Wednesday, 15 May 2013


Amendment in Bonus Act for waiving ceilings is not considered at this time: 

Govt latest reply in Rajya Sabha

The calculation ceiling and eligibility limit has been revised from Rs. 2500/- to Rs. 3500/- per month and Rs. 3500/- to Rs. 10,000/- p.m. respectively vide the Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Act, 2007 notified on 13/12/2007 and made effective from 1st April, 2006. Keeping in view the large financial implications for both for the Public and Private Sectors further amendment to the Payment of Bonus Act for waiving both the ceilings is not considered feasible at this stage.:

 Govt reply in Rajya Sabha see details below:-

ANSWERED ON-08.05.2013

Amendment in Bonus Act
(a)whether it is a fact that at present skilled workers who are really contributing to production and productivity are not getting bonus; and

(b)whether Government is planning to amend the Bonus Act and waive the ceiling in salary and maximum bonus so as to make everybody in a production unit eligible to get the bonus?


(a):       As per the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, any employee is entitled to get bonus provided he / she is considered as an eligible employee. As per the Act, an “employee” means any person (other than an apprentice) employed on a salary or wage not exceeding ten thousand rupees per mensem in any industry to do any skilled or unskilled manual, supervisory, managerial, administrative, technical or clerical work for hire or reward, whether the terms of employment be express or implied.” Government has no specific information of skilled workers being denied bonus.

(b):       The calculation ceiling and eligibility limit has been revised from Rs. 2500/- to Rs. 3500/- per month and Rs. 3500/- to Rs. 10,000/- p.m. respectively vide the Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Act, 2007 notified on 13/12/2007 and made effective from 1st April, 2006. Keeping in view the large financial implications for both for the Public and Private Sectors further amendment to the Payment of Bonus Act for waiving both the ceilings is not considered feasible at this stage.

Postal inspectors Train in latest technologies

ALLAHABAD: A daylong workshop was organized at the Post Master General's office to make postal inspectors aware of new technologies and methods to be introduced soon in post offices. The workshop also aimed that their understanding of changes in Department of Posts. The workshop was inaugurated by director, Postal Services of Allahabad Region, Krishna Kumar Yadav on Tuesday.
The workshop was attended by 40 assistant superintendents of posts offices/ inspector of post offices, who were updated about the latest and upcoming changes and new postal services through power point presentation.

Speaking on the occasion, Yadav said that changes being made in postal services, and the department would be extended to rural level. In the era of information and communication technology, the department of posts has decided to ensure that the benefit of these technological advancements reached the villages, he said.

Interacting with the postal inspectors/ superintendents, Yadav asked them to work as a bridge between employees and officers and said that it would enable postal services earn higher revenues.

He also suggested that every postal division should adopt one major organization and 15 villages for implementation of 'Sampoorna Bima Gram' scheme. He said that we should aim at covering maximum number of households under Post Office Savings Bank Scheme.

Under IT Modernization Project-2012, Branch Post Offices located in rural areas would be made high-tech and netbooks and hand-held devices would be provided to these offices. Not only this, branch post offices would get mobile thermal printer, smartcard reader, finger-print scanner, digital camera etc for signature/ document scanning and making transactions. Very soon Post offices would be linked under core banking solution, which would bring revolutionary changes in banking at rural level.

After implementation of CBS, customers of post offices would be able to avail services like net banking, mobile banking and ATMs. Regular monitoring of postal services is being undertaken under the 'Project Arrow', and the overall outlook of post offices was being changed under 'look and feel' scheme. In near future, all post offices would be brought under the Project Arrowscheme and would be made more high-tech through implementation of Core Banking Solutions.

On this occasion top performing assistant superintendents and postal inspectors were felicitated by Yadav. Employees who received awards for their outstanding performance include B K Sharma, B P Singh, assistant superintendent P C Yadav, P K Pathak, Marut Nandan and Vipin Yadav.

Resolution of 24th All India Conference of Confederation

Resolution adopted in the 24th All India Conference of Confederation of Central Government Employees held at Kolkata from 4th May to 6th May. 12 Resolution was moved by the Presidium.  About 136 issues were brought to the notice of the Resolution Committee by the participants. 18 Federations/organizations were submitted their proposal.  After scrutinizing the subjects, 48 resolutions proposed [see below] to adopt in the 24th all India Conference Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers:  Full details placed hereunder:-

HELD AT Kolkata FROM 4th MAY to 6th MAY 2013.

I. Resolutions moved by the Presidium:

Following Resolutions was moved by the Presidium:

1.            Resolution on Food Security – moved by Com. Duraipandyan 
2.            Resolution on FDI – moved by Com. Rajagopal 
3.            Resolution on Price Rise – moved by Com. Nageswara Rao 
4.            Resolution on Natural Resources – moved by Com. M.S. Raja 
5.            Resolution on women atrocities – moved by Com. KV Sridharan 
6.            Resolution on FDI in Retail – moved by Com. K . Raghvendran 
7.            Resolution on Casual Laborers – moved by Com. K.K.N.Kutty 
8.            Resolution on GDS – moved by Com. K. Raghvendran 
9.            Resolution on uniforms & stitching charges – moved by Com. Raghavendran 
10.          Resolution functioning of JCM – moved by Com. Vrighu Battacharjee 
11.          Resolution on appointing 7th Central Pay Commission- moved by Com. Jayaraj KV 
12.          Resolution on merger of 50% of DA for all Govt. employees – including GDS Staff – moved by Com. Jayaraj K.V 

II. Resolution moved by the Resolution Committee:
A Resolution Committee under the convener ship of Com. Jayaraj KV was appointed. The committee invited resolutions from the delegates and affiliated organizations participated in the Conference. About 136 issues were brought to the notice of the Resolution Committee by the participants. 18 Federations/organizations were submitted their proposal.

