Declaration of bonus on PLI policies for the year 2010-11
Click here to view Directorate of Postal Life Insurance memo No 04-02/2012-LI dated 17.06.2013 on the above subject matter.
Promotion and postings in the Grade of Assistant Director(Recruitment) in Circle Office.
.CLICK HERE to view Directorate memo on the above subject matter.
PS Gr. B examination 2013 - An update
It was informed by General Secretary of IP/ASP association that there is no progress in recasting of marks of PS Gr. B examination 2012 and because of that the PS Gr. B examination for the year 2013 is likely to be delayed
Inspector Posts Examination 2013 - An update
The above said examination is likely to be held on 7th and 8th September, 2013. Directorate is issuing notification soon.
F. No. 42/7/2013-P&PW(G)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners‘ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003
Dated : 12th June, 2013
Subject : Minutes of the meeting held on 28.5.2013 with the representatives of Staff Side, National Council JCM on pensionary matters.
The undersigned is directed to enclose herewith a copy of minutes of the meeting held on 28.5.2013 with the representatives of the Staff Side, National Council JCM on pensionary matters under the chairmanship of
Secretary (Pension, AR&PG) in room No. 310, Lok Nayak B Khan Market, New Delhi for information/ necessary action,
Enclosure: As above.
(Sujasha Choudhury)
Dy. Secretary (P)
Secretary (Pension, AR&PG) chaired a meeting with the representatives of Staff Side, National Council JCM on 28.5.2013 to discuss various issues relatingto pension and other retirement benefits. The list of participants is at Annexure-I. Secretary (Pension, AR&PG) welcomed the participants and appreciated the contributions of the pensioners in the overall development of their respective organisation.
2. The meeting started with a discussion on the Action Taken Report on the minutes of the meeting held on 6.11.2012 as per details given below:
(i) Ex-gratia payment to SRPF/CPF beneficiaries who retired other than on superannuation, i.e. voluntary retirement and medical invalidation cases.
Department of Expenditure has given clearance for deletion of clause ‘c’ of para 2 of OM dated 22.3.2004 which prohibits grant of ex-gratia payment to those retired from service other than superannuation. With this, CPF beneficiary who have retired voluntarily and on medical grounds after 20 years of service will also be granted ex-gratia. It was decided that this agenda item will be closed after issue of a revised OM by the DOP&PW. Ministry of Railways will also issue similar orders.
Action DOP&PW and Ministry of Railways
(ii) Raising quantum of ex-gratia to CPF retirees on the lines of SRPF
The latest status of the case was intimated to the JCM. After the issue of orders by this Department, consequent to the decision of Cabinet the item may be dropped.
Action : DOP&PW
(iii) Abnormal delay in the issue of revised PPO to Pre – 2006 retirees,pensioners / family pensioners.
(i) It was intimated that the Department had taken the following initiatives like (a) allowing change in date of birth of spouse, (b) use of certain documents as proof of date of birth of spouse, (c) inclusion of present postal address and mobile and telephone number in the life certificate (d) use of e-scroll for extracting information from banks’ database. (e) revision of PPOs even in cases where date of birth/age of spouse is not given in the PPO or this information is not available in the office records for speedy revision of PPOs.
(ii) As a result, the number of pending revision cases for civil pensioners has come down from 2,54,467 in August, 2012 to 74,000 as on April, 2013 as per information given by the CPAO on the basis of e-scrolls.
(iii) However, amendment in calculation of revised pension, vide OM dated 28.1.13, has necessitated issue of revised authority in all cases, as indicated in OM dated 13.2.13.
Secretary (Pension, AR&PG) stated that record/information of many pensioners are not available with the Departments, which is hampering further progress and the Pensioners Associations should come forward to help the departments in reaching out to the pensioners/family pensioners. He further stated that Secretaries of various Departments have been requested to review the issue of revision of PPO in the fortnightly/monthly meetings.
