Employment News: 06th December 2014 - 12th December 2014
1. Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
Name of Post- Constable (Technical & Tradesmen)
No. of Post-3021
Last Date-20.12.2014
2. Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
Name of Post- Sportsman Against Sports Quota
No. of Post-176
Last Date-22.01.2015
3. Prathama Bank Moradabad
Name of Post- Officers & Office Assistant
No. of Post-274
Last Date-20.12.2014
4. Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)
Name of Post- Dy. Manager.
No. of Post-12
Last Date- 16.12.2014
5. Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India
Name of Post- General Manager, Manager etc.
No. of Post-36
Last Date- 15.12.14
Can Retirement age 60 to 58 Solve Unemployment Problem?
“The Financial Express”, one of the leading newspapers recently published a news article on the Central Government’s plan to reduce the retirement age of employees from 60 to 58. This news shocked the central government employees.
“Reducing the retirement age of central government employees from 60 to 58 will help to solve the unemployment problem in India?”
Reasons for decreasing the retirement age from 60 to 58:
The following reasons are attributed for decreasing the present age of retirement:
1) To create more employment opportunities for the youth
2) To increase the contribution of younger employees in the government sectors and
3) To compensate the loss accrued due to payment of allowances
Unemployment issue:
None can have any disagreement about the fact that employment opportunities should be provided for the unemployed. There are so many ways for solving the unemployment problem. They are:
1) Introducing new employment policies2) Filling all the positions lying vacant and
3) Promoting self-employment by introducing new schemes and providing suitable facilities and many more ways can help to solve the problem of unemployment.
Increasing the retirement age from 60 to 62 for scientists:
In the Rajya Sabha, for a question raised on increasing the retirement age for scientists from 60 to 62 in written format, the response given was: “it is under consideration”.
The important reasons for increasing the retirement age for scientists are:
1) Their experience and expertise should benefit the younger generation and
2) The average life span has increased.
“Isn’t there a need to increase the retirement age of employees working in other fields?”
Allowance issue:
Extra allowance that has to be paid is cited as a reason for bringing down the retirement age of employees from 60 to 58. However, in reality, the pay commission is set up only once in 10 years and benefits the central government employees.
“In the long interval of 10 years, only these allowances help the employees to cope with inflation”.
In the past, the average service period of a central government employee was 30 to 40 years. Presently, as the age limit for appointment has been relaxed, the average service period has come down to 20 to 30 years. Due to this, an employee can only have 2 or 3 pay commissions in his service period.
In this situation, citing allowance as a reason for decreasing retirement age and altering the present allowance rates will adversely affect the economic condition of central government employees.
Average retirement age in the world:
The average retirement age of many nations is between 63 and 65. Comparatively speaking, even the age of 60 is obviously a very early age for retirement. In this context, we do not know whether the employees will accept 58 as the age of retirement.
Will early retirement solve the unemployment problem?
Employment for all is a very important. It is the duty of a nation to provide employment to all her youth and lead them in a better way. The hope and aspiration of every youth in this country is to get a good job. They do not expect the retirement age to be brought down from 60 to 58.
Even when all the 50 lakh central government employees retire, will it help to resolve the unemployment problem of this nation ? Read more at-geod.in
Source : http://www.7thpaycommissionnews.com/2014/12/can-retirement-age-60-to-58-solve.html
Ex-Secretary General, NFPE & Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers - Finally our apprehension has come true. The report submitted to Government by the “Task Force on Leveraging the Post office Network” is nothing but a blue print for corporatization and eventual privatization of different services given to public by the Century old Department of Posts, strictly in tune with the reforms agenda of the NDA Government. Within three months of its coming to power, the NDA Government has appointed the high-level Task force headed by Shri T. S. R. Subramanian, Retired Cabinet Secretary to Government of India as Chairman. Government acted in a clandestine manner by creating an impression among the general public and employees, through media, that it is committed to improve the efficiency and productivity of the services given by the Postal Department by expanding its points of presence and customer base in rural areas and small towns and also by improving role of Post offices in financial inclusion. Actually it was an act in disguise and Government’s hidden agenda was to corporatize the main functions of the Postal Department.
