 and 2012.
b) The selected candidates are to be deputed for induction training at PTC,Mysore scheduled to be held frorn 24.02.201'4 to 19.04.201,4 in order of merit.
c) The original certificates collected from the candidates are to be returned to candidates only on successful completion of verification process.
d) Warning: In the letter of provisional appointment a clear warning may be inserted regarding taking action against the candidates furnishing false information if any, which may come to light subsequently including removal of the name of candidate from the selected list without notice.
Regarding payment of salary to the officials, the instructions issued vide
Directorate letter no. B0-9/201.0-SPB-I dated 30.12.201,0 may be followed.
The compliance report may be sent to CO by return post'
Please accord TOP Prioritv.
Assistant Postrnaster General (Vlg.)
For CPMG, A.P. Circle, Hyderabad - 500 001
India Pin-code Mobile APP
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Induction Training for Pas (DR)/SAs(DR) is scheduled from 24.02.2014 to
I9-4-2OI4 at PTC, Mysore, The distribution of seats communicated vide this office
reference cited at 2 above is confirmed.
Grand Total 60 30 90
Department of Posts: India
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, A.P.Circle, Hyderabad - 500 001
The Postmaster General, Hyderabad/ Visakhapafiam / Vijayawada / Kurnool
The SSP, Hyderabad City / Hy der ab ad SE Division/ Secunderabad Division
The SSRM, Hyderabad Sorting Divisiory Hyderabad
The Chief Postmaster, Hyderabad GPO.
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, A.P.Circle, Hyderabad - 500 001
The Postmaster General, Hyderabad/ Visakhapafiam / Vijayawada / Kurnool
The SSP, Hyderabad City / Hy der ab ad SE Division/ Secunderabad Division
The SSRM, Hyderabad Sorting Divisiory Hyderabad
The Chief Postmaster, Hyderabad GPO.
ST/?A/i\disc/20!3 dated at Hvderabad-s00 001, the 6.02.201,4
Sub: Appointment of newly recruited PA/SA/PA SBCO candidates - Regarding.
I am directed by the competent authority to intimate that all the recently recruited PA/SA candidates in whose cases the work of verification of educational qualification certificates has been completed may be given provisional appointment orders by imparting Pre-Induction training for a period of 02 days on Departmental subjects and at counter operations through their concerned Divisional ASP/IP at their respective Divisions. Further necessary action may be taken to complete the verification process of educational certificates /caste certiJicates of other candidates within a week so that they can also be sent for training. The provisional appointments of the candidates are ordered to obviate shortage of staff, fraud prevention and full utilization of seats allotted by PTC, Mysore for PA/SA Induction training.2. The instructions issued in Para-15 of Directorate letter no.51,-2/2003-SPB-I dated 1,0.11,.2004 circulated vide C.O letter no.RE /1.-22/PA/ SA/Rlgs/IV dated 08.12.2004 may be implemented. It should be clearly mentioned in the communication to the candidates as follows.
"This is a letter of purely provisional appointment and that you do not have any claim towards regular appointment. The appointee will be on probation for a period of two years and during this period, if his/her work and conduct is/ are found to be unsatisfactory, he/she will stand discharged from the service without giving prior notice. The period of probation may be extended at the discretion of the appointing authority. Your appointment will be regularized only after completion of the following conditions. Police verification of character and Antecedents (if verification is clear and with no adverse remarks by police)
2 Verification of caste certificates (if verified and caste is found to be genuine).
Educational certificate: only if found to be genuine with reference to marks obtained and Date of Birth with regard to their eligibility into Government service.
Successful completion of formal induction training module at the allotted Postal Training Centre.
No adverse notice to be received from the PTC about the conduct during training. further,
a) The candidates appointed under sports/compassionate Grounds are to be deputed to the induction training first if they happen to be senior to the newly recruited direct recruits against the vacancies 2011 and 2012.
b) The selected candidates are to be deputed for induction training at PTC,Mysore scheduled to be held frorn 24.02.201'4 to 19.04.201,4 in order of merit.
c) The original certificates collected from the candidates are to be returned to candidates only on successful completion of verification process.
d) Warning: In the letter of provisional appointment a clear warning may be inserted regarding taking action against the candidates furnishing false information if any, which may come to light subsequently including removal of the name of candidate from the selected list without notice.