Railways stated that in case of pre 2006 pensioners advertisement has been issued. Matter was taken up with RBI to issue notification to all banks Out of 10.89 lakh such cases, 5.46 have been issued revised P.P.Os. Meetings are generally held at various levels. 30th September, 2013 has been set as the target date for disposal of these cases. The progress is being reviewed every month. It has also been decided to take up the revision of PPOs suo-moto rather than waiting for anapplication from the pensioner. The said letter is under issue. Secretary (Pension, AR&PG) desired that the same may be issued by 15th June, 2013. Secretary, Pension desired that necessary changes in systems may be made if that would facilitate the pension sanction and payment processes in the Railways. The present pension authorisation is decentralised in the Railways, Secretary, Pension also stated that he will write to the Chairman, Railway Board in this matter.
CGDA, Ministry of Defence intimated that they hope to complete the exercise by 30th September, 2013.
Action : CPAO, Ministry of Railways,
Ministry of Defence & DOP&PW
(iv) Fixation of Revised Pension (1/3 of commuted portion of Pension) in respect of Government servant who had drawn lump sum payment on absorption – revision by multiplying pre revised pension by a factor of 2.26
CAT, Hyderabad Bench, vide its order dated 22.4.2013, has directed, to pass an order for revision ofpension of absorbee pensioner’s. The Staff Side was informed that the matter was under examination in consultation with Department of Expenditure.
(v) Commutation of Pension(a) Revision of old/ new commutation table and
(b) Restoration of commutation period to be reduced from 15 to 12 years.
It was explained that the matter of revision of old/new commutation table was discussed withDepartment of Expenditure.
It was observed that this issue should be considered by the next pay commission.
JCM intimated that by the new commutation table, the restoration of the commuted portion is completed by 11 years because interest rate is at 8% unlike the old table wherein the restoration period was after 15 years because interest rate was taken at 4.75%. Department of Expenditure stated that issue for this old/new commutation table can be studied only by a specialised body and hence could be looked into by the IRDA. However, these are larger issues for which a holistic viewneeds to be taken by a body like the Pay Commission. However, the matter may be referred toDepartment of Expenditure.
(vi) Family pension to divorced/Widowed/ Unmarried daughter of a Government Servant.- Difficulty faced by them in getting family pensionsanctioned.- Life Time Arrear.
JCM did not raise any specific point in this regard. In fact, it was mentioned by the JCM members that the legal view on the issue of nomination of life time arrear of family pension is that since he/she has not earn the family pension he/she also can not have the right to nominate. As such, the matter may be dropped.
(vii) Payment of arrear pension/family pension on account of revision ofpension family pension with effect from 1.1.2006- Specific of bank in Chandrapur.
It was informed that the matter was taken up with CPPC, Mumbai (SBI), who informed that the payment to pensioners is being made and there is no such case where pension has not been revised as per 6th CPC. Hence the matter may be dropped.
(viii) Payment of Pension to the spouse of pensioners through S.B. account opened jointly with spouse - Problem in SBI.
CPAO has informed that necessary instructions in this regard have been issued to all CPPCs with the direction to bring the contents to the notice of all payingbranches. CPAO was requested to give a copy to the 3C1v1. It was decided to drop the matter.
3. The representatives of 3CM also desired the status of eight agenda items sent by Shri Shiva Gopa I Mishra, General Secretary, AIRF which were not included may also be intimated clearly. This may be informed to him separately.
4. After above discussion on Action Taken Report on the minutes of meeting dated 6.11.2012, fresh agenda items were taken for discussion which are as under:
(i) Equitable Gratuity under Rule 50 of Pension Rules. Slabs are too wide leading to disparity.
Rule 50 of Pension Rules provide the following death gratuity to the family of the deceased Government servant.
Length of service
Rate of death gratuity
Less than one year.
2 times or emoluments.
One year or more but less than 5years.
6 times of emoluments.
5 years or more but less than 20 years.
12 times of emoluments.
20 years or more.
Half month of emoluments for every completed six monthly period of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 33 times of emoluments.
The JCM (Staff Side) has stated that the given at Sl. No. 3 above is not equitable and suggested the following revision: -
5 Years or more but less than 11 years
12 times of emoluments.
11 years or more but less than 20 years
20 times of emoluments
This issue was discussed in the JCM meeting. The present slab of death gratuity was introduced w.e.f. from 1.1.1986 and was introduced as per the recommendations of 4th Central Pay Commission, vide this Departmen No. 2/1/1987-PIC-II dated 14.4.1987. This slab has not be revised since 1986. In between, the 5th and 6th Pay Commission had submitted their reports but no revision had been recommend. After discussions, it was decided that the matter may be examined in consultation with Department of Expenditure.