- When the Task Force was appointed with much fanfare, under the direction of Hon’ble Prime Minister, many of our well-wishers have asked us that when the Government is attacking other Government sectors like Railways, Defence, Public Sector Banks, BSNL & LIC etc. by privatization offensives, why it is keen to do good to the Postal Department alone. Some of the high level officers of the Postal Department also predicted bright future for India Post through Task Force. Swayed by the propaganda, many of the Postal employees also believed that good days are going to come. We have categorically told them that when other Government departments and public sectors are reeling under the policy-offensives of the Government, we do not expect that the Postal Department alone will get “good days”.
- In 2006 while framing the policy matters relating to the formulation of the Eleventh Five year Plan for communications & Information Sector, the UPA Government and Planning Commission was straight forward. It constituted a working Group of 22 members to make recommendations on Postal Sectors (Planning Commission No. M-13040/4/2006-C & I dated 30.05.2006). The Important Terms of reference of the Working Group was as follows:
(i) To make suitable recommendations on restructuring the organisation (Department of Posts) and corporatizing certain business units and possibility of segregating its banking and insurance functions.
(ii) To make recommendations on formulation of corporate plan and strategy for formulation of National Postal Policy.
- In 2014, the NDA Government constituted the High level Task Force on leveraging the Post office Network, under the directions of Hon’ble Prime Minister (Office Memorandum No. 84- 04/2014-Coord/O&M dated 21.08.2014 of Government of India, Ministry of Communications & IT, Department of Posts). Unlike the terms of reference of Working Group constituted in 2006, nowhere in the terms of reference of the present Task Force it is mentioned about the reorganization and corporatisation of the services given by the Postal Department, But, in a pre-meditated manner, the Task Force submitted following sweeping recommendations for corporatization and eventual privatization of services presently given to the public by the Postal Department.
- Gist of recommendations:
5.1 Whole functions (services) of the Department of Posts will be divided into following six units.
- (i) Banking and Financial Services (Savings Bank)
- (ii) Insurance (PLI, RPLI)
- (iii) Distribution of third party products (services on behalf of the private sector/private partieson payment basis)
- (iv) Management of Government Services (all services requiring registration, certification orGovernment over-sight including Aadhar Card and Ration Cards, bill collections andpayment on behalf of Government department)
- (v) Parcel and Packets (delivery of Parcels and packets, tie-ups and agreements with E-commerce players for delivery, return, bill collections and payments for E-commercearticles and handling of e-commerce delivery operations of India Post deal)
- (vi) Communications delivery (Delivering of subsidized letter mails etc.)
- 5.2 First five units are designated as “Strategic Business Units (SBUs)” which are conceptualized and will be expected to act as profit centres. Sixth Unit designated as “Communications delivery Unit” is not expected to make profits and its primary functions is to delivery mails at subsidized rates as a public good to service the need of the common man.
- 5.3 Under the Department of Postal Services a Holding Company called “India Post (Financial and other services) Corporation” will be formed. The Corporation shall consist of such members of persons (not exceeding sixteen) as Director Board Members. One of the Director Board members will be appointed as Chairman by the Government.
- 5.4 In the course of time, the Government of India (Department of Postal Services) may disinvest part of its holding (share) and allow the new entity (Corporation) to raise resources through IPO (initial public offer-sale of share) in the share market.
- 5.5 Five separate subsidiary companies under the main Holding company (Corporation) will be constituted, converting the five strategic business units (SBLIs) as subsidiary companies.
- (i) Company for Banking & Financial Services (Post Bank of India)
- (ii) Company for Insurance (India Insurance)
- (iii) Company for Distribution of third party products.
- (iv) Company for Management of Government Services.
- (v) Company for Parcel and Packets (India Parcel)
- 5.6 Five Subsidiary companies under the main Holding company (Corporation) will have separate Board of Directors to manage their business. Chairman of each subsidiary company will be a member of the Main Holding Company’s Board.
- 5.7 The net profit generated by the subsidiary companies will belong to the Main Holding company as it will be their sole and 100% owner. In future the subsidiary companies can be listed in the stock Exchanges to raise capitals as and when this is required.
- 5.8 Five subsidiary companies will be expected to make profits and contribute towards meeting the loss of communications Delivery unit (Sixth Unit) and also to delivery substantial revenue surpluses to the main Holding company.