Regarding payment of salary to the officials, the instructions issued vide
Directorate letter no. B0-9/201.0-SPB-I dated 30.12.201,0 may be followed.
The compliance report may be sent to CO by return post'
Please accord TOP Prioritv.
Assistant Postrnaster General (Vlg.)
For CPMG, A.P. Circle, Hyderabad - 500 001
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• Search over all India records★ How to use:
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For WINDOWS operating mobiles
Clarification on Issue of ECB Memos by LSG/HSG-II Post Offices
Some of our Post Masters are seeking clarification... whether LSG/HSG-II offices have to issue ECB Memos or not? Here is the clarification.....
The SPM will be held responsible that the amount of cash and value of stamps retained by him and his village postman is never unnecessarily large. As far as possible, he must work with balances within the authroised limits and should not retain cash in excess of the authorized maximum, except when this is necessary in order to meet actual existing liabilities. He will be responsible that his BOs are not allowed without sufficient justification, to retain balances in excess of the authorized limits. Whenever the cash balance retained by a SO of three hands or less including the SPM exceeds the authorized maximum, or the total of cash and stamp balances held by BOs is in excess of the total of the maximum cash and stamp balances fixed for those offices, the SPM must submit, with the SO daily account a memo in form PA.20 explaining why it was necessary to keep the sum in excess. In the case of all other SOs the SPM must furnish the reaons for retaining excess cash on the reverse of the SO daily account. The ECB memos should be numbered in a monthly consequtive series and theserial number assigned to the memos should be noted in the remarks of the SO account against the relative entry.
Some of our Post Masters are seeking clarification... whether LSG/HSG-II offices have to issue ECB Memos or not? Here is the clarification.....
The SPM will be held responsible that the amount of cash and value of stamps retained by him and his village postman is never unnecessarily large. As far as possible, he must work with balances within the authroised limits and should not retain cash in excess of the authorized maximum, except when this is necessary in order to meet actual existing liabilities. He will be responsible that his BOs are not allowed without sufficient justification, to retain balances in excess of the authorized limits. Whenever the cash balance retained by a SO of three hands or less including the SPM exceeds the authorized maximum, or the total of cash and stamp balances held by BOs is in excess of the total of the maximum cash and stamp balances fixed for those offices, the SPM must submit, with the SO daily account a memo in form PA.20 explaining why it was necessary to keep the sum in excess. In the case of all other SOs the SPM must furnish the reaons for retaining excess cash on the reverse of the SO daily account. The ECB memos should be numbered in a monthly consequtive series and theserial number assigned to the memos should be noted in the remarks of the SO account against the relative entry.
(Authority DG posts correction slip VI/part.III/1/89 to rule.102B of Postal manual volume.VI part.III)
Symantec 12.1 installation error & solution - reg
In few PCs running Windows 7, while installing Symantec 12.1 End point protection, an error "Base Filter Engine" Service is not running appears and the installations could not be started.
In such cases, the following steps will solve the problem:
1. Download the registry files (You can also export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\BFE from another working Win7 PC)
2. After importing the registry files, Restart the PCIn such cases, the following steps will solve the problem:
1. Download the registry files (You can also export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\BFE from another working Win7 PC)
3. Now, open RUN and type regedit and click OK
4. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\BFE
5. Right click on it-permissions, Click on ADD and select Everyone and click OK
6. Below you have permission for users.Select full control and click OK
7. Now,open RUN and type services.msc and click OK
8. Start Base Filtering Engine service
[ Note:Modifying REGISTRY settings incorrectly can cause serious problems that may prevent yourcomputer from booting properly. Modifications of these settings are at your own risk...]
Saravanan R, Sys Admin
In email era, 1.3 lakh vie for 248 postman vacancies
So why this jostle for the postal job? Chandrasekar Kakumanu, assistant postmaster general, Karnataka Circle, puts it simply: "The work isn't stressful and requisite qualification is not too high."
There is a lot of room for going up the ladder too. A postman can become a Group-B officer to head a postal district in a span of 10 years by clearing three departmental examinations, he explains.
No wonder then that the state's overworked cops too are applying for this coveted job. "We have received applications from policemen of the Karnataka State Reserve Police," says Kakumanu.
