Thursday, 19 December 2013

Guidelines for conducting Pension Adalats

Guidelines for conducting Pension Adalats

1. Objective 
The intention of conducting Pension Adalats is to look into the grievances of Pensioners so as to redress the same by taking on-the-spot decisions there by reducing the delays, if any, in the settlement of their legitimate dues. This kind of interaction with the Pensioners would instill in them a sense of being cared for and attended to, thus, dispelling their feelings of isolation and neglect. It will also give an idea of the kind of problems/difficulties that are being faced by the pensioners and help in identifying the areas of concern in policy that require our urgent attention for amendment, etc.

2. Frequency, Date and Time
2.1 Pensioners’ Adalats may he held twice around January and July every year. Venue and date will he fixed by the concerned organization in consultation with the stakeholders and notified through advertisements inleading newspapers/other media. For this purpose, the following time frame may be adopted:

(a) Issue of notice by respective organisations through print and visual media and other means about holding of Pension Adalats indicating date, venue, time of Adalat and the name of Officer to whom the grievances have to be submitted.At least 4 months in advance of the proposed date of Adalat.

(b) Last date for submission of grievances by Pensioners, which should be indicated in the Notification mentioned above.Within 90 days from the date of issue of notice.

2.2 About 4 to 6 weeks time is considered adequate to investigate most of the complaints/representations though some cases may take a little longer. However, keeping in view the fact that the aim of the Adalat is to promote credibility and generate confidence amongst the pensioners, the last date for receiving the complaints/representations to be heard in the Adalat may be suitably fixed and announced at the time of giving the publicity. Only one officer will be nominated to receive the complaints/representations. The officer to whom the complaints/representations should be sent will also he indicated in the advertisement.

3. Publicity for the Adalat
3.1 Wide and adequate publicity through print and visual media and other means like posters at prominent places, may be given in advance to enable the pensioners to send their cases in time for consideration in such Adalats. Doordarshan and A.I.R. can also be requested to telecast/broadcast the same through appropriate programmes. This is considered necessary, as reference to various records is very often essential before a grievance can be considered/redressed.

3.2 The most important aspect of the publicity campaign is to reach out to the individual pensioners. For this purpose a set of hand outs, posters and press releases may be prepared and sent to the following agencies three months in advance. Bank branches, Post Offices and Treasury Offices for display at their respective premises. Respective organizations at regional level for display at their premises and other crucial points.

Pensioner’s Associations & Leagues of pensioners at the station of the Adalat and its adjoining states for dissemination of information to the pensioners. Special efforts for publicity in the interior villages may be made by the respective organizations located at the station of the Adalat, which are also expected to liaise with the local print and electronic media. For publicity of the Adalat for the information of Pensioners, press releases be issued in various print and electronic media in local/regional languages.

The above exercise may be repeated through several rounds of press releases to above mentioned agencies.

4. Admissibility of cases in Pension Adalats
4.1 Cases involving purely legal points e.g. succession, etc., cannot he taken up in the Adalat. This aspect need to be adequately publicized.

4.2 Grievances involving policy matters need not he taken up in such Adalats.

4.3 In the cases of grievances not being tenable, the Pensioners may be suitably advised in writing.

4.4 Normally, no case should be held up for the sake of consideration/decision in the Adalat unless the delay is absolutely inescapable.

5. Advance action

5.1 The representalions/grievances of Pensioners may be acknowledged indicating the date, venue and time of Pension Adalat.

5.2 The concerned Officers will examine the grievances/representations admitted and submit necessary reports at least two weeks before the Adalalt meets, to the members of the Adalat. The grievances/representations may be examined in detail and prompt action to finalize the cases be taken. Wherever necessary, liaison may be done with other concerned agencies for prompt settlements of the grievances. The cases which do not fall within the scope of the Adalat, will he required to be communicated to complainants indicating the result of enquiry/investigation, ete. and the decision taken thereon.

6. Representation in Pension Adalats
6.1 All Officers dealing with pension viz. Senior Officers of Personnel/Administrative Branch and Accounts Department and Managers of the pension-disbursing Banks from Zonal or Divisional Headquarters should be present with all the relevant records so that decisions are not postponed for the sake of referring to the records.

6.2 The Officers present in the Pension Adalats should be able to take decisions on the spot to redress the grievances. In this connection it is pertinent to note that such meetings are not to take up policy matters but they should deal with specific grievances of the individual pensioner, when represented by him personally or by a family member of the Pensioner.

6.3 The authorized representatives of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) and the recognized Trade Unions/Pensioner Associations may also be invited to attend the Pension Adalats. But they should not be permitted to present the grievances of the Pensioners.

6.4 However, in the case of illiterate Pensioners, widows, minors etc. it may not be possible for them to effectively prepare and present cases before the Adalat. In such cases, if the pensioner/family pensioner seeks the assistance of the representatives of the SCOVA / Pensioners Associations attending the Adalat, the SCOVA/Pensioners Associations representatives may be permitted to present the grievances of such pensioners/family pensioners. It may so happen that the Office bearers of the SCOVA/Trade Union/Pensioners Associations may not be available when Pension Adalats are held on different dates, at different places. In such cases even the representatives of SCOVA / Trade Unions/Pensioners Association, as authorized by the SCOVA/Trade Unions/Pensioners Associations and whose credentials are sent in advance to the concerned Organization, may be allowed to attend the Pension Adalats and to present the cases, if necessary.