- 5.9 India Post would continue to retain its fundamental character of a Departmental organisation. The physical infrastructure including (1) Post Office Network (2) Operative and supervisory staff including Gramin Dak Sewaks, and (3) Informations Technology (delivered by CBS etc) will remain with Department of Posts. These service will be managed at the apex level by three Board Members of the Department of Posts (Member Infrastructure, Member Human Resources and Member Technology). All Five subsidiary companies will be required to pay appropriately for the use of these services to the Department of Posts. The user charges will be rationally calculated and will be met from the revenue generated by the subsidiary companies.
- 5.10 Each subsidiary company would be authorized to create new infrastructure or have new staff as it deem necessary. Banking professional will man the Branches of Post Bank of India (PBI) and not the Post offices staff (para 13.02.12). Post office staff working in Head/Sub/Branch Post offices will act as Agents or Banking Correspondence of Post Bank of India (PBI).
- 5.11 Sixth Unit designated as “Communications Delivery Unit” dealing with Written Communications Transmission (WCT) will not be corporatized for the time being and will continue to be handled by the Department of Postal Services within the Departmental frame work. India Post would continue to retain its fundamental (basic) character as an organisation delivering public mails (letters mails) with a social service, but it will henceforth be organised and run on commercial basis on its own, without depending on the consolidated fund of India for financial support, i.e. Department of Posts should run the above service without depending on the subsidy from Government.
- 5.12 In the proposed new Post office Act Amendment Bill, Department of Posts proposes to gradually open up the Postal Sector, to private couriers in a phased manners, by removal of its monopoly over letter mail segment by incorporating 15 years sunset clause, The Task force recommends that the process of formulating and obtaining cabinet approval for the bills should be expedited and that a new post office Act should be enacted to replace the existing Post office Act (6 of 1898).
- 5.13 The Task force recommended another Postal Act “India Post (Financial and other services). Corporation Act” for reorganisation of the total work of the Department by creation of new corporate structure. A Holding company under the purview of Department of Posts to supervise the new corporate structure is recommended.
- 5.14 Task Force emphasizes the importance of categorical and unambiguous assurance that existing salaries and Allowances of the employees will not be affected adversely and that there will be no retrenchment during or as a result of the restructuring of the Department of Posts.
6. The following questions will naturally arise
- 6.1 Why the Sixth unit designated as “Communications Delivery Unit” is not converted into a subsidiary company?The answer is very simple. This unit will always remain as loss-making unit due to subsidized rates of letter mail articles and printed New papers etc. No government will make a loss making unit into a company. Main hurdle for corporatization of entire Department of Posts as a corporation was that it is always running on loss. Now the Task force found out a short-cut method to overcome this hurdle i.e; profit making units of the department may be converted as subsidiary companies under a separate corporation under the Department of Posts, which inturn will be privatized later. Loss making unit will remain in the Department of Posts. Department of Posts will remain as a skeleton with flesh and blood removed from it. Thus the Government will be fulfilling its long-awaited agenda of Corporatisation of India Post and there by implementing the “reforms agenda” as per WTO and GATS conditionalities (General Agreement in Trade in Services) which states that in no service sector there should be complete monopoly of the Government. It should be opened up for private sector.
- 6.2 The Task Force states that by forming five separate companies profit of each company will increase and it will inturn help the Department of Posts to wipe out its loss and make profit. For increasing the business and profit the existing Departmental set-up is enough. All the recommendations of the Task Force for increasing business can be implemented by the Department of Posts, even without converting it into subsidiary companies. While corporatising of Telecom as BSNL, VSNL and MTNL, the Government has advanced the same argument. Now those companies are loss-making companies and government wants to privatise or close down BSNL.
6.3 Why should the Federations/Unions oppose the corporatization, when the Task Force has given solemn assurance that – “existing salaries and Allowances of the employees will not be affected adversely and there will be no retrenchment during or as a result of the restructuring of the Department of Posts? further it is recommended that the Pension liability of 4000 crores is to be transferred to the consolidated fund of Government.