Action: DOP&PW
(ii) Extension of CS (MA) Rules, 1944 to Cetnral Government Pensioners residing in non-CGHS areas.
The Staff Side demanded that as in the case of serving employees, the CS (MA) Rules may be extended to the pensioners also. This would make pensioners in the non CGHS areas entitled for reimbursement of medical expenses. Staff Side also mentioned that Hon’ble Supreme Court has dismissed some SLPs and allowed reimbursement of medical examination of pensioners, in accordance with CS(MA) Rules.
The representative from Ministry of Health informed that the proposal for extension of CS (MA) Rules 1944 to Central Government pensioners was not agreed to in view of huge financial implications. In regard to the dismissal of SLP filed by Department against order of courts/tribunals for grant of medical benefits in individual cases, Ministry of Health has filed a review petition in Supreme Court. It was also informed that Ministry of Health is contemplating Health Insurance Scheme on pan India basis keeping special focus on the non CHGS areas. This is expected to solve the problems of pensioner’s living in non CGHS areas. The item was treated as closed.
(iii) Grant of modified parity with reference to the Revised Pay Scale corresponding to pre revised Pay Scale of the post from which an employee had retired – upgraded pay scale instead of normal replacement scales.
The JCM suggested that upgraded revised pay scales may be notionally extended and used for pension fixation instead of normal replacement scales.
It was informed that after the 5th Pay Commission also modified parity was allowed with reference to replacement pay scales and not with the upgraded pay scales. This decision of Government was also upheld by Supreme Court in its judgement dated 23.11.2006 in the CA No. 3173-3174/2006 & 3188¬3190/2006 (K. S. Krishna Swamy Vs. UOI). In the 6th CPC the same principle has been followed in view of above. It was informed that it would not be possible to reopen this issue.Therefore, the item may be closed.
5. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to chair.
To view details, please CLICK HERE
National Award for eGovernance 2013-14- Purpose and other detail of the Award
To view please Click Here.
Appointment of Information commissioners in the central Information commission
To view the Circular please Click Here.
Promotion process 2013-14 – Relaxations regarding Rural/Semi-urban experience and field experience for Specialist Officers
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Financial Services
Jeevan Deep, IIIrd Floor,
Parliament Street, New Delhi
Dated the June 3, 2013
CEOs of all PSBs
Subject: Promotion process 2013-14 – Relaxations regarding Rural/Semi-urban experience and field experience for Specialist Officers
I am directed to refer to this Department’s letter of even number dated 4.4.2013 and 22.5.2013 on the above subject and to say that references received from PSBs seeking relaxations in the guidelines for promotion process 2013-14 have been examined in this Department.
2. It has been decided that if required the Banks may, with the approval of their Boards, provide relaxations, in the guidelines on promotion on the following points:-
i) In case officers being considered for promotion for the year 2013-14 do not have sufficient rural/semi-urban experience they may be posted to such areas, post promotion, in order to fulfil the mandatory requirement.
ii) In case officers of specialized cadre being considered for promotion for the year 2013-14 do not have sufficient experience of field operations , they may be posted to such positions post promotion, in order to fulfil the mandatory requirement.
3. The Banks may extend such relaxation/ deviation only if required and must properly record the reasons in the minutes of the Board meeting.
4. This issues with the approval of Secretary (FS).
Yours faithfully,
(Manish Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Copy to all Government Nominee Directors
Financial Services Orders - Delay in payment of pensionary benefits to the Ex-Servicemen
Financial Services Orders - Delay in payment of pensionary benefits to the Ex-Servicemen
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Financial Services
(B.O.III Section)
2nd Floor, Jeevan Deep Building
10, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110 001
07th June, 2013
(i). The Chief Executives of all Pension Paying Banks.
(ii). The Chief General Manager, In-charge, Customer Service Department,
Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Mumbai.
I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to say that a case of non-payment of ex-gratia amount of Rs. 9 lakhs by the UCO Bank, Jhajjar Branch came to the notice of the Department of Financial Services with the approaching that there may be more cases of nonpayment of pensionary benefits to ex-servicemen causing frustration and feeling of isolation in the minds of those who gave their best of life for defence of nation. Such instances may be easily lapped up by the media to paint a negative picture of the PSBs and the Government which could be avoided with a little alacrity on the part of the banking officials.
