Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 17th September, 2015.
The Secretary General,
National Federation of Postal Employees,
1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building,
New Delhi-110001
The Secretary General,
Federation of National Postal Organisations,
T-24, Atul Grove Road,
New Delhi-110001.
Subject: Holding of day long Dharna on 22-09-2015 by Postal Joint Council of
Action (PJCA) - Regarding.
I am directed to refer to your Circular No.PF-PJCA/2015 dated 12th August, 2015 on the above mentioned subject and to send herewith the following point wise information relating to the Charter of Demands:-
(i) Include GDS in 7th CPC for wage revision and other service related matters:-
Ministry of Finance has not agreed to the proposal of this Department for inclusion of GDS within the purview of 7th CPC inspite of several attempts.
(ii) Implement cadre Restructuring proposal in all cadres including Postal Accounts and MMS in Department of Posts:-
Cadre restructuring proposal of Group ‘C’ employees: The proposal is pending with the Department of Expenditure, M/o Finance at present.
The Cadre Restructuring proposal of Stenographers cadre is under examination.
Postal Accounts Cadre: Regarding restructuring of Sorter, LDC and DEO cadre in PAO’s, views of both the Associations viz. AIPAEA, BPAOEA have been called for vide letter dated 29th June, 2015. It would be processed further on receipt of necessary inputs from them.
MMS Cadre: The case of MMS is under process.
(iii) Fill up vacant posts in all cadres of Department of Posts :-
(a) As regards vacancies of LDC/JA/Stenographers under DR quota the necessary details have been uploaded on the SSC’s Website. Further action would be taken on receipt of dossiers from the SSC.
(b) Abeyance order dated 27-04-2015 issued in r/o PA/SA DR Exam 2014 has been revoked in 10 Circles namely Andhra Pradesh, Assam, J&K, Karnataka, Kerala, North East, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Punjab and these Circles will now be filling up PA/SA DR 2014 held up vacancies.
(c) Work of conduct of PA/SA DR Exam for the vacancies of 2015-16 has been entrusted to the SSC and in its notification dated 13-06-2015, 3506 vacancies have been announced to be filled up. Examination is scheduled in the month of November, 2015.
(d) The necessary instructions have been issued to fill up the vacancies in Postman/Mailguard and MTS cadre and circles are in the process of filling up these vacancies.
(e) Instructions already exists for filling up of vacant posts of GDS Mail Man.
2. In view of the fact that all the issues are under active consideration and being processed, the Federations are advised to cancel the Dharna as no useful purpose is served through agitations/dharnas.
Yours faithfully,
( Arun Malik )
Director (SR & Legal)
Delhi State Association has made elaborate arrangements for holding the AGM in New Delhi on 15-16 October, 2015.
The AGM will be held in the Community Centre, R.K.Puram New Delhi.
The Delegates stay accommodation is in the Vittal Complex opposite to AGM Venue.
The Reception Committee has in addition to booking the accommodation for AGM and Delegates stay, has arranged for Momento Bags and engaged the big leaders including Shiv Gopal Misra (JCM Staff Side Secretary and AIRF GS); K.K.N.Kutty (Chariman Confederation and JCM Standing Committee Member); M.Krishnan (SG Confederation and JCM Standing Committee Member); R.N.Parashar (SG NFPE); D.Theagarajan (SG FNPO); Pavitra Ranjan Chakraborty (Offtg SG NCCPA); VAN Namboodiri (Patron NCCPA); K.G.Jayaraj (GS AIBDPA); General Secretaries of many All India Unions
We hope that the recommendations of the 7th CPC will be submitted by 30th September, 2015, even though the Government had extended the period of Pay Commission by four months upto December, 2015. However, whether the report is published before or not, we are holding the AGM as notified.
All CHQ Office Bearers, State General Secretaries, State Convenors of State Associations, District / Divisional Secretaries of AIRPA are Delegates to AGM.
Other Comrades can also attend as Visitors to the AGM.
Good arrangements are being made by the Reception Committee for accommodation and catering and a reasonable delegates fee will be fixed by the reception Committee for delegates except the CMC Members. The Delegate fee has to be borne by the respective States / Districts.
The AGM is being held after the 1st AIC at Vellore. Many organisational aspects will be gone into deeply in the AGM besides deciding on a path to be pursued in future for achieving our important issues together with NCCPA and other Pensioners Organisations.
All are once again reminded to book their journey reservations to Delhi immediately. State General Secretaries and the State Convenors are requested to inform the CHQ and the Reception Committee about the probable number of Delegates / Visitors expected to attend the AGM to facilitate making arrangements for their stay without any hitch.
A detailed circular as well as the invitation will be directly sent to all CHQ Office Bearers and State Associations by the Reception Committee shortly. The State Association General Secretaries are requested to inform all their District / Divisional Secretaries the contents of the Reception Committee Circular as the CHQ and the Reception Committee are not in possession of the full mailing list of District / Divisional Secretaries of all States.
General Secretary
No. CONF/NS/2015 Dated - 16-09-2015
Meeting of the National Secretariat of the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers will be held at Hyderabad on 09-10-2015 (09th October 2015 - Friday). The meeting shall commence at 05:00 PM and continue till close. National Secretariat members and main Office bearers of the Women's Sub Committee are requested to attend the meeting.
The following shall be the agenda of the meeting:
1. Common demands of the Central Govt. Employees - 7th CPC related issues and proposed JCM National Council Staff-side indefinite strike from 23rd November 2015.
2. Review of one day General Strike on 2nd September 2015 as per the call of Central Trade Unions.
3. All India Women's Workshop of Confederation – Hyderabad – Review
4. Issues relating to the affiliated Organizations.
5. Financial review.
6. Any other item with permission of the Chair.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
1. All National Secretariat Members.
2. Main office bearers of Women's Sub Committee.
To view DoPT OM dated 16th September 2015, please CLICK HERE.
Introduction of 'Sovereign Gold Bonds Scheme'
To view Department of Economic Affairs (Investment Division) OM No.20/10 /2014-FT dated 15-09-2015 please Click Here.
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