Earlier, the department would appoint postmen on a temporary basis and pay them Rs 7,000 to Rs 10,000 as token monthly salary. These temporary mail deliverers are known as 'Grameen Dak Sevaks' (GDS ) in rural areas. They wouldbecome permanent staff after serving for five years and cracking a departmental test. Currently, there are 3,700 permanent postmen and around 10,000 GDS in the state.
Times View
The seemingly absurd rush of over a lakh of people wanting to be postmen is a pointer to the future of jobs. Either the perks of this job are so attractive that more people want to grab them or there are few other jobs available for those with that level of education.
In any case, the security of a government job does have its merits in a work culture which uses pink slips to rationalize headcounts and ensure lean teams. Also, in the future, postpersons will be doing far more than just delivering mail and more applicants can only result in the best being selected for the job.
BANGALORE: Posting letters may seem like an anachronism in the era of texting, email and social networking sites. But the job of a postman, it appears, is not. A staggering 1.3 lakh candidates have applied for 248 vacancies for postmen in the Karnataka circle of the department of posts. That's roughly 525 people vying for one post.
Nearly 40,000 applications came from Bangalore, followed by 12,000 each from Mysore and Dharwad, in the first-ever direct recruitment drive for postmen in the country. The exam will be held on February 9. Postal officials said a considerable number of the applicants are women but had no break-up of figures.
Source : http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Parliamentary panel recommends increasing retirement age to 65
Raise age of retirement to 65: House panel
NEW DELHI: A parliamentary panel has urged the Centre to raise the retirement age to 65 years, noting that growing lifespan was adding to the need for "productive ageing".
The recommendation for increase in retirement age comes with a reminder that senior citizens would form 12.4% of the total population in 2026 from 7.5% in 2001.
"The committee feels that with the increase in life expectancy and relatively better state of health of people, the government needs to look at continuity of employment up to 65 years," said the report of standing committee of Parliament on social justice and empowerment tabled on Friday.
It also recommended that government look at greater post-retirement opportunities for senior citizens and create greater financial support for the elderly by hiking the old age pension to Rs 1,000 per month from the present Rs 200 for those above 60 years and Rs 500 for those above 80 years.
While suggesting immediate redressal for the ageing population, the panel sought to train the government's focus on the 60-plus group by pointing out that its growing numbers would be a serious challenge in health and social care.
Specifically, it underlined that as per population projections, the 80-plus bloc, the most-vulnerable group, would see a sharper rise in numbers.
The urgency of parliamentarians towards senior citizens comes amid growing global realization that increasing lifespan is creating a new demographic bloc requiring state intervention.
Seeking government attention, the committee noted that senior citizens comprised 7.5% of the total population in 2001 but their share is likely to increase to 12.4% in 2026. Importantly, UN projections say while India's population will rise by 55% by 2050, that of 60-plus would increase by 326% and that of 80-plus would go up by 700%.
Given the rising challenge, the panel headed by Hemanand Biswal found the government response inadequate, noting that "issue of rapid population ageing in the country has not received due attention of the government and the community at large".
The panel said special focus should be on the octogenarian bloc. "This age group is the most vulnerable and runs the risk of getting dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson disease, depression in their older years," it said, and asked the Centre to constitute an expert group of relevant government departments to devise specialized healthcare programme for them.
Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Raise-age-of-retirement-to-65-House-panel/articleshow/30015235.cms
Now, Postal Department's Financial services at a mouse-click
The financial services of the postal department , including Post Office Savings Bank and Postal Life Insurance, will henceforth be available online, P. Gopinath, secretary, Posts, said Wednesday.
Gopinath was here to inaugurate the new building of DLF Qutub Enclave Phase-I Post Office.
Gopinath informed about the ambitious IT modernisation project, wherein all the services provided by post office will be available on an IT-based platform.
"The Core Banking Solution (CBS) implementation is already under progress and day by day, post offices are being migrated to the new CBS platform," she said.
"CBS has already been rolled out in 27 post offices of six states -- Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. Further, the department is setting up 3,000 ATMs, of which 1,000 are projected to be installed by the end of 2014," she added.