2. It is therefore requested to kindly look into the matter on top priority basis by sensitizing the bank officials to be more prompt on payment of pensionary benefits to the ex-servicemen without any further delay and also to the CPPCs which need to be streamlined for timely release of pensionary dues to the Armed Forces pensioners. Action taken in this regard beintimated to this Department at the earliest.
Yours faithfully,
(Rakesh Kumar Gupta)
Under Secretary
Tel: 011 23348993
Government of India / Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Railways / Rail Mantralaya
(Railway Board)
PC-VI No.318/2013
RBE No.49/2013
No. F(E)I/2010/AL-28/36
New Delhi, dated 23.05.2013
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways etc.
(As per Standard Mailing List)
Sub: Travelling Allowance Rules – Amendment to rules contained in Chapter 16 of Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol,II (Second Reprint Edition), 2005.
Ref: Board’s letter No. (i) F(E)1/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1.12,2008 and 23.04.2009,
(ii) F(E)1/2008/AL-7/3 dated 3.10.08,
(iii) E(P&A)II-2008/HRA-10 dated 12.9.2008
(iv) F(E)I/2008/AL-28/42 dated 19.8.2010
(v) F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 dated 1.12.2008, 29,12.2010 & 8.3.2011,
(vi) F(E)I/2011/AL-28/26 dated 01.09.2011 & 14.02.2012
(vii) F(E)I/2008/AL-7/2 dated 18.09.08 and F(E)I/89/AL-23/8 dated 2.11.1989
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the President is pleased to direct that Rules 1602, 1603, 1606, 1607, 1611, 1612, 1613, 1616, 1625, 1634, 1636, 1641, 1643, 1644, 1645 and Rule 1686 contained in Chapter 16 – Travelling Allowance Rules of Indian Railway Establishment Code, Vol.II (Second Reprint Edition) 2005, may be amended, as per Advance Correction Slip No. 60 enclosed as Annexure.
2. Hindi version is enclosed.
3. Please acknowledge receipt.
(Sonali Chaturvedi)
Dy.Dir.Finance (Estt.) II
Railway Board
Travelling Allowance Rules - Amendment to rules contained in Chapter 16 of Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol.11 (Second Reprint Edition), 2005.
Chapter 16 - TravellIng Allowance Rules
Section No.1 - General
(1) Substitute the following in lieu of existing Rule 1602 (1):
"Rule 1602 (1) - For the purpose of admissibility to Travelling Allowance, entitlement of Railwayservants will be based on the Grade Pay drawn for those drawing Grade Pay upto Rs. 10,000 and pay drawn in Pay Band for those in Pay Scale of HAG and above.
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1.12.2008).
(2) Rule 1603(1) stands deleted.
(3) Substitute the following in lieu of existing Rule 1603(2):
"Rule 1603 (2) - Non-Practicing Allowance will be reckoned as Basic Pay for computing Composite Transfer Grant”.
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 dated 1.12.2008).
Section IV - Conveyance Allowance
(1) Substitute the existing table under Rule 1606(4) with the following:
| ||
Average monthly travel on official duty | For journeys by own motor car (in Rs.per month) | For journeys by other modes of conveyance (in Rs. Per month) |
201-300 Kms |
301-450 Kms |
451-600Kms |
601-800 Kms |
Above 800 Kms |
Note 1: The rates of fixed Conveyance Allowance shall automatically increase by 25% whenever Dearness Allowance payable on the revised pay structure goes up by 50%.
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)1/2008/AL-7/3 dt.3.10.08)
(2) “NOTE 1” & “NOTE 2” below Rule 1606(4) may be read as “NOTE 2” & “NOTE 3” respectively.
(3) In clause (a) below Railway Ministry’s decision under Rule 1606, substitute the figure "Rs.20/-” with the figure “Rs.60/-”.