Following were the members of Resolution Committee:
·                     Jayaraj .K.V Convener National Federation of Atomic Energy Employees
·                     Giriraj Singh Member National Federation of Postal Employees
·                     Nageswara Rao Member All India Audit & Accounts Assn
·                     Yashwant Purohit Member Income Tax Employees Federation
·                     Chourasya R.K Member All India Civil Accounts Assn
After scrutinizing the subjects, 48 resolutions proposed to adopt in the 24th all India Conference Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers. Following are the resolutions moved by Com. Jayaraj K.V. Convener, Resolution Committee:

1.            Against the anomalies in MACP/ACP 
2.            To upgrade the Pay Scale of LDC & UDC with Grade Pay of Rs2400 and 2800 respectively 
3.            For parity in the pay of Secretariat Staff and filed office staff – ministerial and auxiliary staff 
4.            To abolish the license fee for the Departmental Quarters allotted to the employees since the HRA is recovering fully. 
5.            To extend one increment to those employees retiring in between January and June 
6.            To enhance all Allowances such as DA, HRA, Special Allowances by 25% from the date of attaining DA 50% 
7.            To exempt Children education Allowance from Income Tax 
8.            To enhance the Rate of Overtime Allowance 
9.            To enhance the Rate of Night Duty Allowance and to remove the ceiling 
10.          Against the closure of the Government Offices 
11.          To Rationalise all Minerals of the Country 
12.          To declare 1st May – MAY DAY – as National Holiday 
13.          Demanding stringent action against Scam and corruption 
14.          To Scrap the New Pension Scheme 
15.          To ensure Five promotion in the Service Carrier 
16.          For permanent negotiating machinery with All India Federations/Associations recognized under CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 apart from JCM Forum 
17.          To rectify the deficiencies in the existing DA pattern 
18.          To rectify the discrepancies in the Transport Allowance – IT Exemption, TA for field staff who are away from office on tour, etc 
19.          To improve the CGHS Facilities – entitlement of wards in Hospital under CGHS based on Pay in PB + GP, Revision of packages, Empanelment of more Hospital in CGHS, etc 
20.          To remove the restriction in compassionate Ground Appointment 
21.          To Amend the Bonus Act on various clauses – Ensure 8.33% of the Gross salary as Bonus, Removal of ceiling on Bonus, etc 
22.          To ratify the ILO conventions No 87,98, 151 & 154 to grant of all civilian and trade union rights including the right to strike for Government Employees 
23.          Against downsizing, out sourcing and contracturisation 
24.          To fill up all vacancies in all Central Government Establishments and remove ban on recruitment 
25.          To implement the arbitration awards 
26.          For improvement in the House Building Advances – To reduce the rate of interest, One more chance to avail HBA who already taken earlier to improve the existing accommodation, allowing to avail HBA for extension, renovation of exiting own accommodations, HBA for purchasing resale flats/houses 
27.          To restore the Rate of Interest on GPF to 12% 
28.          To revise various Allowances such as Winter Allowances, Hill Compensatory Allowances, Tribal Allowances, etc. and to ensure the rate on par with the concerned state Governments. 
29.          To revise the Gratuity equal to last drawn one month salary and to extend the gratuity to the employees joined after 01.1.2004 
30.          Restore two increments or more on acquiring additional qualifications 
31.          To enhance – double the CEGIS coverage limit 
32.          To remove the anomalies in the pay of Direct Recruitees and the promotees in the all cadre 
33.          To allow Air fare to the employees of North Eastern Region for the purpose of LTC, TA, Travel on medical ground on referral 
34.          To extend CCL to the single parent – i.e. in case of the mother expired 
35.          To sanction special leave for cancer patent for treatment 
36.          To extend medical re imbursement for fertility treatment at least for first sitting 
37.          To treat Kalpakkam as a satellite town of Chennai and Tarapur as a satellite town of Mumbai for the purpose of HRA 
38.          To give one more option to switch over from CPF to GPF 
39.          To remove the ceiling of Patient Care Allowances 
40.          To place the Temporary Status employees joined before 2004 and regularized later into Statutorypension Scheme 
41.          To modify the OM issued by Dept of Expenditure to fix the Pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities carrying the same grade pay by deleting the reference previous OM by the Department issued in the year 2000, i.e. prior to the implementation of 6th CPC 
42.          For extending Pension to the employees of Brahmaputra Board, Assam 
43.          To notify the Recruitment Rule/Promotion Norms for Canteen employees 
44.          To Extend the payment of arrears to all employees working in audit and accounting organizations from 01.01.1196 to 18.02.2003 as per the Supreme Court verdict pronounced in the case of Sebastian & Others Vs. Govt. of India 
45.          To Extend the benefit given to Venkat Raman while implementing ACP by the Railway Board as per the Supreme Court to all other similar placed employees 
46.          To stepping up the Pay Scale of Seniors on par with the juniors who are elevated on account of ACPs 
47.          To allow PF withdrawal for second or third time for similar purposes such as purchase of house Plot, Flat, construction of House, etc 
48.          To vacate All Trade Union Victimisation 

FAQ of CSC 2012 - ONE RANK ONE PENSION : FAQ related to One Rank One Pension

FAQ related to One Rank One Pension

FAQ of CSC - 2012 : The department of Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pensions) has issued clarifications as Frequently Asked Questions on implementation of One Rank One Pension to pensioners / family pensioners...
FAQs on Implementation of OROP vide Govt. Order dated 17.01.2013

Q: 1 Are these orders applicable to those pensioners also whose date of commencement of pension is exactly 01.01.2006 ?
A: Yes, these orders are applicable to all the pensioners/family pensioners whose date of commencement of pension is on or before 01.01.2006.

Q: 2 The date of commencement of family pension in respect of a family pensioner is 01.04.2006 whose late husband had retired from the service on 31.08.1999. Will the family pension of the family be revised under these orders?
A: Yes, the family pension will be revised under these orders because the deceased soldier was a pre-2006 retiree.

Q: 3 It is being contended by some pensioners/their associations that the arrears on account of this revision should be paid w.e.f. 01.01.2006 as the orders are merely an amendment to GOI, MoD letter dated 11.11.2008. Please clarify?
A: As the provision of these orders are effective from 24the September 2012. Hence no arrears shall be allowed for the past period.

Q:4 Will the additional pension also be revised accordingly ?
A: The improved pension will be the basic pension from 24.09.2012 and hence additional pension payable will also be revised accordingly by the PDA.

Q:5 The basic pension of a pre-2006 pensioner (Rank - Havildar , Group ‘D’) of Army having total qualifying service of 15 years is slated to be increased from 3500/- p.m. to 5301/- P.M. Is such a high increase in Basic Pension is in order?
A: The increase in BP from 3500/- to 5301/- P.M for the pensioner with particulars as mentioned above is in order. It is evident from the existing basic pension of 3500/-PM and the particulars given above that the PDA has not revised pension of the individual correctly w.e.f. 01.07.2009. The correct entitlement of the individual is as under:

Basic Pension w.e.f. :
DateAmount (Rs.)PMCiruclar No.

Q:6 In most of the cases neither the pensioner has applied to the PDA for revision of their pension nor any Corr PPO or instructions have been received by the PDA from the PSA. Please supply the proforma of application in this regard?
A: It has been clearly mentioned in the orders that the revision of pension by PDAs has to be made with reference to Pension Tables annexed to the orders. No further authorization from the PSA or any application from the affected pensioner is required to carry out the revision.