Speaking on the occasion, Kalpana Tewari, Member Planning, Postal Services Board, said Gurgaon was the most developing city of the National Capital Region and the Department of Posts is committed to provide better postal facility in the area.
Source : http://www.business-standard.com
Ways to manage your credit card dues!
Swiping credit cards has always been very easy, but managing and repaying the dues has never been too easy. Most of the credit card customers are unable to manage and repay their credit card bills due to their sloppy spending habits and negligence about the mechanics of credit cards. We'll look into each of these issues and the ways to overcome them.
Know the basics:
Nothing starts working well without understanding the basics; the customer should take care to understand basic terms and conditions by going through the fine print. Knowing basic terms like billing cycle, minimum-amount due and grace period is indispensable to manage both spending and repayment patterns, and any negligence on our part could result in spiralling interest costs. Any sound repayment strategy starts with strong basics.
Put a full stop to erratic spending:
Today, most of the purchases have become slicker than we might think due to the advent of more shopping malls and online shopping marts, and as a result we end up in a spending spree by completely losing control . A manageable debt always follows a controlled debt, and hence the imperative to stop sloppy spending habits.
The above discussed points constitute the basic requirements to effectively plan and manage the repayment ..
Pay the dues within the billing cycle:
The first step is to ensure that the debt or the interest costs do not spiral out of control, and a sure way to do this is to ensure that the entire outstanding amount is paid within the billing cycle or the provided grace period. This is easier said than done, but many card holders use this strategy effectively by timing their purchase and repayment within the billing cycle. You could also become a convenience user by paying off a all your bills within the grace period without any interest, but this option comes into effect only if the previous bill is also settled before the billing cycle or grace period.
Covert the dues into EMIs:
In case of big ticket purchases, a cardholder can convert his purchases into equated monthly instalments. This option works like a consumer loan where the loan amount plus the interest component is converted into EMIs and repaid over a period of 6 to 24 months as monthly instalments. Not all purchases are eligible under this option, the total purchase has to cross a minimum threshold limit and, in some cases, the purchase has to be only from specified merchant outlets.The purchases have to be converted into EMI within a period of 30 days from the date of purchase. Most cards offer two options under this category: low-interest option and interest-free option. Under the low-interest option, the interest rate charged is lower than the usual interest rate that would have been charged on the total purchase amount if the EMI option had not been exercised. In case of zero-interest option, no interest is charged for the entire period during which the total amount is repaid by way of monthly instalments; only a big ticket purchase from a selected merchant or a purchase above the minimum amount is eligible under this scheme. Generally under the zero interest scheme the tenor is comparatively short.
Balance transfer:
In times of cash crunch, a cardholder can wisely opt for the balance transfer facility. Under this facility, the outstanding balance in one card is transferred to another card issued by a different bank at a lower interest rate. A balance transfer is often done either to avail a lower interest rate and thereby curtail spiralling interest cost or to consolidate the total outstanding amount under a single card to make it more manageable. The flip side of of this facility is that the low interest rate is available only for the initial few months, and the account reverts back to the prevailing normal interest rate after this initial period of 3 to 6 months. Generally, a processing fee of 1 to 2 % is charged on the transfer, and it usually takes 7 to 10 days for the balance to get transferred. Besides, the amount that can be transferred is generally restricted to 75% of the total limit available in the new card. The cardholder shouldn't have failed to pay the minimum amount due under both the cards during the time of transfer. Some cards do offer the option of paying the amount transferred in EMIs like the credit card
Under extreme cases when the debt hits the ceiling, the best option would be to repay the entire amount with a personal loan. Personal loans do offer lower interest rates when compared to credit cards and are better manageable with regular EMIs. But credit card dues need not be paid always through the personal loan route, a controlled spending pattern and a well planned repayment strategy would ensure a well managed debt. The credit card should be used as an instrument to leverage cash flows,, and this depends on how we develop the habit of spending responsibly and prudently.
Clarification on Issue of ECB Memos by LSG/HSG-II Post Offices
Some of our Post Masters are seeking clarification... whether LSG/HSG-II offices have to issue ECB Memos or not? Here is the clarification.....