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-7/2 dt. 18.09.2008)
Section V - Mileage Allowance
(1.) Rule 1607 (5)
Substitute the following table in lieu of existing table under Rule-1607(5):
Grade Pay
(i)Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.10,000 and those In pay scale of HAG OR and above. | Actual fare by any type of public bus including air-conditioned bus OR At prescribed rates of AC taxi when the journey is actually performed by AC Taxi OR At prescribed rates for Ordinary Taxi when the journey is actually performed by Ordinary Taxi/Own Car OR At prescribed rates for auto rickshaw for journeys by auto-rickshaw, own scooter, motor cycle, moped etc. |
(ii) Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.5400, Rs. 6600, Rs.7600, Rs.8700 and Rs.8900. | Same as at (i) above with the exception that journeys by AC taxi will not be permissible |
(iii) Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.4200, Rs.4600 and Rs.4800. | Same as at (ii) above. |
(iv) Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.2400 and above but less than Rs.4200. | Actual fare by any type of public bus other than air-conditioned bus. OR At prescribed rates for auto-rickshaw for journeys by auto-rickshaw/own scooter/motorcycle/moped etc. |
(v) Officers drawing grade pay below Rs.2400. | Actual fare by ordinary public bus only OR At prescribed rates for auto-rickshaw/own scooter/motorcycle/moped etc. |
(2) Substitute the rates of Mileage Allowance mentioned at (i) & (ii) below the table under Rule 1607(5) with the following:
(i) For journeys performed in own car / taxi : Rs.16 per Km
(ii) For journeys performed by auto-rickshaw: Rs. 8 per Km own scooter, etc.
(3) In the first line of the Note-1 under Rule 1607 (5) substitute the words “pay less than Rs.6500/-” with “Grade Pay less than Rs.4200/-.
(4) In the last line of the Note-2 under Rule 1607 (5) substitute the figure “60 paise” with “Rs.1.20”.
(5) The following note may be added as Note-4 below Rule 1607(5):
“Note-4: The rate for Mileage allowance for road journey by taxi/own car/auto rickshaw/own scooter/tonga/cycle rickshaw/man-driven rickshaw/ bicycle/foot shall automatically increase by 25% whenever Dearness allowance payable on the revised pay structure goes up by 50%.”
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1.12.2008 and 23.04.2009).
Section VI- Daily Allowance
(1) Substitute the existing table in Rule 1611 wIth the following:
Grade Pay | Daily Allowance (per day) |
Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.10,000/- and those in pay scales of HAG and above | Rs 520 |
Officers drawing Officers drawing Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.7600 to Rs.8900/- | Rs.460 |
Officers drawing Officers drawing Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.5400 to Rs.6600/- | Rs.400 |
Officers drawing Officers drawing Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.4200 to 4800/- | Rs.340 |
Officers drawing grade pay of below Rs.4200/- | Rs.210 |
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1. 12.2008)
(2) Rule 1612 & Note (1), (2) & (3) below Rule 1612 stand deleted.
(3) Rule 1613 stands deleted.
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. E(PM)II-2008/HRA-10 dated 12.9.2008 and F(E)I/2008/AL-28/ 14 dated 1.12.2008)
(4) Rule 1616 stands deleted.
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2008/HRA-10 dated 12.9.2008 and F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1.12.2008)
Section No.VII - Travelling Allowance for Journeys on Tour
(1) Rule 1625
In the last line of the Note-2 under Rule 1625, substItute the word "pay” with Grade Pay”.
(2) Rule 1634
Substitute the following In lieu of existing Rule 1634.
The entitlement for journeys by Sea or by River Steamer, on tour, is as follows:
Grade Pay
Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.5400/- and above and those in pay scales of HAG and above | Highest Class |
Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.4200, Rs.4600 and Rs.4800 | If there be two classes only on the steamer, the lower class |
Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.2400 and Rs.2800 | If there be two classes only on the steamer, the lower class If there be three classes, the middle or the second class If there be four classes, the third class : |
Officers drawing grade pay less than Rs. 2400/- | The lowest class- |
Accommodation entitlements for travel between the mainland and the A&N Group of Islands and Lakshadweep Group of Islands by ships operated by the Shipping Corporation of India Limited will be as follows:
Grade Pay
Officers drawing grade pay Rs.5400 and above and those in scales of HAG and above | Deluxe Class |
Officers drawing grade pay Rs.4200, Rs.4600 and Rs.4800 | First/ ‘A’ Cabin Class |
Officers drawing grade pay Rs.2400 and Rs.2800 | Second/ ‘B’ Cabin Class |
Officers drawing grade pay less than Rs.2400 | Bunk Class |
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1.12.2008)
(3) Substitute the following In lieu of Sub-rule (7) of Rule 1636 as under ; Rule 1636 (7)
Railway officers in pay scale of Rs. 67000-79000 or above may travel at their discretion in Business or Club Class by air within the country on tour. Officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- may also travel by Business/Club Class wIth the approval of Competent
Authority. Other officers and non-officials, who are authorized to travel by air within India at Government expense, shall be entitled to travel by Economy Class only where two classes of accommodation i.e., Economy Class and Business or Club class are available on the airlines.