Q:7 The tables annexed to circular No 501 & Circular No. 502 start from QS of 15 years onwards. How to revise the pension of a pensioner having less than 15 years if qualifying years?
A: Following elements of pension / type of pension are to be revised by PSA.

  • Special Pension
  • Invalid pension
  • Service element of disability pension in respect of PBOR discharged with less than 15 years qualifying service
  • Service pension of TA personnel irrespective of their QS service and
  • Service element of War Injury Pension and Liberalized Disability Pension

Q:8 Mr. ‘X’ who is a Hony Nb Sub, Gp ‘D’ pensioner having total QS of 24 years is already drawing a basic pension of 7750/- PM. However as per table – 4 (Army) annexued to Cir No 501, his basic pension w.e.f. 24.9.12 should be 7601/- PM. Please advise how to regulate such cases.
A: The existing pension of the pensioner in such cases might have been revised by PCDA (P) by issuing Corr PPO (s) based on some courts orders etc. No action by PDA is required in such cases.

Q:9 Mr ‘X’ is a DSC pensioner in receipt of two pensions, one for regular Army service, and another for DSC service. Are both these pensions to be revised by PDAs?
A: The pension for regular Army service will only be revised under these orders by the PDA. A reference for revision of pension for DSC service will be sent to PCDA (P).

Q:10 The tables annexed to Circular No 501, in respect of DSC pensioner seem to be incomplete e.g. the table in respect of Sep of DSC are only up to QS of 23 years. How to revise pension of a sep of DSC who has total QS of 24 years or above?
A: Sepoy in DSC have maximum engagement period up to 20 years only with the exception that the maximum term of engagement can be up to 23 years in case of pensioner retired on or 30.5.98. Hence QS in such type of cases may be restricted to the maximum permissible and pension revised accordingly. Period-wise complete list of maximum terms of engagement for JCOs/ORs is enclosed in Appendix-X to Cir No 501.

Q:11 There is no table annexed to Cir No 502 to revise Ordinary Family Pension for NOKs of DSC Personnel. Please advise how to revise such cases ?
A: The family pension in respect of DSC personnel who are in receipt of family pension for only DSC service are to be revised at the same rates as given for family pensioners of Regular Army. DSC personnel on “clerical duty” and “other duty” are entitled for family pension of regular Army personnel of group “Y” and “Z” respectively.

Q:12 What are the basic fields/data required to revise pension under these order?
A: The basic fields/data required to revise pension under these orders are as follows:

Type of pension viz Retiring pension/service pension/ Ordinary Family Pension/ Special Family Pension/ War 1. Injury Pension/ Dependant Pension
2. Rank of the pensioner
3. Group of the pensioner (only for JCOs / PBORs)
4. Qualifying service (without weightage)
5. Record Office
6. Date of commencement
7. Date of Retirement

Q :13 How to look for the above information in the PPO or related record ?
A: In case of Post -86 retires all the information is generally available in the original PPO of the Pensioner. In cases where the required information is not available in the PPO or other record of the PDA, the missing information may be called for from the PSA concerned.

Q:14 In case of Pre-86 retires Qualifying service is generally not available in the PPO of the pensioner. Pl. advise the way out to regulate such cases.
A: The qualifying service in such type of cases can be looked for in the original Descriptive Roll of the pensioner or in the Corrigendum PPO(s). Original discharge book/certificate issued to the pensioner by the Record office is also an authentic source of such information.

Q: 15 Is capturing of information about Record office financially importance or can be done away with?
A: Following are the 4 major categories of JCOs/PBORs based on Record office.

Naval Record Office
Air Force Record Office
DSC Cannanore Record Office
All other Record offices except those mentioned above.

Different tables are available to cater to these categories and hence the importance of information about Record Office can’t be done away with.

How to get into your BIOS and change settings

Sooner or later you will have to go into your computers bios and change certain settings and especially if you want to format your computer. The bios is the first piece of software on your computer before the operating system is installed. Without the BIOS you would not have a working computer.  The BIOS (basic input operating system) is a set of programs, which controls the PC hardware and is stored in a memory chip on the motherboard. The chip is a Read Only Memory (ROM) chip, which keeps its contents even when the power is off. When a computer is turned on, the CPU will execute all of the instructions in the BIOS, which are stored in the ROM. These instructions will then load the Operating System.

What is the main reason you would enter the BIOS?

The main reason I go in there is to set the boot sequence or boot order of the computer. This means that you tell the computer to boot up to C: drive (windows on the computer) or to a cd or dvd drive. For example you might want to boot to an operating system CD when you format your computer with windows XP. Different computer makes and models have different version and types of bios however they all have the common basics, but may call them different things. I do not know why they could not follow the same menu and features but don’t panic because they are similar.
How to access my computer BIOS?
To access any bios on any computer you must watch the startup screen on the computer. It will usually say “To enter setup press…….” Some common keys you may have to press are F1, F2, F10, or maybe the delete key. You must press this key when the startup screen is showing. There will be a message on the bottom of the screen flashing by saying “press ??? to enter setup.” If you miss this you have to restart again.

Tips to getting in your BIOS:

  1. Watch the screen when you are starting the computer. Be calm and don’t worry if the computer starts before you get to press the right key and the keyboard.
  2. Restart the computer and now that you know the key to press, have your finger on it ready to push when you see the details screen.

Some examples of different brands of bios software:

In the screen shot below you can see a Phoenix BIOS. You need to select the boot menu at the top, then get the CD rom to the top of the list you see there to make it the first boot device.
With the American Megatrends Bios, choose Boot from the top menu, then click on Boot Device Priority. Then you will see a list of devices and you need to make the cd or dvd drive the first priority. To adjust these settings you will see instructions on how to control your keyboard in the right column and also in the bottom bar.
Once you have entered the bios there will be a menu to choose from. Some Bios have Boot sequence as a menu item, but if they do not you have to find it under another menu name. As you can see the BIOS brands above have a boot menu. Once you have found what you are looking for, change the cd rom to be the first to boot to, then hard drive as the second. Save and Exit the bios. This is for when you format your computer. To change it back, repeat steps and change it to boot to hard drive 0.

NOTES on how to get into your BIOS and change settings:

  1. For tips on how to control, change, and save bios settings look at the bottom of the screen. It tells you which key to press.
  2. Do not change anything you are not sure of. Changing the settings can easily cause your computer to stop working or have major annoying problems.
  3. When you are not sure what you have done you can go in and choose to restore to system default settings. This is a good way to get out of trouble.


Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts
(SR Section)
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110 001.
Dated the 7th May, 2013
Shri D.Theagrajan,
Secretary General (FNPO),

Shri M.Krishnanan,
Secretary General (NFPE),

SUB:-             Memorandum submitted to Secretary, Department of Posts by Postal Joint Council of Action.
Status Report on the Memorandum submitted to Secretary (Posts) by PJCA on 01.04.2013, is enclosed.