6.5 It needs to be ensured that all the cases which are tenable are settled at the time of Pension Adalat itself. But in cases where it is not possible to settle the same on the spot, it should be settled and finalized within a period of approx. three months from the date of holding the Pension Adalat.

7. Composition and conduct of Pension Adalat
7.1 The Adalat will comprise of concerned stake holders al the Regional level, which may have minimum five members chaired by the Head of the concerned Organization/Bank. The Head of the Pension Adalat would be assisted by the concerned officer of the Region concerned. The other three members will be one each from the Operational Wing and Finance Wings and the Bank/Post office (pension disbursing authority), it may also have a representative of DoP&PW. However, modifIcation in the composition of the members can be made if the Head of the respective Organization/ Pension Adalat feels so in the circumstances.

7.2 The business of the Adalat is conducted through benches which comprise of experts in pension matters from various authorities. The Pension Adalat would be more beneficial if the representatives of DoP&W and all the concerned stakeholders are included in it.

7.3 The Pension Adalats should be conducted at the level of very senior Officers including Officers of Personnel. Accounts, Finance and other Departments concerned. The representatives of Banks/other Pension Disbursing Authorities should also be co-opted in the Pension Adalats. The officers comprising the Adalat should be those who have been authorized to take decisions on the various aspects of pension.

8. Jurisdiction and Venue
The Adalats are generally held at places where there is large concentration of Pensioners who draw their pensions from Public Sector Banks, Post offices and Treasuries. There will be one Adalat at least at regional level, which will cover a wide range of organizations/stakeholders. The Adalats may be held at the Headquarters Station of the Regional Officc of the respective organization.

9. Evaluation & Monitoring
9.1 A Summary of outstanding cases may be compiled at the end of the Adalat and the unsettled cases referred to the concerned agencies for appropriate action in a time bound manner. A periodical review of outstanding cases is conducted and follow up action is taken with the internal and external agencies.

9.2 A review of the performance of the Adalat may be completed within 3 months of the ADALAT DAY. The items for evaluation could be
(a) Total no. of grievances/cases.
(b) number of cases decided on-the-spot.
(b) disposal of cases where decision could not be given on-the- spot and another date has been given.
(c) Users satisfaction generated through the Adalat.9.3 An evaluation report after the first Adalat meeting may be prepared by the Head of the Pension Adalat assisted by the concerned officer at regional level clearly indicating further steps. it any, required for improvement, and the same submitted within a month from the date of Adalat to senior officers of the respective organization.

9.4 Efforts should always be made to make payment of settlement dues immediately on retirement as per normal practice. No case should be held up for decision in Pension Adalats unless the delay is absolutely inescapable.

9.5 As the conduct of Pension Adalat is being monitored at the highest level of the respective organization including stakeholders, the guidelines should be followed scrupulously to ensure that the grievances of Pensioners / Family Pensioners are settled promptly without giving any room for complaint whatsoever.

Source : www.pensionersportal.gov.in

Internship Scheme of the Department of Economic Affairs for 2014-15

Issue of Intimation under section 143(1) of Income tax act, 1961 - Income Tax Department

Issue of Intimation under section 143(1) of Income tax act, 1961 - Income Tax Department

Instruction No.18th/2013
F.No. 225/196/2013-ITA.II
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue (CBDT)

North Block, New Delhi
dated the 17th of December, 2013
All Chief Commissioners of Income Tax
All Directors General of Income Tax

Subject: - Issue of Intimation under section 143(1) of Income-tax Act, 1961 beyond time-regarding.

Several instances have come to the notice of the Board where due to certain technical or other reasons (which inter-alia included wrong migration of PAN and delayed release of returns by the Centralized Processing Cell to the jurisdictional authorities), intimation in refund cases could not be sent to the concerned assessees within the time-frame as prescribed in second proviso to sub-section (1) of section 143 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (‘Act’). This has caused grievances as assessees are unable to get their legitimate refunds in accordance with provisions of Act, although the delay is not attributable to them.

2. The matter has been examined. Central Board of Direct Taxes, by virtue of power vested in it under section 119(2)(a) of the Act, hereby relaxes the time-frame prescribed in second proviso to sub-section(1) of section 143 of the Act in those cases where the return-of-income was filed by the assessee in accordance with provisions of section 139/142(1) of the Act, but due to technical or other reasons not attributable to such assessees, the date of sending intimation under section 143(1) of the Act has lapsed before 01-04-2013. In suchcases, Central Board of Direct Taxes directs that such returns shall be processed and intimation of processing of such returns shall be sent to the assessee concerned by the Assessing Officer in accordance with provisions of section 143 of the Act notwithstanding the time-limit prescribed in second proviso to sub-section (1) of that section.