Telecom was a Government department, just like Postal. During the Telecom corportisation also government has given this type of “Categorical and unambiguous assurance” that corporatization will not affect adversely the salary and other benefits including pensin of the employees. Further Government has granted Rs. 1000 per month interim salary to all BSNL employees and also signed 5 years wage agreement with public sector wages. Higher Bonus was also granted. Assurance was given that pension will be paid from the consolidated Fund of India. Thus corporatization of Telecom was smoothly carried out. All of us know the present fate of the BSNL Employees. After completing its aim, the Government violated the assurances. Now for the last five years BSNL employees are not paid Bonus. LTC facility of the BSNL employees is also stopped for the last five years. Medical allowance stopped. Government appointed a committee called Sam Pitroda Committee and that Committee recommended retirement (VRS) of one lakh BSNL employees (voluntary retrenchment!!). Now NDA Government has declared that the Loss-making BSNL will be closed or privatized. This being the position, how can we believe the assurance of Task Force or Government?
6.4 Whatshouldwedonow?
Postal employees should unitedly oppose the dangerous and retrograde move of the Government to corporatize the main functions of the Postal Department and defeat it. Otherwise the future of India Post and the job security of the employees will be in danger. In Telecom, when corporatization took place, Government has succeeded in dividing the leadership of the Telecom Federations and employees by offering financial benefit and false assurances and hence the corporatization of Telecom took place without any resistance from the employees. By the time, employees realized the danger, it was too late. Now all the Federations and Unions in the BSNL including officers (Executives) are on continuous struggle for their existence. This should not happen in Postal. The experience of Telecom corporatisation should be lesson for the Postal employees.
Every Postal employee should understand that corporatization is a first step towards privatisation. For better understanding we are quoting below the observations made Fifth Central Pay Commission Chairman Justice SIR. Pandian in Cahpter 8 para 8.17 (a) of its report.
Para 8.17 (a) – Corporatisation
“No activity which involves manufacturing of goods or the provision of commercial services should be under taken by the Government. All such activities should be transferred to existing public sector undertakings (PSU) or new PSU be set up to look after them. Corporatization could also be a necessary half-way house on the road to privatization. There are certain
advantages of privatization which can be achieved through corporatization and corporatistaion is always less controversial than privatization”.
Nobody should be allowed to misguide the employees on false promises. The rosy picture portrayed by the Task Force about the future of India Post is to brain wash the employees and to make them to fall-in-line with the government’s corporatization agenda without any protest. They want the Postal employees to accept the recommendations of the Task Force without any protest. For achieving their goal they will say anything and offer everything. It is the agenda by the corporate for the corporate. And once the corporatization is over, the real face of the Government will come out. By that time it will be too late. We should also learn lesson from the experience of Postal employees of other developed and developing countries also where this policy is implemented. In all those countries where corporatisation of Postal functions has taken place, employees are now fighting against privatisation and for job-security and against retrenchment.
Entire employees of the Department of Posts – Postal, RMS, MMS, Administrative, Postal Accounts, SBCO, Civil wing, Gramin Dak Sewaks and casual, Part-time contingent employees shall unite together, irrespective of their union affiliation and shall come under one banner of JCA and unitedly oppose the corporatization of Postal. Officers shall also join this struggle as they will be the worst sufferers of corporatisation. We should raise the slogan “Save Postal & Save India Post” and unleash intensive campaign against the corporatization move of the Government and also educate the rank and file employees about the dangers of corporatisation and call upon them to be ready for a prolonged and uncompromising struggle.
The decision of the Postal Joint Council of Action (NFPE, FNPO, AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) and NUGDS) to go on indefinite strike from 6th May 2015 should be further strengthened by adding the demand – “No corporatisation of Postal Services” also as an important item of the Charter of Demands.
If we allow the NDA Government to corporatize the functions of the Department of Posts, it will be the beginning of the end of Government run Postal services in India. Multinational corporations will take over the corporation in the near future and the job security of the employees will face serious threat.
Let us be ready for a do or die battle
Venue : Income Tax office, Bangalore
Location : Queens Road which is opposite to GPO building and near to Vidhan Sabha (State Assembly hall) 3 kilometers from city Railway Station)
Climate : Day 20° C and night 8° C. Warm cloths advisable
Accommodation : 1) State Government Employees Association Rooms – Less than 1 Km distance from Venue
2) Shiskara Bhawan (Teachers Bhawan_ - Less than 1 km distance from Venue.