Yours faithfully,
(Arun Malik)
Director (SR & Legal)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & I.T.
Department of Posts
(SR Section)
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110 001.

No. 8/4/2013-SR                                                                                                         Dated:  22.04.2013

Sub:- Memorandum submitted to Secretary, Deptt. of Posts by PJCA on 01.04.2013.

Action Taken Report

Issues Raised
Action Taken Report

Issues relating to Gramin Dak Sevaks

a.  Enhancement of Bonus ceiling –
In the matter of enhancement of Bonus ceiling to 3500/- of Gramin Dak Sevaks, it was assured that another attempt will be made to get the approval of the Finance Ministry.  It was informed that the file has already been submitted to Finance Ministry with the favourable re commendations of the Postal Board and Minister, Communications.
Case file has since been submitted to Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure on 30/01/2013 along with study report conducted by the Study Group formed by the Department as per directives of Finance Ministry.

b. Revision of Cash handling norms-
On the issue of withdrawal of upward change in cash handling norms etc., it was assured that the entire issue will be re-examined.  A DDG level committee was also constituted.  Minister of States for communications has also assured the staff side that needful will be done in this case.
The issue was examined in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing.  Inputs have been sought from all Circles to ascertain the actual financial implication in the event of revision of norms.  Except Uttarkhand & Kerala Circles, the inputs are awaited from all other Circles for which they are being reminded.

c. Ensuring no reduction of TRCA under any circumstances –
It was assured by Minister of State for communications that orders for full protection of TRCA will be issued.  But, in the orders issued by the Directorate, protection is given for one year only and thereafter it workload is not increased TRCA will be reduced without any protection.  As per the earlier orders protection was given up to the maximum of the lower TRCA even if workload is reduced.  As per the new order after one year there will be no protection at all.  When workload is reduced due to circumstances beyond the Control of the GDS, reducing the TRCA is quite unjustified and inhuman.
The issue was examined and protection has already been provided for GDS BPMs for a period of one year only.

d. Removal of minimum 50 points conditions for GDS Compassionate appointment
The existing compassionate Engagement Scheme for Gramin Dak Sevaks was reviewed in the light of the recommendations made by one man Committee in Para 17.20.2.  Though the earlier scheme did not provide any ceiling with regard to percentage of vacancies against which compassionate appointment was being considered, the provisions prescribe that the compassionate engagement is to be given in hard and deserving cases only.  On consideration of the recommendation made by the Committee and in particular the introduction of a transparent criteria of adjudging degree of indigence for the  regular Government employees, the Department introduced a Scheme for engagement of GDS on compassionate grounds laying down merit points for each attribute and ceiling of 10% of the vacancies was prescribed.  The said Scheme was subsequently reviewed in August, 2011 and on review, the ceiling of 10% was removed and it was prescribed that the hard and deserving cases would mean cases over and above 50 points.  The Scheme was subsequently reviewed in March, 2012 removing attribute like ‘outstanding liabilities for education / marriage of children’ and ‘discharge benefits’.  In case of widow, a provision was made for grace points of 15.  The various references made by branch unions reveal that the Scheme in present form is allowing compassionate engagement to around 40-60% of the cases.  There is no justification for review of the ceiling.

e.  Redeployment of mailman posts in new areas
Following consideration of one man Committee recommendations, the category of GDS Mailmen was declared as a wasting group and it was also decided that a work study will be conducted by IWSU for laying down the standards for various operations / work done by Mailmen in Mail Offices / Transit Mail Offices / Mail Agency.  However, with the abandoning of IWSU, no work study was conducted.  Redeployment of GDS Mailmen posts in new areas will tantamount to creation of new posts on which there is a ban of Finance Ministry.

f.  Review of cash conveyance allowance – Monthly ceiling of   Rs.50/- to be removed.
The cash conveyance allowance for GDS BPMs was revised from Rs.10/- plus actual bus fare per occasion to Rs.50/- per month following approval of the Cabinet.

g.  Introduction of Health Scheme
The proposal has been submitted for consideration by Finance Ministry after its examination by Integrated Finance Wing on 26/04/2013.

h.  Norms for RPLI
Norms for assessment of workload of GDS BPM already provide for 1 Point for every 10 transactions.

i. Providing norms for cash remittance from BO to AO & Vice Versa
The limits for remittance by various modes of conveyance are fixed as per guidelines under Rule 9 of Volume VI part – III.  These limits were last revised vide this office letter of even number dated 29/9/2008.

Immediate finalization of Cadre Restructuring:

After the narration discussion on the problems put forth in the strike charter on 10.01.2012 & 12.01.2012, Secretary, Deptt. of Posts, has assured both orally and also in the minutes, Inter alia;

“As recorded in the minutes of the meeting held on 27.12.2011, the proposal is under consideration of a committee under the Chairpersonship of DDG(P).  The Staff side expressed their concern about the undue delay in finalization of the proposal on which the Secretary Posts, desired finalization of this process by 31st March, 2012.  It was assured that the timelines would be adhered to”.  As regards restructuring of Postal Accounts officials, it was informed that the proposal was cleared by the JS&FS and stands referred to the Secretary (Posts).  It was also decided to have a separate Committee under the Chairpersonship of Ms. Sandhya Rani, PMG (BD) Andhra Pradesh Circle to consider Cadre Restructuring of MMS Staff.  The Committee will submit its report within three months from the date of formation.”

Again in the Minutes of the discussion held with the staff side on 21.05.2012, it is further assured as follows:

“It was decided to formulate a proposal of 30th June 2012 for further examination in consultation with the nodal Ministries.  Regarding cadre restricting of Postal Accounts it was assured that the matter will be pursued further with Postal Accounts wing and Establishment Division and the PJCA will be kept appraised of the progress in the regard.”

Again during the JCM, Departmental Council standing Committee meeting held on 18.12.2012 and JCM(DC) Meeting held on 28.12.2012 it was assured as follows:

“It was informed that the report of the committee is under consideration.  Proposal will be formulated by the Department.  However, one round of talks with JCM Members will be held before the proposal is firmed up.”

At one stage, the staff side has made it clear that if the Department goes on dragging the cadre restructuring issue indefinitely, the staff side will be forced to non-cooperate with the IT Modernization project.