3. The progress of disposal of such cases shall be monitored by the Addl./ Joint CIT.

4. It is reiterated that this Instruction shall only apply to those cases where a valid return-of-income was filed as per provisions of the Act with refund claim, but the same remained pending beyond the prescribed date due to reasons not attributable to the assessee. Further, this relaxation shall not be applicable to those cases where either Demand is shown as payable in the return-of-income or as a result of processing beyond the date as prescribed in second proviso to sub-section (1) of section 143, Demand isdetermined as payable.

5. This should be immediately brought to the notice of all officers working in your region.

Yours faithfully,
(Rohit Garg)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

Source: www.incometaxindia.gov.in

Procedure to Deal with COD articles in Postman Module

COD Articles receive , invoice and delivery procedure were included in this post to easy understand.
Main Modules were required to Update COD article delivery:
·                     R Net Communication.
·                     Postman 
·                     ePayment

How to receive ?
COD Articles messages were received through R Net Communication. So whenever received articles physically you should Run R Net Communication until COD Article message receive.
COD Articles not yet received even execute R Net Communication
Some offices may not updated the latest version before receive the COD articles, but after update MM 7 Update -7 article information not received.
In some cases Offices were updated before receive the COD articles but messages were not received.
1.    Update the Latest release of dated 17.12.13 Log in as Postman Supervisor send Request resend for COD articles under Tools option.
2.    Execute R Net Communication.
Note1: If problem not fixed kindly contact CEPT for Solution.
Note2: Request resend option available in only update 9 dated 17.12.13
How to Invoice COD ?
·                     COD articles should be invoiced only in Postman Module under COD article post sorting option. Not in Register parcel. 
·                     For BOs it should be invoiced by COD article > To BOs option in Postman Module.
·                     For Mis-send /Mis match Pin-code articles need not invoice in postman or BO, it should be send to Booking office without invoicing to postman or BOs using Mismatch Pincode option in COD articles.
How to take Returns and submit amount?
·                     Returns should be taken invoiced beat, for delivery beat do payment to treasury like as eVP.
(Treasury > Receipts > Postman returns > Beat >Enter cash -which was collected amount for COD)
·                     For HO/SO Submit account should be done at Postman Supervisor under Treasury.
·                     For BOs, verification should be done in Postman Supervisor  under Treasury ans it should be tallied with sub account. 
How to transmit payment details to Central Server
Delivered COD articles were checked whether proper account were made in Treasury module and its were transmitted to central server through ePayment Communication.

Cabinet proposal soon to constitute 7th Pay Commission

The central government is likely to constitute the 7th Pay Commission for revising the salaries of its over 50 lakh employees before the start of process of next general elections due in May, 2014. 

"The Finance Ministry is working out a Cabinet proposal for constitution of the 7th Pay Commission which could be taken up for consideration in the next couple of weeks," a source said. 

According to information available, the government's intention to constitute 7th Pay Commission before going for polls is clear as it has made provision of Rs 3.5 crore in the second supplementary demands for grants in this regard which was approved by Parliament in the just concluded Winter Session. 

Earlier in September this year, Finance Minister P Chidambaram had announced that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has approved setting up of the 7th Pay Commission. 

According to the announcement, the Commission will be mandated to submit its report in two years time and its recommendations would be implemented from January 1, 2016. 

However, after that announcement, no formal proposal was put up before the Union Cabinet for constitution of the Commission. 

As per the practice, the Commission is headed by a former Supreme Court Judge and its other members would include experts and officials. 

Meanwhile, the government is also believed to have approved fixing minimum pension of Rs 1,000 per month under the Employees' Pension Scheme 1995 (EPS-95) run by retirement fund body Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO). 

The government is also understood to have cleared maximum basic wage ceiling of Rs 15,000 per month for deduction of Provident Fund from existing Rs 6,500 per month for private sector workers, in general, covered under schemes run by EPFO. (MORE) PTI KKS CS TVS12191547 NNNN.

An official said, "Both the decisions-- enhancing wage ceiling for PF deduction and fixing minimum pension of Rs 1,000 per month would increase the burden on exchequer as government would have to contribute more towards pension subsidy under EPS-95." 

The employers contribute 8.33 per cent of the basic wages including basic pay and dearness allowance towards the EPS-95 whereas Central Government contributes 1.16 per cent of basic wages from its budget. 

The proposal on minimum pension of Rs 1,000 per month was pending with government for a long time because an additional contribution of 0.63 per cent of basic wages was required for the purpose. 

Earlier this year, Labour Ministry had made a case for increase in government's contribution to its pension scheme EPS-95 to 1.79 per cent of basic wages from existing 1.16 per cent for ensuring Rs 1,000 per month to pensioners. 

The decision to fix minimum pension of Rs 1,000 would immediately benefit over 35 lakh pensioners under EPF-95. In the long run, the decision of enhancing wage ceiling would benefit over 5 crore existing subscribers of EPFO. 

Source : The Economic Times

Invitation of applications for appointment as Young Professional in the Department of Economic Affairs

Six lakh posts vacant in central government

NEW DELHI: More than six lakh posts are lying vacant in different central government departments and ministries, Rajya Sabha was informed today. 

Minister of State for Personnel V Narayanasamy said as on March 1, 2012, there were 36,84,543 sanctioned posts in various central government ministries, departments and Union territory administrations. 