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1.12.2008)
Section VIII - Journey at or near Headquarters.
(1) In Rule 1641 (1), substitute the words “drawing a pay of not less than Rs.3200/- per month, under Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1986” with “ in Grade Pay Rs. 4600 (PB-2) & above and drawing pay not less than Rs. 18050 in the Pay Band (excluding Grade Pay) under Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008”.
In Rule 1641 (2), substitute the words “Railway servants, gazetted or non-gazetted, drawing a pay of less than Rs.3200/- per month shall not be entitled to engage a taxi. They may be permitted to claim conveyance hire as follows:-” with “Railway servants not entitled to engage a taxi in terms of Rule 1641 (1) may be permitted to claim conveyance hire as follows:-”
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/42 dated 19.08.2010)
Section IX - Transfer Travelling Allowance
Rule 1643 (A) (1)
(1) Substitute the following in lieu of the existing Rule 1643 (A)(1).
Journeys by Air :-
A Railway Officer holding a post in pay scale of Rs.67000-79000 and above may travel by air, at his discretion, to join the new HQs., on transfer. Officers in the grade pay of Rs 10,000/- may also be permitted to travel by air with the approval of Competent
Authority, subject to exigency and where joining at transfer station has to be effected with immediate effect. The air fare will, however, be admissible for self only. No family member of any Railway servant is entitled to travel by air on transfer.
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. F( E)I/2008/AL-28/15 dated 01.12.2008)
(2) Substitute the following table in lieu of Rule 1643 (B) (2):
1643 (B) (2): Charges for transportation of personal effects between places connected by rail on transfer/retirement:
(I) If the transportation of personal effects is made by rail, the rates as under will be admissible for transporting personal effects from place of residence to the Railway Station at the Old headquarters and from Railway Station to the place of residence, at the new headquarters;
Grade Pay
Rate per km for transport by road (Rs.
| |
X & Y class cities*
Z class cities*
| |
Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.4200 and above and those in pay scale HAG and above | 30.00 (Rs.0.005 per kg per km.) | 18.00 (Rs.0.003 per kg. per km.) |
Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.2800/- | 15.00 (Rs.0.005 per kg per km.) | 9.00 (Rs.0.003 per kg. per km.) |
Officers drawing grade pay below Rs 2800 | 7.50 (Rs.0.005 per kg per km.) | 4.60 (Rs.0.0031 per kg. per km.) |
The rates for transporting the entitled weight by Steamer will be equal to the prevailing rates prescribed by such transport in ships operated by Shipping Corporation of India.
(Authority: Railway Board’s letters No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 dated 29.12.2010)
(ii) If the transportation of personal effects is made by road, reimbursement of actual expenditure by road limited to rates prescribed as in (I) above will be admissible.
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/201 1/AL-28/26 dated 14.02.2012)
(3) The existing Note 1 & 2 below Rule 1643(B)(2) may be deleted and the following may be added as Note - 1 and 2.
Note-1: The higher rates of road mileage prescribed for ‘X’ and ‘Y’ class citIes would be admissible for transfers within ‘X’ and ‘Y class cities; ‘X’ to‘Y’ class cities and vice-versa; and from ‘X’/’Y’ class cities to ‘Z’ class cities and vice-versa. In all other cases of transfers within ‘Z’ class cities, the rates prescribed for ‘Z’ class cities shall be admissible.
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 dated 08.03.2011)
Note-2: The rates of transportation of personal effects as mentioned above shall automatically increase by 25% whenever Dearness Allowance payable on the revised pay structure goes up by 50%.