It was repeatedly assured that eh cadre restructuring will not be linked with the IT Modernisation Project.  But still the proposals are not finalized.  No meeting of the Cadre Restructuring Committee by the Postal Board was held during the last one year.  The undue and unwarranted delay is causing concern and also strong resentment among the employees.
(a) Vide letter 25.04.2012 PE-I dated 25.05.2012  a Cadre Restructuring Committee for Group ‘C’ Employee was constituted by Secretary (Posts) under the Chairmanship of Shri Salim Haq DDG(P) whose report has not been received in the Branch.  On telephonic enquiry the than DDG(P) informed that he has already submitted the report on 6th  Nov., 2012 to the DDG(Estt.) and a soft copy has been forwarded without any enclosures and signatures. The chairman of the Committee Shri Salim Haq has been requested to submit full report with enclosures duly signed by committee members.

(b) A committee had been set up vide Directorate letter No.Dop/01 /2011-SR dated 20.01.2012 under the Chairmanship of Ms. Sandhya Rani, PMG, (BD) , AP Circle to consider Cadre Restructuring of Mail Motors Service which has submitted a report and the recommendations of the committee is under examination.

Revision of wages of casual labourers and their absorption:

In the minutes of the discussion held with the staff side on 10.01.2012 & 12.01.2012, the Secretary (Posts) has assured as follows:

“The Staff side was appraised that a Committee had been constituted under the Chairpersonship of CPMG Assam circle to look into the issues pertaining to Casual Labourers and it is likely to submit its report shortly.  The Staff side expressed its concern over the delay in the decision.  Regarding the union’s request for revised minimum wages w.e.f. 01.01.2006, the matter will be examined on priority.”

Again in the minutes of the discussion held on 21.05.2012, it was further assured that_________
“A Comprehensive proposal on the matter of Casual labourers will be formulated by 30th June, 2012”.

In spite of these repeated assurances the payment of pro-rate wages to the law-paid casual laborers w.e.f. 01.01.2006 has not taken place causing inordinate delay in payment of minimum wages to those poor employees.
The Committee has submitted its Report.  The issue is under examination in consultation with Nodal Ministries / Departments.

Issuing orders on the items finalized by the Postmen Committee and also follow up action on certain items to be referred to work study unit.
a. Follow up action on certain in item of the Postmen Committee constituted by the Postal Board is yet to be completed, i.e.: maximum beat length, unscientific resorting to single Postmen beats, Double duty, correction in the definition of the Congested area etc.
b. In spite of clear orders issued by the Directorate for filling up of Postmen & MTS Vacancies for the year 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012, in certain circles (Eg. Andhra Pradesh) the examination for promotion to Postmen and MTS is not yet completed.
Orders stand issued on the recommendation of the Postmen Committee with the approval of the Competent Authority vide No.9-1/2005-WS1/PE.I dated 19/07/12 (copy enclosed – Annexure V).  As far as few extra items which have been raised by the union, the Committee has to examine it afresh and submit its report.

In the month of February, 2013, AP Circle has approached the Directorate with the request to furnish certain clarifications with regard to filling up of the vacancies of the Postman/Mail Guard of 2011 and 2012.  The requisite clarifications have already been issued by the Directorate vide letter No.45-2/2011-SPB.1 dated 04.04.2012 (copy enclosed – Annexure I).  AP Circle might have initiated action to fill up of the vacancies in the light of the clarifications of the Directorate.

Abnormal delay in notifying HSG-I Rectt. Rules

The finalization of revised HSG-I Recruitment rules is being delayed on one pretext or the other.  This is pending over five years.  100% of HSG I Posts are lying vacant and are being managed by officiating arrangements without any financial benefits.  Due to the delay in finalizing HSG I Recruitment Rules, Carving out of Postmaster Grade III is also delayed.  It is most unfortunate that orders have been issued by the Directorate not to fill up the HSG I Vacancies as per the old r3ecruitment rules.  At least this would have been caused to fill up the vacancies.

It has defeated the very purpose of matching savings offered to the extent of 680 PA Posts for availing HSG I Promotion and it is highly deplorable.  Necessary action may please be taken to finalise the HSG-I Recruitment Rules or at least to fill all the vacant posts forthwith besides carving out of Postmaster Grade III Posts as per the existing HSG I Recruitment Rules.
Finalization of Recruitment Rules for HSG.I in PO & RMS offices is under active consideration.  UPSC has made certain observations as per which the file has been referred back to DoPT.  In the meanwhile, the Department has also proposed to DoPT to permit filling up the vacancies in HSG.I by promotion of HSG.II officials as per the existing Recruitment Rules, which has since been approved.  Directorate vide letter No.4-44/2012-SPB.II dated 18.04.2012 has issued instructions to all Circles to fill up the vacancies in HSG.I in PO & RMS Offices as per the provisions of existing Recruitment Rules by convening DPC Meetings by 30.04.2013 and issue the promotion orders by 06.05.2013.

Abnormal delay in filling up of vacant LSG, HSG II and HSG-I vacancies due to non-holding of DPCs in many circles.

In many circles, the regular DPC to LSG has not been convened.  Many LSG Posts are being kept vacant resultantly causing a heavy shortage in PA Cadre due to their officiating.  Further the delay caused non-filling up of HSG-II Post due to inadequacies in the eligible candidates in LSG Cadre.  In many circles, HSG-II DPC has also not been convened and many of the HSG-II Posts could not be filled up on a regular basis due to the officiating of the incumbents in the vacant HSG I Posts.

In nutshell all the higher posts are being managed only with the officiating or adhoc arrangements causing non filling up of basis PA Posts and denying and depriving the due promotional chances to the eligible candidates.

It is therefore requested to cause appropriate orders to convene DPC and fill up all the vacant LSG & HSG II posts immediately by prescribing time schedule.
Instructions are issued from time to time to hold DPC meetings as per the schedule prescribed by the Department of Personnel & Trg.  As regards filling up of the vacancies in HSG.1, a proposal has been referred to DoP&T to fill up the vacancies in HSG.1 as per the provisions of existing Recruitment Rules till finalization of amendment to the existing Recruitment Rules.  DoP&T has approved the proposal.  Directorate vide letter No.4-44/2012/SPB.II dated 18.04.2012 has issued instructions to all Circles to fill up the vacancies in HSG.I in PO & RMS Offices as per the provisions of existing Recruitment Rules by convening DPC Meetings by 30.04.2013 and issue the promotion orders by 06.05.2013

Problems of Postmaster Cadre Officials
(i) Allowing Postmaster Cadre officials to appear for IP and PSS Group B Examination.

(ii) Orders permitting the Postmaster Cadre official to officiate in HSG-I vacancies and earmarked Postmaster Grade III Posts.

(iii) Allow PO & RMS Accounts cadre official to opt for Postmaster cadre.

(iv) Filling up the Postmaster Grade-III posts by granting promotion to Grade-II officials and also by option from HSG-I officials after filling up all HSG-I Posts.