Out of these sanctioned posts, 6,00,013 posts are lying vacant, he said. 

"The Ministries/Departments are required to fill the vacancies as per recruitment rules and extant guidelines. This department issues instructions from time to time to all Ministries/Departments to fill up the vacant posts on timely basis," the Minister said. 

Everything You Need to Know About Leave Travel Allowance (LTA)

With the Financial Year winding to a close by end of March and Summary Vacations on the horizon in April-May, many of us are planning our vacations during the time when our kids don't have School. Many of us go on yearly outings with family but most people don’t know or don’t use their Leave Travel Allowance. In fact, many of us would have heard the term LTA at some point during their careers but don’t bother to use it (including me) because we fail to appreciate its use and tax benefits.

The purpose of this article is to help you understand what LTA is and how to use it to reduce your tax liability.

What is Leave Travel Allowance?

Leave Travel Allowance is an allowance that is usually paid as part of Salary (Annual CTC to be specific) by employers to their employees. The original idea behind the LTA component was to help the employee meet his travel expenses. However, of late it has become yet another component of the CTC and no one cares much about it except how much is paid out as LTA every year by the employer.

LTA is usually decided for a year and then paid out on a monthly basis. For ex: If your LTA is Rs. 12,000/- every year, you will get Rs. 1,000/- every month as LTA.

Many Employers club together the allowances like House Rent Allowance (HRA), LTA, Medical Allowance etc. and come up with a final number that is added to the CTC. The employee is given the flexibility to decide how much of the total Allowance is allocated to each of the individual components. As LTA isn’t that popular with people, most of them usually enter a small number there and fail to utilize it properly. In other cases, company's themselves decide the LTA based on the employee's designation/experience etc.

Does the LTA Have Tax Benefits? 

Of Course YES. Do you think, I will be writing an entire article if it weren’t important?

How does LTA Affect My Tax Liability? 

Let us say your annual Salary is Rs. 6,00,000/-

After all your deductions like House Rent, Medical bills, Section 80C Tax Savings etc., your Taxable Income is Rs. 3,50,000/-

Let us assume, your annual salary includes a Rs. 25,000/- LTA component and if you satisfy all the criteria laid down by the Tax Authorities to utilize the LTA Tax benefits, your Taxable Income will come down to Rs. 3,25,000/-

Effectively, the entire LTA component of your Salary became Tax Free!!!

However, Did you read the Sentence "If you satisfy all the criteria laid down by the Tax Authorities to utilize the LTA Tax benefits" that I just used above?

Yes, the Tax Benefits aren’t available to everyone. You need to satisfy the following conditions in order to be eligible to avail this tax benefit.

Condition No. 1: The Amount should be spent only on Self and Immediate Family Who is totally dependent on you

By Family we are talking about - Spouse, A Maximum of two children, Parents, Brothers & Sisters Who are not employed and are dependent on your income

Condition No. 2: The Travelling Group should Include the person who is going to claim LTA

If you are not travelling with your family, you cannot claim LTA for that trip. For ex If my wife, two children and parents went to Delhi from Chennai, and I stayed back at work, I cannot claim LTA on that trip.

Condition No. 3: The Amount Claimed should be for Travelling Expenses Only via the Primary Mode of Travel

By Travelling Expenses, we are talking about the expenses incurred for the actual travelling part like Train Tickets, Air Tickets, Bus Tickets etc. Supplementary Travel expenses like Auto Fare, Taxi Fare etc. are not covered. All other expenses like Food, Accommodation, Sightseeing etc. are not covered as well.

Condition No. 4: Foreign Travel is not eligible for LTA

All Trips and Travels within the country of India only are eligible for LTA Exemption under the Indian Tax Laws

Condition No. 5: Travel Expenses are Considered only for the Shortest Route Possible

LTA Exemption can be claimed only corresponding to the fare that will be incurred if you take the shortest possible route. If you are travelling from Chennai to Bangalore, the amount you can claim is for a train/bus/flight that goes directly from Chennai to Bangalore. If you go from Chennai -> Hyderabad -> Bangalore for some strange reason and try to claim the two-trip expenses, it will not be approved. You have to either submit expenses for the Chennai -> Hyderabad -> Chennai trip or book tickets in a direct trip from Chennai to Bangalore

Condition No. 6: You can claim LTA only Twice in a Block of Four Years

You could claim LTA exemption in respect of any two journeys in a block of four years. The current block is 2010 to 2013. Say for example, you claim LTA exemption in 2010, then you could claim just one more till 2013. Remember - You cannot Claim LTA Every year. 

There is some confusion about whether LTA follows the financial year or the calendar year. LTA Year blocks are always based on calendar year. So, it goes from Jan 2010 to Dec 2013 for the current block. The claim can be done in the financial year that the travel actually happened. If you traveled between April to Dec 2013 you can claim it in the tax returns you will be filing in 2014 for the financial year Apr'13 to Mar'14. 

Condition No. 7: If Husband and Wife both receive LTA, They cannot claim the same Trip

If Husband and Wife both receive LTA as part of their salary, both of them could claim LTA individually as the rules of LTA apply individually to each of them. So in a block of four years, each spouse can claim LTA twice. The only restriction is that both spouses cannot claim an LTA exemption for the same journey. In other words, LTA cannot be claimed twice for the same journey.