(4) Add sub-rule B(3) below Rule 1643 (B) (2):
1643 (B) (3): The rates of transportation of personal effects by road between places connected by rail/not connected by rail would be the rates as prescribed in the table In Rule 1643 (B) (2).
1643 (B) (3): The rates of transportation of personal effects by road between places connected by rail/not connected by rail would be the rates as prescribed in the table In Rule 1643 (B) (2).
(Authority: Railway Board’s letters No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 dated 29.12.2010 & No. F(E)I/2011/AL-28/26 dated 01.09.2011 & 14.02.2012)
(5) The following may be added below existing Rule 1643(C):
Transportation of Conveyance on Transfer/settlement after retirement:
Between places connected by rail | Between places not connected by rail |
Prescribed rates limited to expenditure on transportation by passenger train on rail. | Prescribed rates.* |
Between places connected by rail | Between places not connected by rail |
Actual expenses limited to prescribed rates or expenditure on transportation by passenger train on rail, whichever less. | Actual expenses limited to prescribed rates.* |
*Prescribed rates means, the rates notified by the concerned Directorate of Transport, for taxi and auto rickshaw, at the starting point, subject to a maximum of Rs.201- for taxi and Rs.10/- for auto rickshaw as prescribed/revised from time to time.
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.F(E)I/2011/AL-28/26 dated 01.09.2011)
(6) Rule 1643 (D)(II) (a) Item No.(ii) of the table under Rule 1643 (D) (II)(a) stands deleted.
(7) Note. 1 below Rule 1643 (D)(II)(a) stands deleted.
(8) Rule 1643 (D)(II)(b)
In the last line of Rule 1643 (D) (II) (b) delete the words “irrespective of his date of joining Railway service i.e. before, on or after 1.5.76”.
(9) RuIe 1643 (D)(III)(vi) stands deleted.
(10) Rule 1643 (D)(IV) Quantum of Advance.
Substitute Rule 1643 (D) IV (i) & (ii) with the following:
“The quantum of advance admissible on transfer to a serving Railway employee is 75% of the admissible amount of Composite Transfer Grant.”
(11) Below Rule 1643 (D)(V) under Railway Ministry’s Decisions, the following may be substituted in lieu of the existing decision.
Transfer Travelling Allowance in cases, where both husband and wife are in Government service and are transferred within 60 days of his/her transfer from the same place to the same place, shall not be admissible to the spouse transferred later. In cases where the transfer takes place within six months, but after 60 days of the transfer of the spouse, fifty per cent of the Transfer Grant on transfer shall be allowed to the spouse transferred later. No transfer grant shall be admissible to the spouse transferred later, in case both the transfers are ordered within 60 days. The existing provisions shall continue to be applicable in case of transfer after a period of six months or more. Other rules precluding Transfer Grant in case of transfer at own request or transfer other than in public interest shall continue to apply unchanged in theIr case.
(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 dated 01.12.2008)
(12) Rule 1644(1) stands deleted.
(13) Rule 1644(2) and Note below Rule 1644(2) stands deleted.
(14) In Rule 1644 (3), substitute the words “Transfer Grant and Packing Allowance” with “Composite Transfer Grant”.
(15) Rule 1644(4) stands deleted.
(16) Rule 1645 1(b) stands deleted.
(17) The following may be substituted in lieu of Note (i) below Rule 1645-I-(c)
NOTE (i) A Railway servant who has been transferred within the same station or to an outstation within 20 Kms. of the old headquarters, shall be granted Composite Transfer Grant at the rate of one-third of one month’s basic pay, provided there s a change of residence, as a result of transfer.
(18) Rule 1645 II (b) may be substituted with the following in lieu of the existing rule:
(b) If there is a change of residence as a result of transfer, full transfer travelling allowance will be admissible if the distance between the two stations exceeds 20 Kms.
Section XXI - Journeys on a course of training
The existing sub-rule (2) of Rule 1686 may be substituted by:
“The apprentices (whether mechanical or other categories) who are in receipt of the concession of free boarding and lodging at their headquarters may be allowed Travelling Allowance applicable to the category to which they are apprentices provided they are required to undertake such journeys as a part of their training and no free boarding is arranged for them.”
(Authority: Board’s letter No. F(E)I/89/AL-2818 dated 2.11.89)