(v) Filling up of all vacant Grade-II and Grade III posts promoting the Postmaster cadre official relaxing the minimum service condition.

(vi) Filling up 100% Senior Postmaster/Chief Postmaster posts which are earmarked for Postmaster cadre by Postmaster Cadre officials alone declaring it as a hierarchical promotion cadre of Postmaster Cadre.

(vii) Delay in holding LSG, HSG II and HSG – I DPCs and thereby denying the chance for giving option to Postmaster Grade – I, II & III to eligible officials.

(viii) Maintenance of up to date separate gradation list for PM Cadre officials.

In the minutes of the discussion held on 21.05.2012 the Secretary (Posts) has assured as follows:

“The issues were discussed at length and it was decided to review it after sometime keeping in view the merits and demerits of the proposal as well as the response of the officials for Postmaster Cadre”.

The minutes did not reflect the real spirit of discussion as it was assured to consider favourably the above items after long discussion.  However, it is high time to review the above cases and settle favourably.  The entire Postmaster Cadre officials are totally frustrated and disappointed due to the negative attitude of the administration towards them.

The existing Recruitment Rules for IP and PS Group B do not permit officials appointed to the Post of Postmaster Grade -1.

The Postmaster cadre and HSG.1 are two different and separate cadres.  The Recruitment Rules of HSG.1 do not permit officials of Postmaster cadre to officiate in HSG.1 posts.  The Directorate has asked the Circles to fill up the HSG.1 vacancies in PO & RMS offices on regular basis from amongst HSG.11 officials in PO & RMS offices by 30.04.2013 and issue promotion orders by 06.05.2013.

The posts of Postmasters has been created by carving the same out of the posts in LSG/HSG.II /HSG.I in General line where only the officials in LSG/HSG.II/HSG.I are eligible to opt for this cadre.

PM Grade-III Cadre has been carved out of existing HSG.I Cadre in Post Offices.  The post in PM Grade-III are required to be filled up under initial constitution clause by calling options from the regular HSG.I officials in POs, as per the provisions of the Recruitment Rules.  Thereafter, the posts which remained vacant are required to be filled up from PM Grade-II officials as per the provisions of the Recruitment Rules.  As the Circles have been asked to fill up the vacancies in HSG.I in POs by 30.04.2013, the PM Grade-III will be made operational soon, after a review of the position.

As per the existing instructions, the posts in Postmaster cadre will be made functional from the date they are filled up.   Till the posts are filled up under initial constitution clause of the Recruitment Rules, the posts will be manned by officials in General line.  The posts which remained vacant after filling up the posts under initial constitution clause will have to be filled up as per the provisions of the Recruitment Rules.  As the PM Grade-III has not yet become functional under initial constitution clause, the question of filling the posts by promoting the Postmaster Grade-II officials does not arise.  The posts which remained vacant in PM Grade-II after the cadre is constituted will be filled up from PM Grade-I officials who have requisite qualifying service of six years.

According to the Recruitment Rules, 75% of the vacancies in the Grade of Senior Postmaster are required to be filled up by Inspector of Posts (IPOs) with six years of regular service in the grade by promotion through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination and 25% of vacancies by promotion from amongst the officers holding the post of Postmaster Grade-III with two years regular service (including regular service in HSG.I, if any).  The Sr. Postmaster cadre has not yet been constituted under initial constitution clause as per options from officers holding the post of PS Group ‘B’.

The purpose of lateral induction of IPOs is to induct young blood who due to their inspection duty is already familiar with the relevant rules, regulations, procedures and operations in the Post Offices and duties of Chief Postmasters.

PM Grade-I & II has already been constituted by calling options from eligible LSG/HSG.II officials, as per the provisions of the existing Recruitment Rules for this cadre.

The Circles have been asked to fill up the vacancies in HSG.I in Pos as per the existing Recruitment Rules, by 30/04/2013 by convening DPC meetings.  The posts in PM Grade-III are required to be filled up under initial constitution clause by calling options from the regular HSG.I officials in Pos, as per the provisions of the Recruitment Rules.  The PM Grade-III will be made operational soon after a review of position.

The PM Grade-I and II has already been constituted and, therefore, Circles have to maintain gradation list of these cadres. PM Grade-III and Sr. Postmaster has not been constituted yet and, therefore, maintenance of separate gradation list of officials of this cadre does not arise.

Problems of System Administrators

In the minutes of the Departmental Council JCM Standing Committee dated 02.02.2012 (communicated in letter dated 06.06.2012) for the 15 items pertaining to system Administrators including creation of separate cadre, it is furnished as follows:

“The issue is under the consideration of the cadre Restructuring Committee constituted under the chairmanship of DDG(P) vide Department’s office memo no.01/04/2010-SR dated 05.05.2011”

Finalization of the proposal by the Cadre Restructuring Committee is being delayed indefinitely.  Recently, during the demonstration of IT Modernization Project, the staff side has repeatedly requested the Member (Technology) to create a separate cadre and absorb all the existing SAs as a onetime measure in the new cadre.  Unfortunately no commitment was given regarding the creation of new cadre, except the assurance that the services of the existing system Administrators will be utilized in future also.  It is high time to end the present uncertainty by creating a separate cadre for system Administrators.

The issues relating to the Systems Administrators were examined by a Committee constituted for considering the organizational restructuring in the Department of Posts under the Chairmanship of CPMG, M.P. Circle.  The recommendations of the Committee were further submitted to another Committee formed for implementing the recommendations.  The report of the Committee is awaited.

Creation of a new cadre will be justified only if promotional avenues are made available. Further the current system administrator, in order to create a new cadre, would not have the educational qualification required by similar cadres in other Ministries like NIC.

Implementation of speed Post hubs and L1, L2 Systems

The High Power Committee appointed to discuss the issues under the Chairpersonship of then Secretary, Department of Posts assured the following before implementation of MNJOP proposals.

(i) There will be no shifting of staff from L1 office to L2 office vice versa for three years.