Condition No. 8: You must have been on earned/annual leave on the dates for which you are claiming the LTA. You cannot claim LTA for days when you were working. You must have applied for annual or earned or paid leave (whatever you may wanna call it) and got it approved in order to claim LTA. There is actually no limit on the minimum or maximum number of days you need to apply for leave to claim LTA. But, for easier claims/processing try to utilize at least 3 consecutive days of annual leave for LTA purposes. 

As you can see, though LTA can be pretty useful in reducing your tax liability twice in a block of four years, it isn’t straightforward and involves a lot of Conditions. If you intend on claiming LTA, make sure that you Remember these 7 conditions above.

After reading the above conditions, you would definitely have a few questions that are lingering in your mind. I have tried to answer a few of them below. If you have any more questions, please feel free to leave a comment and I will do my best to answer them.

1. Can I fly Business Class and claim LTA? 

No. For air travel, the maximum amount that can be claimed as exemption is the economy class air fare.

2. What is the Maximum Fare I can claim as LTA while travelling by Road or Rail?

For rail or road, the maximum amount that can be claimed as exempt is the air conditioned first class rail fare to your destination by the shortest route.

3. What happens if I did not make a claim in the current block? Do I get any benefits for the next block?

In case you don’t avail of the LTA exemption in a particular block, whether for both the journeys or for just one journey, you could carry forward one journey to the first calendar year in the next succeeding block of four years. Thus, in the next block of four years, you could claim the carried forward travel, plus, two journeys of that particular block i.e. a total of 3 exemptions!

For ex: Let us say you are entitled to an LTA of Rs.10, 000 per year and you do not utilize it in the block 2010-2013. This amount could be carried forward in the next block of four years. You must therefore claim this amount in 2014 and then you can further more claim your LTA entitlement of that particular block (2 more times i.e. 10,000+10,000) as well.

4. How does One claim an Exemption? 

As most of us are salaried employees, you can submit evidence for the travel (tickets/bills etc.) to your employer and they will include it in your form 16. If you are self-employed or missed submitting LTA to your company, you can avail the services of any chartered account who helps file Tax Returns for people and they will be more than happy to include this along with your tax calculations.

5. What happens if I spend more than my LTA amount? 

In case your travel expenses exceed your actual Leave Travel Allowance amount, the exemption you can claim is limited to your LTA Amount. For ex: If your LTA is Rs. 25,000/- this year and you incurred Rs. 40,000/- in air fares for a family trip, your LTA Exemption will be limited to Rs. 25,000/- and the remaining Rs. 15,000/- will not give you any tax benefits.

6. What happens if I don’t exhaust my LTA amount? 

In case your travel expenses are lesser than your actual Leave Travel Allowance amount, the exemption is limited to the actual amount spent. For ex: If your LTA is Rs. 25,000/- this year and you incurred Rs. 15,000/- in rail fares for a family trip, your LTA Exemption will be limited to Rs. 15,000/- and the remaining Rs. 10,000/- will not give you any tax benefits.

7. I Traveled more than once in a single financial year. Can I claim both for LTA? 


8. I booked a tour via a travel operator as a Package. Can I claim the entire amount as LTA? 

No. Only the actual amounts spent on Road/Air/Rail transport can be claimed. Other expenses cannot be claimed as LTA. 

The idea here is - We will go on vacations with our families irrespective of the Tax Benefits we get out of it. However, if we can get tax benefits, why waste it.

Happy Vacations!!!

Source : http://anandvijayakumar.blogspot.in/2013/02/everything-you-need-to-know-about-leave.html


In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951), the Central Government, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely :-

1.Short title and commencement. - (1) These rules may be called the All India Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1975. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2.Definition - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, a member of the Service means a member of an All India Service, as defined in section 2 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951).

3. Regulation of Leave Travel Concession - (1) The Leave Travel Concession of a member of the Service, serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, shall be regulated in the same manner and subject to the same conditions, as are applicable to the officers of the Central Civil Services, Class I:
3(2) The Leave Travel Concession of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of a State, shall be regulated in the same manner, and subject to the same conditions, as are applicable to the officers of the State Civil Services, Class I:
Provided that the concession afforded to a member of the Service under this sub-rule shall not at any time be inferior to that to which he would be entitled under sub-rule (1), had he been appointed to serve in connection with the affairs of the Union.

4.Interpretation - If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, it shall be referred to the Central Government for decision.
(No. 24/2/74-AIS(II), dt. 10.2.1975).