Accommodation dates: From 4th January morning to 7th January 2015.
Food : Vegetarian. Only on 5th & 6th.
ID Proof : Necessary in the City and for journey.
Help Desk : At City RMS office near to main entrance of city Railway Station.
Delegate Fee : Rs. 600/- per delegate including Confederation CHQ office Bearers.
Com. P. S. Prasad, General Secretary, C-O-C, Karnataka, Bangalore
Com. S. Radhakrishna, President
Com. Venkataramani, Working President
Com. Juliana Vincent, SOI (Reception)
Com. Jawarayi Gowda, NFPE (Reception)
Com. Vinod ITEF (Reception)
Com. Janaki Raman, P3, NFPE (Reception)
Com. Mallikarjuna, P4, NFPE (Reception)
Com. Chandrasekhar, P3, NFPE (Accommodation)
Com. Umesh Kamatagi, AICGWBEA (Accommodation)
Com. D. K. Bharathi, Admin, NFPE (Accommodation)
Com. M. B. Krishnappa, P4, NFPE (Accommodation)
Com. Sethuraman, ITEF (Food)
Com. Vidya Simha, AG’s (Food)
Com. D. Jayaraman, ITEF (Food)
Com. M. Ramakrishna, R3, NFPE (Transport)
Com. Mohan Pai of Census (Transport)
Com. Bhaskar, Central Excise (Transport)
Com. Dominic Vidya Anand, NFPE Postal Accts (Credential)
Com. C. A. Kameshwary, Meteorological IMD (Credential)
Com. Ganeshan SOI
| |
Com. L. R. Srinivasan, CGHS (Transport)
(a) NFPE – 60, ITEF – 20, Audit & Accounts – 10, Atomic Energy – 10, Civil Accounts – 10, All other affiliated organizations – 2 each
(b) Confederation State Units -
West Bengal – 10, Kerala – 15, Karnatak – 30, Tamilnadu – 10, Andhra – 10, All other state units – 2 each.
NB: While deciding delegates the concerned organizations shall include the All India office Bearers of Confederations also in their quota since the number of delegates fixed above includes the offices Bearers of Confederations CHQ also.



M. Krishnan
Secretary General
Venue: MPCU Shah Auditorium, Sree Gujarati Samaj, Raj Niwas Road, Civil Lines (Opposite Civil Lines Metro Stations) Delhi.
Time: 12:00 noon to 16:00 Hrs (12 AM to 4 PM)
JCM National Council Staff side organisations will be organizing a National Convention of all Central Government Employees at New Delhi on 11.12.2014. Railway. Defence and Confederation will participate in the convention. Convention will adopt a joint declaration on future course of agitational programmes on the following demands of the Central Government Employees.
1. Effect of wage revision of Central Government Employees from 01.01.2014 accepting memorandum of staff side JCM, Grant interim relief and merger of 100% DA, Ensure submission of the 7th CPC report within the time frame of 18 months.
2. Include the Gramin Dak Sewaks within the ambit of the 7th CPC.
3. No privatization or FDI in Railways and Defence establishments.
4. No ban on recruitment/creation of Posts.
5. No outsourcing, contractorisation and privatization of government functions. Withdraw the proposed move to close down the printing presses, stationery offices and Medical Stores Depots. Regularise the existing daily rated/casual and contract workers.