(ii) Irregular or wrong identification of L1 office will be changed after discussion with the staff side.
But to our dismay both the promises were not kept.  There is a complete violation and deviation of assurances.  Further, even though directorate has issued instruction to the Chief PMGs regarding change of administrative jurisdiction of speed post hubs, certain Chief PMGs have not yet implemented it and still some of the speed post hubs are co0ntinuing under the administrative jurisdiction of postal superintendent.
Further, CRC & Speed post norms have been finalized without any consultation with staff side.  The impracticable norms have been imposed upon violating the earlier decision and agreements on the subject.
In the matter relating to transfer of officials from L2 offices to L1 offices, suitable instruction have been issued to all Circles vide O.M. NO.28-8/2011-D dated 14/05/2012.  These instructions are as below:
“Level 2 (L2) mail offices will not be closed for the next three years starting from January, 2012.  However, in some extra-ordinary or unforeseen circumstances, if it becomes necessary to close or merge a L2 mail office, this issue would be discussed with the staff side.  Accordingly, in ordinary circumstances, the officials working in a mail office may not be transferred out to another city / town unless they have given willingness to this effect.  However, transfers of officials relating to rotational transfer in normal course, or ordered in administrative interest will continue to be carried out as per relevant extant rules / instructions.  This memo will have no bearing in such cases, and would apply only in case of closure / merger of a mail office.

The present status of L2 mail offices in metro cities (other than those in Delhi and Kolkata) will not change for the next two years starting January, 2012.  When APMCs will be installed in these cities, the matter relating to consolidation of mail offices will be discussed with the staff side.”

As regards to matter relating to transfer of officials from HRO Vadodara to Surat RAS, suitable reply has been given to the service union vide letter No.28-09/2010-D dated 18/01/2013.  A copy of the same is enclosed (Annexure-II).

There is no irregular or wrong identification of L-1 office.  Service unions have already been informed that classification of mail offices in terms of L-1 and L-2 offices under the redesigned network for first and second class mail was done on the basis of volume of mail handled in a city, mail generating potential of a city / town, connectivity through air, rail and road, distance from post offices and other mail offices and need to expedite mail processing and transmission between major / big cities.  Copies of reply given to service unions are enclosed (Annexure-III and IV).
Instructions have been issued to all Circles in connection with administrative control over Speed Post, Sorting Hubs vide OM No. 6-5/2011-D dated 20/10/2012.  These instructions are reproduced as under:-
“It has been decided that the issue of administrative control over Speed Post Centres / Sorting Hubs in terms of placing under the administrative control of Senior Superintendent / Superintendent of a Postal or RMS Division may be decided by the CPMG concerned taking into account local needs, administrative convenience and effective monitoring.

Revised norms for operational activities in SP Sorting Hub, IC Hub and CRC were approved on the basis of work study carried out by the Work Study Team of the Directorate.

MACP Related issues

The implementation of the Jodhpur CAT Judgement, i.e. non-counting of promotions acquired from one cadre to other through examination for MACP, Granting of MACP counting the total service rendered in each cadre etc has not been implemented resulting deprival of dues to the senior most promotes in the Department of Posts.  This may kindly be considered.
The issue of implementation of CAT Jodhpur bench judgment for non-counting of promotions acquired through Departmental examination was referred to DOP Vide ID Note No.2-33/2011-PCC dated 04.10.2012 and opined that the views taken by CAT Jodhpur in common judgment dated 22.05.2012 in the said three OAs runs counter to the MACP Scheme and statutory recruitment rules and directed by the Department to file a Writ Petition before High Court by challenging the judgment.  Thus, the issue is under consideration with High Court Jodhpur.

There is no provision for counting of total service rendered in each cadre in MACP Scheme accepted by the Department of Posts on orders issued by DOPT OM No.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 19th May, 2009 which states in Para-1 of Annexaure-1 that “There shall be three financial up gradations under MACPs, counted from the direct entry grade on completion of 10, 20 and 30 years’ service respectively.  Financial up gradation under the scheme will be admissible whenever a person has spent 10 years continuously in the same grade pay.
Problems of APM Accounts/Accountants
The following demands in respect of PO & RMS Accountants have not been considered yet causing resentment and displeasure amidst the qualified hands.

(i)        Proportionate distribution of APM Accounts posts among LSG, HSG 11 and HSG-1

(ii)             Counting special allowance for pay fixation benefits to PO & RMS Accountants on promotion.  Implementation of Karnataka High Court order not only for a specific period but also till the withdrawal of the TBOP/BCR Schemes in true spirit.  The special allowance should be taken for pay fixation up to 31.08.2008 for TBOP/BCR officials.

(iii)          Date of passing Accounts exam may be taken as the criteria for counting seniority for promotion, since no amendment has so far been issued to the statutory rules.  Further the earlier passing of examination will have no relevance in future.

More details along with background note are required to be furnished by the staff side for consideration by the Department.

Necessary action on this item has since been completed and suitable instructions : “to count the special allowance in respect of the persons, who were promoted after completing three years of service as PO & RMS Accountants before 22/04/1998 and in whose cases the special pay was Rs.90/- at the time of promotion”, have since been issued vide this Directorate letter No.2-19/2011-PAP dated 10/01/2013 to all Chief Postmasters General.

The existing Recruitment Rules of 1976 for the Lower Selection Grade (LSG) in Accounts line in respect of Posts Offices and Railway Mail Services (POs and RMS) offices stipulates that these posts will be filled by the clerks (Postal Assistants (PAs)/ Sorting Assistants (SAs) with 10 years regular services in the grade who have passed the Pos and RMS Accountants Examination.

Therefore, for filling up of the posts of LSG (A/cs) in PO & RMS offices, the eligibility of the officials for consideration has to be decided as on the crucial date on the basis of their seniority in the feeder grade subject to the fulfillment of educational qualifications etc., if any, prescribed in the Recruitment Rules, irrespective of the date/year when the prescribed qualification was acquired in the past.  Therefore while considering promotions to LSG (A/cs), the eligibility list of such Pas/SAs who have passed the Accountant’s examination by the crucial date prescribed for assessing the eligibility will have to be prepared based on their seniority in the PA/SA Grade.

Filling up of all vacant posts
Even though Government of India has lifted ban on filling up of posts from 2009 onwards, and the Directorate has given repeated instructions to fill up all direct recruitment as well as promotional quota of vacancies up to 2012, in many circles posts are remaining unfilled.  Similarly in Postal Accounts much delay in taking place in filling up of posts due to delay in finalization of the Recruitment process by staff selection commission?  Action may be taken to fill up all vacant posts from 2009 onwards on top priority basis as the staffs are reeling under the pressure of workload which in turn affects the efficiency of the services rendered by the Department of Posts.

In conclusion, we hope that all the above issues will be given top most priority and the Hon’ble Secretary, Department of Posts, shall come forward for a negotiated settlement with the staff side in a time bound manner.
In respect of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant it is stated that Recruitment rules have already been notified and also been circulated to all Circles to initiate action for filling up the vacant posts.  The DE Branch is going to conduct the exam for about 5408 posts of PA/SA in April/May, 2013.  The said exam will be held in about seventy cities all over India and the responsibility to undertake the recruitment process from the year 2011 has already been entrusted by the DE Branch to  M/s. CMC Ltd., Sector 63, NOIDA -201301.