(2)LTC is not admissible to visit a place outside India.
(D P & AR File No. 11022/1/77-AIS(II).
(3) A question has been raised whether LTC is admissible during the period of suspension. It is clarified that a Government servant under suspension cannot avail of LTC as he cannot get any leave including casual leave during the period of supension. As he continues to be in service during the period of suspension, members of his family are entitled to LTC.
(D P & AR File No. 11022/1/77-AIS(I).
(4) Provision to rule 3(2) of LTC Rules empowers an Officer to opt for the Central Rules. It is clarified that in a particular block of years, a member of the Service serving under the State Government can exercise option to be governed by either Central Rules or the States Rules in toto. It is not permissible to pick up certain features of the State Rules and certain other features of the Central Rules for the purpose of claims.
(D P & AR letter No. 11022/6/77-AIS(II), dated 1st October, 1977).
Under Central Government Rules, a Government servant can draw advance in respect of the journey proposed to be performed under the Leave Travel Concession scheme by himself and/or by members of his family 60 days before the proposed date of the outward journey. He should however produce railway cash receipts within ten days of the drawal of the advance to the competent authority to show that he has actually utilised the amount to purchase tickets. These orders are applicable to All India Service officers also, who are governed by the Central Rules.
The Central Government have decided that in the case of Leave Travel Concession to visit any place in India (other than home town), once in a block of four years, the reimbursement of fare may be allowed for the entire distance both ways without any deduction in respect of the first 400/160 kms as at present . Leave Travel Concession to home town shall also be admissible irrespective of the distance between the headquarters of the Government Servant and his home-town once in a block of two calander years.

(D P & AR letters no. 31011/10/77-Estt.(A);dated 1st September, 1978 and 31011/2/84-Estt.(A) dated 11.7.85.)

The simplified procedure laid down in the D P & AR OM No. 31011/1/77-Estt.A, dated the 1st October, 1977 is applicable to members of All India Services also, who are governed by the Central Rules.
(D P & AR letter No. 11022/1/77-AIS(II), dated 7th November, 1977.)
(D P & AR OM No. 31011/1/77-Estt.(A) dated 1st October, 1977.)
SUBJECT :Simplification and rationalisation of procedures relating to leave travel concession scheme - Recommendations of Task Force.

The undersigned is directed to say that the Government of India have had under consideration the question of rationalising and simplifying the procedure regulating the claims of Central Government employees under the Leave Travel Concession Scheme. A Task Force was constituted to go into the matter and after considering their recommendations, Government have decided that the existing Leave Travel Concession Scheme for Central Government servants, as amended from time to time, shall be modified to the extent indicated below with immediate effect :-
  1. It is not necessary to have an elaborate check on the declaration of home town by an employee. The declaration made by theGovernment servant initially may be accepted and a detailed check may be applied only when he seeks a change.
  1. Advance on account of Leave Travel Concession may be sanctioned by the Head of the Office instead of by the Controlling Officer.
  1. Where the shortest route by which the journey is required to be performed is disrupted due to accidents or other causes, the power to grant reimbursement by the actual route travelled may be exercised by the Controlling Authority, instead of by the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, in consultation with the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) as at present.
Source : http://www.persmin.nic.in/

Issues reported in new Parcel Net Software & Meghdoot Update 9 for New Operational Network for Parcels

The following check-list provides the details of the action needed at various levels- from booking office to the delivery office- for successful functioning of the software:
Pre requisite
Booking Office
Office creation
(if not a Post Office)
Download the format to add office from https://services.ptcmysore.gov.in/ParcelNet->downloads
Ebiller ID creation (if COD customer)
The Divl. Administrator of Postal Division has to create this. The Customer details are to be mentioned while registering COD biller. The Delivery Post Office concerned of the PIN Code  mentioned therein acts as the Payment office for affecting payment of COD Amount.
BNPL Customer Creation
Office creation (if PBC)  &
EBiller ID (if customer wants to avail COD)
The Divl. Administrator of the Division (both RMS and Postal) can perform this operation by logging into ParcelNet Website at URL
Application installation (if it is a Parcel Booking Centre)
Point of sale, RNet communication, BNPL application available at CEPT ftp site ftp://ptcinfo.org/Meghdoot7/Updates/ParcelNetUpdate29112013/
have  to be installed.  The Solutions available therein for the software issues noticed/observed so far also to be updated.
Actual Booking
Latest office master date
Request through RNet communication and update using Despath module.
Format mentioned for ExcelFile has to be used for Bulk uploading
Sorting Office (PH/EPH)
Software Installation
ParcelNet Client and ParcelNet Communication software have to be installed afresh. The software can be downloaded from the CEPT ftp site ftp://ptcinfo.org/Meghdoot7/Updates/ParcelNetUpdate29112013/. Solutions provided so far for the issues which are available therein should also be updated
Office master updation
Software installation
Request for Officemaster and Hubmaster data from central server and update the same
Opening of Parcel Bag
If virtual Data not received, Article type selection should be done carefully, as the same data flows to next office
Software upgradation
Postman Module and RNet Communication of the Delivery Office should be upgraded by downloading the same  from CEPT ftp site site ftp://ptcinfo.org/Meghdoot7/Updates/ParcelNetUpdate29112013/. The Solutions available therein for the issues noticed so far also to be updated. 
Invoicing to Postman (Non COD article)
Bag receipt
The Barcode validation already implemented has been removed w.e.f. 18.12.2013.  The delivery post offices who face the problem due to non receipt of valid barcodes (bag/article) can download the new Postman software available in SolutionsToParcelNetUpdate from CEPT ftp siteftp://ptcinfo.org/Meghdoot7/Updates/ParcelNetUpdate29112013/and use the same for receiving the bag/invoicing the articles
Invoicing to postman (COD article)
Electronic data from Central Server
Once COD article is booked, Electronic data is transmitted by Central Server to concerned Delivery Post Office.   In case, the delivery post office has not upgraded by the time of receipt of electronic information, then it is not possible to invoice the article even though it is physically received.  In such a case, the Post Office need to use option “Request COD  electronic data” available for  Postman Supervisor. Then the electronic data pertaining to the COD articles selected by Postman supervisor will be transmitted to the Post office again.  
Delivery of Article
Correct pincode at the time of Booking
If pincode not matched, the article has to  be returned to sender. No redirection facility is available for COD articles
Payment details updation in ePayment system
Once COD article is delivered in postman module, data will be transmitted internally to epayment system and then e-payment communication will transmit the delivery particulars to ePayment central server.
ePayment Server
Transmission of data to Payment Office
Based on the Pincode of the Customer entered at the time of COD Customer registration in ePayment system,  the ePayment server transmits the data of all COD articles delivered across the country to that Payment Office.  This information is automatically available in Treasury module of
Payment office
Payment of COD amount
Treasury module and RNet Communication of the Payment Office should be upgraded by downloading the same  from CEPT ftp site site ftp://ptcinfo.org/Meghdoot7/Updates/ParcelNetUpdate29112013/. The Solutions available therein for the issues noticed so far also to be updated. 