6. Scrap PFRDA and restore the defined benefit statutory pension scheme.
7. No Labour reforms which are inimical to the interest of workers.
8. Lift the arbitrary ceiling on compassionate appointments.
9. Revise the JCM functioning at all levels as an effective negotiating forum for settlement of the demands of the CGEs.
10. Remove the bonus ceiling.
11. Ensure five promotions in service career.
M. Krishnan
Secretary General
Run Commands And Shortcuts For Windows XP
accwiz - Accessibility Wizard
c: - C: Drive
calc - Calculator
Run DCOM User Security cfgwiz32 - ISDN Configuration Wizard
cleanmgr - Clean up hard drives
cliconfg - SQL Client Configuration
clipbrd - Windows Clipboard viewer
cmd - Open a new Command Window (cmd.exe)
cmd /ipconfig - Show IP Config
cmd /k hostname - Show hostname
comp - Compare Files
control - Control Panel
control admintools - Administrative Tools
control color - Display Properties (Appearance tab) DCOM User Security control desktop - Display Properties (Themes tab)
control folders - Folders Properties
control fonts - Fonts
control keyboard - Keyboard Properties
control mouse - Mouse Properties
control netconnections - Network Connections
control printers - Printers and Faxes
control schedtasks - Scheduled Tasks
dcomcnfg - DCOM user security
ddeshare - DDE Shares
debug - Assembly language programming tool
defrag - Defragmentation tool
diskpart - Disk Partition Manager
drwatson - Record program crash & snapshots
drwtsn32 - Dr.Watson System Troubleshooting Utility
dxdiag - DirectX Diagnostic Utility
edit - MS-Dos Editor
eudcedit - Private Character Editor
explorer - Windows Explorer
Run Performance Monitor fonts - Fonts Folder
fontview - Graphical font viewer
freecell - Free Cell Card Game
fsquirt - Bluetooth Transfer Wizard
ftp - ftp.exe program
helpctr - Help and Suppport
hostname - Return Computer's name
hypertrm - Hyperterminal
charmap - Character Map
chkdsk - Repair damaged files
iexplore - Windows Internet Explorer
Performance Monitor iexpress - Iexpress Wizard
inetwiz - Internet Setup Wizard
jview - Microsoft Command-line Loader for Java classes
logoff - Log Out Of Windows
magnify - Windows Magnifier
migwiz - Files and Settings Transfer Tool
mmc - Microsoft Management Console
mobsync - Microsoft Syncronization Tool
moviemk - Microsoft Movie Maker
mrt - Malicious Software Removal Tool
msconfig - Configuration to edit startup files
mshearts - Hearts Card Game
msimn - Outlook Express
msinfo32 - Microsoft System Information Utility
mstsc - Remote Desktop
narrator - Microsoft Narrator
nbtstat - Display stats and current connections using NetBios over TCP/IP
Run Object Packagernetstat - Display all active network connections
notepad - notepad
nslookup - Return your local DNS server
odbcad32 - ODBC Data Source Administrator
osk - On Screen Keyboard
packager - Object Packager
pbrush - Paint
perfmon - Performance Monitor
pinball - Pinball Game
ping - Send data to a specified host/IP
printers - Printers Folder
Object Packagerregedit - Registry Editor
regsvr32 - Register/de-register DLL/OCX/ActiveX
regwiz - Registration wizard
rtcshare - Sharing Session
sfc /cachesize=x - System File Checker (Set Cache Size to size x)
sfc /purgecache - System File Checker (Purge File Cache)
sfc /revert - System File Checker (Return to Default Setting)
sfc /scanboot - System File Checker (Scan On Every Boot)
sfc /scannow - System File Checker (Scan Immediately)
sfc /scanonce - System File Checker (Scan Once At Next Boot)
shell:recyclebinfolder - Open Recycle Bin
shrpubw - Create a shared folder Wizard
shutdown - Shuts Down Windows
sigverif - File Signature Verification Tool
sndrec32 - Sound Recorder
Run Windows Update Managersndvol32 - Volume control for soundcard
spider - Spider Solitare Card Game
sysedit - Edit system startup files (config.sys, autoexec.bat, win.ini, etc.)
syskey - Windows System Security Tool
systeminfo - Display various system information in text console
taskkill - Kill processes using command line interface
taskmgr - Task manager
tcptest - TCP Tester
telnet - Telnet program
Windows Update Managertracert - Trace and display all paths required to reach an internet host
tskill - Reduced version of Taskkill from Windows XP Home
utilman - Utility Manager
verifier - Driver Verifier Utility
wab - Windows Address Book
wabmig - Windows Address Book Import Utility
winchat - Simple chat program for Windows networks
winipcfg - Display IP configuration
winmine - Minesweeper Game
winver - Windows Version
wmplayer - Windows Media Player
wordpad - Wordpad
wscript - Windows Script host settings
wupdmgr - Windows Update
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