The SPM will be held responsible that the amount of cash and value of stampsretained by him and his village postman is never unnecessarily large. As far as possible, he must work with balances within the authroised limits and should not retain cash in excess of the authorized maximum, except when this is necessary in order to meet actual existing liabilities. He will be responsible that his BOs are not allowed without sufficient justification, to retain balances in excess of the authorized limits. Whenever the cash balance retained by a SO of three hands or less including the SPM exceeds the authorized maximum, or the total of cash and stamp balances held by BOs is in excess of the total of the maximum cash and stamp balances fixed for those offices, the SPM must submit, with the SO daily account a memo in form PA.20 explaining why it was necessary to keep the sum in excess. In the case of all other SOs the SPM must furnish the reaons for retaining excess cash on the reverse of the SO daily account. The ECB memos should be numbered in a monthly consequtive series and the serial number assigned to the memos should be noted in the remarks of the SO account against the relative entry.
(Authority DG posts correction slip VI/part.III/1/89 to rule.102B of Postal manual volume.VI part.III)
RBI released draft Report on Enabling PKI in Payment System Applications
A draft technical report on making payment system effective was released by ReserveBank of India on 7 February 2014. RBI in its report of the Technical Committee on Enabling Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) in Payment System Applications said that the objective of an effective payment system is to ensure a safe, secure, efficient, robust and sound payment system in the country.
RBI has kept the report open for public comment and suggestions till 28 February 2014. Public Key Infrastructure enabled electronic payment systems that has been introduced by the RBI are
• FOREX Clearing
• Government Securities Clearing
• Cheque Truncation System (CTS)
The RBI report said that in the year 2012-13 the non-PKI enabled payment system likeclearing of MICR/Non MICR, electronic credit system, credit card and debit cards contributed to 75 percent, which in value terms is only 6.3 percent. It also mentioned that the payment systems enabled on non-PKI, MICR clearing and non-MICR clearing contributed to 37 percent and 10 percent in volume terms and 69 percent and 25 percent in value terms.
The report in its highlights has also included security features in existing payment system applications and feasibility in implementing PKI in all payments system applications. The Group has also recommended that banks may carry out in phases PKI implementation for authentication and transaction verification.
The report has also mentioned that the issuing banks will also have to convert the older credit or debit cards with the magstripe into EVM chip and pin-enabled ones.
The systems of payment are subjected to various financial risks like
• Credit risk
• Liquidity risk
• Systemic risk
• Operational risk
• Legal risk
The need to recognise the security and safety to be robust was needed following the increase in the adoption of electronic payment products and delivery channels for transactional needs.
The Reserve Bank of India had, in September 2013, constituted a group to prepare an approach paper for enabling PKI for Payment Systems in India. The members of the constituted group were from banks (State Bank of India and ICICI bank), Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology-Certifying Authority (IDRBT-CA), Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA), New Delhi and Reserve Bank of India [(Department of Technology (DIT), Department of Payment and Settlement Systems (DPSS), Department of Government and Bank Accounts (DGBA) - Core Banking Solution (CBS) and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).
About Reserve Bank of India The Reserve Bank of India was established on 1 April 1935 in accordance with the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Its central office in the year was established in Calcutta, which was shifted to Mumbai in 1937. The Governor of India sits in the head office of RBI in Mumbai, where the policies of the bank are also formulated. Government of India owns RBI since 1949, before it was privately owned institution.
Source : http://nfpe.blogspot.in/
Source : http://nfpe.blogspot.in/
Funeral start 08/02/2014, 4.00 PM at 35/10, Pari street, Anna Nedunsalai (near MMDA Bus stop) (Arumbakkam - Choolaimedu junction)Chennai.
IPO Exam 2013 Results - TN Circle
List of selected candidates of IP Exam 2013 held on 14 & 15.09.2013 - TN Circle.
Name S/s
Roll No.
S Ganesh Kumar
B Vinodkumar
K Sivasankari
M Karthikeyan
D ANand Yuvaraj
K Kanaga Sundaram
K Swaminathan
A Senthil
M Karthik
R Rajeshkumar
V Leo Jesurajan
T Balasubramaniam
MR Kannan
V Suyambukala
P Balamurugan
S Selvakumar
B Subashini
K Karthigai Pandian
U Parakash
R Jeyanthi Kumari
C Malarvizhi
P Gughan
B Sathyaraja
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