Via : http://postmasters-dop.blogspot.in/

Weight-loss surgery free for babus: Times of India

NEW DELHI: The growing demand for weight-loss surgeries from sarkari babus has forced the Centre to include the procedure, long considered a lifestyle choice, in the central government health scheme (CGHS) list. It will now be available free of cost to those covered under the government scheme at select hospitals. 

According to the Union health ministry, guidelines of the US National Institute of Health will be used for select candidates for the procedure. The government has fixed a package rate of Rs 2.25 lakh per person for such a surgery. In India, an estimated 200 million people suffer from weight-related issues. According to Dr Praveen Bhatia, executive member of Obesity Surgery Society of India, close to 2,000 persons undergo weight loss surgery every year. Bariatric surgery involves stapling of a portion of the stomach to reduce a person's appetite. 

"The decision has been taken in view of the increasing number of requests for bariatric surgery, commonly known as weight-loss surgery," said a senior health ministry official. He said that till date there no guidelines for consideration of weight-loss surgery under the CGHS scheme and the requests were considered on merits of each case.

The new guidelines provide for reimbursement of surgery charges to patients who have BMI more than or equal to 40 kg/m2. If the person has obesity related co-morbidities, for example hypertension, cardio-vascular disease and diabetes, then surgery can be considered even if the BMI is more than or equal to 35 kg/m2. 

The BMI of a healthy individual is anywhere between 18-23 kg/m2, said Dr Deep Goel, director, department of minimal access, bariatric surgery at B L Kapoor Hospital. "The government seems to have finally realised that weight-loss surgery is not a mere cosmetic procedure. It is a life-saver for very obese patients," said Dr Pradeep Chowbey, director, Max Institute of minimal access, metabolic and bariatric surgery. 

"The decision will help those unable to afford the procedure on their own. Also, it will force private insurance companies to re-think their policy against reimbursement for weight loss surgery," Dr Bhatia, who chairs the bariatric surgery unit at Sir Ganga Ram hospital, added. 

Experts, however, warn that people should not rush to undergo the surgery just because it will be reimbursed or they want to look better. "We get many patients who seek to undergo the procedure to look better or youngsters seeking to get married. One needs to think over the consequences of surgery and diet restrictions before deciding to undergo the same. Also, a wrong surgery conducted by an inexperienced doctor can put the patient at risk for leak and death," said another senior doctor.


Courtesy : http://hyderabadcustoms.blogspot.com/

Details of Dental Clinics in New Delhi under Central Government Health Scheme...

Details of Dental Clinics in New Delhi under Central Government Health Scheme...

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India 
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 

17-December-2013 18:46 IST 

Details of Dental Clinics in CGHS Dispensaries 
 Central Zone : New Delhi
Wellness Centers
Dr. Z.H. Road (D44)
CGHS Building, Dr. Z.H. Road, New Delhi.
Chitra Gupta Road (D51)
CGHS Building, Near Aram Bagh, New Delhi.
Aliganj, Lodi Road .I (D9)
CGHS Building, Near LodhiRoad, New Delhi.
Kali Bari (D 76)
CGHS Building, Kali Bari Marg, DIZ Area, New Delhi.
CGHS DispensaryChanakyapuri
CGHS Dispensary Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.

The dental services in CGHS Delhi have been outsourced in 13 Wellness Centres (5 under Central Zone and 8 under South Zone) for 22 dental procedures. The location wise details are as follows:

South  Zone : New Delhi 
Wellness Centers
Sadiq Nagar (D63)
CGHS Dispensary,  BehindSiriFort Road, Near G.K.-I, New Delhi.
CGHS Building, Sriniwaspuri, New Delhi
PushpVihar (D78)
A-B/125, 126, 127 – Sector –IV,PushpVihar, New Delhi.
R.K. Puram-V (57)
CGHS Dispensary Building, Sector-XII, R.K. Puram, New Delhi
MotiBagh (D 16)
CGHS Building near Begum ZaidiMarket, MotiBagh, New Delhi.
Kidwai Nagar (D 12)
CGHS Building, 61-63, KidwaiNagar.
Kalkaji.I (D42)
CGHS Maternity Centre &Dispensary, Kalkaji, New Delhi
Faridabad (D70)
CGHS Dispensary Building, NH-4, Faridabad.

The details of payment made to the service provider in respect of these clinics from the starting of the services till November, 2013 are as follows:
Central Zone
South Zone
Total(in Rs)

This was stated by Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha today.


1. Lokayuktas: The new bill mandates states to set up Lokayuktas within 365 days. States have the freedom to determine the nature and type of Lokayukta.

The old bill said the law shall be applicable to states only if they give consent to its application.

The old bill gave power to the central government to appoint state Lokayuktas while the new draft gives this power to the states.

2. Constitution of Lokpal: The Lokpal will consist of a chairperson and a maximum of eight members, of which fifty percent shall be judicial members. Fifty percent members of Lokpal shall be from among SC, ST, OBCs, minorities and women.

The older version said the chairperson shall be the Chief Justice of India or a present or former judge of the Supreme Court or a non-judicial member with specified qualifications (chief justice or a judge of a high court).

3. Selection of Lokpal: The selection committee will have Prime Minister, Lok Sabha Speaker, leader of the opposition in Lok Sabha and the Chief Justice of India. A fifth member of the selection committee for selection of Lokpal under the category of "eminent jurist" may be nominated by the President on the basis of recommendation of the first four members of the selection committee.

In the old bill, selection of the fifth person was left entirely to the President.

4. Religious bodies and trust: The new bill includes societies and trusts that collect public money, receive funding from foreign sources, and have an income level above a certain threshold, it excludes bodies creating endowments for or performing religious or charitable functions.

The old bill expanded definition of public servant by bringing societies and trusts which receive donations from the public (over a specified annual income) and, organisations which receive foreign donations (over Rs 10 lakh a year) within the purview of the Lokpal.

5. Prosecution: In the new version, before taking a decision on filing a chargesheet in a case upon consideration of the investigation report, the Lokpal may authorise its own prosecution wing or the concerned investigating agency to initiate prosecution in special courts.

Under the old bill, prosecution of the case could be done only by the prosecution wing of the Lokpal.

6. Central Bureau of Investigation: For independence of the CBI, in the new bill a directorate of prosecution will be formed. Appointment of the director of prosecution will be on the recommendation of the Central Vigilance Commissioner.

Transfer of officers of CBI investigating cases referred by Lokpal will be only with the approval of Lokpal who will also have superintendence over CBI in relation to Lokpal referred cases.

7. Hearing: The new bill says a government servant will get a hearing before a decision is taken by the Lokpal.

8. Prime Minister: The Prime Minister will be under the purview of the Lokpal with subject matter exclusions and specific process for handling complaints against the Prime Minister.

9. Investigation: Inquiry has to be completed within 60 days and investigation to be completed within six months. Lokpal shall order an investigation only after hearing the public servant.

Inquiry against the prime minister has to be held in-camera and approved by two-thirds of the full bench of the Lokpal.

10. Penalty: False and frivolous complaints - imprisonment up to one year and a fine of up to Rs.1 lakh. Public servants - imprisonment up to seven years. Criminal misconduct and habitually abetting corruption - jail term up to 10 years.

Source:-The Times of India


The CBEC vide F.No.A.11019/08/2013-AD -IV dated 18.12.2013 has issued notification for approval of creation of total numbers 18067 posts. As regards Group-A posts the break up is furnished below.

Temp AC-2118.

Para 3 of the notification provides that all regular posts will be filled up as per RRs(50% for direct, 50% for promotee).

Para 4 of the notification provides that temporary posts will be filled up by promotion from feeder carders on the basis of prescribed ratio.The promotion against these temporary vacancies shall not entail further promotion to any level beyond JTS.(That means temporary promotees will have to be regularised against regular posts and thereafter will be entitled for further promotion).
Pending notification of revised RRs, the newly created posts will be filled up on the basis of extant guidelines of RRs issued by DOPT.

Source : http://cengoindia.blogspot.in/

Implementation of Supreme Court Judgement on Rank Pay Case

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Ministry of Defence 

18-December-2013 17:10 IST

Implementation of Supreme Court Judgement on Rank Pay Case 

In compliance of the Hon’ble Supreme Court order dated 04.09.2012 which dealt with the rank pay matter, the Government has issued an order on 27.12.2012 for implementing the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. 

2840 serving officers and 33814 retired officers of the Army, Navy and Air Force have been paid a total amount of Rs.347 crores as their admissible dues. Additionally, Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) in respect of 12129 Army officers, 2187 Navy officers and 5557 Air Force officers have been revised. 

However, the Armed Forces have raised certain issues regarding interpretation of the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court which are under examination. This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Dr. T.N. Seema in Rajya Sabha today. 

Source: PIB News