With regard to Postman/Mail Guard it may be stated that RRs in respect of these posts have already been notified and all the Circles have already been requested to initiate action to fill up the vacancies by 30.06.2013.  Revised Pattern and Syllabus for holding the Examination to fill up the posts of Postman/Mail Guard and Multi Tasking Force have already been circulated to all Circles vide Directorate’s letters dated 31.07.2012.  Detailed instructions have also been issued to all Circles for filling up of the vacancies of the last three years.  Clarifications received from the Circles with regard to filling up of vacancies are replied to from time to time.  Directorate is continuously monitoring the issue of filling of the vacant posts in Circles.
Non settlement of agreed items placed the Departmental Council (JCM)

Most of the issues agreed in the last Departmental Council meeting held on 28.12.2012 have not been processed further.  Many of them remain as it is.  There is no serious action taken in mitigating the issues put forth in the departmental council meeting.
Action Taken Report received from some of the Divisions is enclosed.  Any specific item remaining unaddressed may kindly be brought to the notice of this office.

Additional item submitted by PJCA:-

While conducting promotional cum competitive exams from GDS to MTS, GDS and MTS to Postman cadre we are in receipt of several complaints from the examinees that the examination papers for the relevant examinations were very tough.  We tried to convince the Administration to set examination paper in liberal comprehensive manner with the intention that since the aspiring examinees are already in touch in the routine work and they are not required to face with complicated and extraneous nature of work and also to cut down the delay in recruitment process.   However, the Directorate has stuck up to its own decision that the above mentioned examinations are competitive and not promotional, liberalization could not be considered.  Due to the said decision by the Directorate it will be difficult to Department to hardly get 2 to 5% employees to fill up the vacancies earmarked from GDS to MTS for the designated job and the volume of vacancies will remain unfilled every year.  It is once again requested to simplify the questions.
In the past, the pattern of examination to fill up the posts of Multi Tasking Staff and Postman / Mail Guard was subjective type.  The subjective type of papers required lot of time for evaluation of the answer scripts.  Since the evaluation was done manually by various examiners it was not possible to ensure cent percent uniformity in the evaluation, which invited criticism.  Moreover, representations were being received with regard to under assessment while granting of marks on the basis of evaluation.  In the case of Postman examination, the earlier pattern prescribes for ‘dictation’ for which unions complained that the candidates were not performing well due to wrong pronunciation and variation of dictated speed while dictating.  In view of this, the earlier subjective type paper setting was done away with for both the cadres.  The revised patterns and syllabi for examination to fill up the posts of Multi Tasking Staff and Postman / Mail Guard provide for objective type papers with multiple-choice questions.

Staff Branch issued directions to all the Heads of the Circles specifying that the candidates shall be subjected to an objective type Aptitude Test of the level of 10th class / matriculation covering the subjects / topics.  The individual Postal Circles are responsible for setting of question of papers.  Hence, their setting in liberal or comprehensive manner rests with the individual Postal Circles

Sri B.V.Sudhakur assumed as CPMG AP circle  



No.AIPEU-GDS(NFPE)/CIRCULAR-4/2013                                                Date : 13-05-2013

Dear Comrades  & Colleagues,

            I have much pleasure to place before you about the growth of our organization in the divisions & Circles. There is a very good and positive response from many active comrades to join in AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) and forming divisions in many circles for the last 2 months after successful conducting of the 1st All India Conference in Chennai. It proved that total unity of postal workers both Departmental Unions and GDS in the 12-12-12 strike & 48 hours strike (20th, 21st) in February 2013. It was asserted in the AIC, Chennai with the participation of 19 circles and more than 250 divisions and made the Conference a thundering success. It resulted in creating confidence on our union and thereby providing ground for all round growth in the membership, further strengthening in the divisions and Circles.

            With such an inspiring response towards our Union and accepting the facts about the genuine demands of GDS it became an open discussion among departmental unions and the organizations of various Central Govt. employees to support our Union.

            All of us are aware of the loss we have suffered during last 2years, i.e., after implementation of Nataraja Murthy Committee recommendations. It is again emphasized to mention here particularly about the attacks on our GDS employees & cadres. As it could be made in a serial viz., all the EDSOs were downgraded and GDS SPM cadre has been abolished and the TRCA scale for BPMs introduced for 5 slabs, GDS Stamp Vendor posts have been abolished in the name of increasing norms and reduced time factor for stamp sales, GDS Mail Men cadre in RMS treated as  wasting cadre and thousands of vacancies of GDSMM have been abolished, Compassionate appointment in GDS cadre is restricted by introduction of merit points, impracticable work load including cash handling norms have been imposed on BPMs causing heavy reduction in TRCA, instead of norms incentive schemes are offered to GDS forcing them to remain in duty beyond 5 hours, bonus ceiling has been reduced and discrimination with regular departmental employees imposed by deviating from the regular sanction of bonus ceiling for the last so many years, seniority cum selection for postman recruitment  from GDS has been removed, open market recruitment in postman & MTS cadres introduced, thousands of posts are being unfilled and combination of duties enforced in many places, GDS  ‘Employment Rules’ changed as ‘Engagement Rules’ etc., 

            It may be mentioned here about the mounting pressure on GDS, as the policies of the Govt. & Department rather forcibly intrude in many ways such as ‘National Postal Policy – 2012’. At this juncture, the NFPE / JCA became vigilant and came forward to resist all the attacks on postal workers including GDS. Now it is the time to consolidate our GDS cadre on one platform with a broader out look for unity with all others. The orientation of our AIC proved and prevailed in many quarters to march forward with united struggles.

            Comrades, we have adopted the ‘Policy & Program’ of our AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) union in our 1stAIC and declared program of action to enlighten our demands among the cadres and bring pressure on the department and Govt. with a series of struggles. Our union has formulated all the demands of GDS in a charter and published in our Report (AIC) also. This is the time to demand the Govt. to include the GDS issues in 7th CPC, especially departmentalization & Regularization of GDS,  a separate pay Committee further constituted for GDS could not fulfill the demand for civil servant  status of GDS, except dismantling the cadres and system. We must be united amongst ourselves and unite with all our Departmental Unions & NFPE to achieve our goal. Deviation from the unity becomes suicidal, particularly for GDS as it was proved recently and stood a good example in the agitating minds of GDS. We must have to consolidate all the membership to a united platform and march ahead with struggles, otherwise the department will take advantage and will try to impose their anti-worker policies.
            As decided in Chennai AIC the following program of action has been announced by our CHQ after consulting with our NFPE leadership to conduct all the programmes in such a way to build up pressure on the Department and Govt.

Program of action :-

28-05-2013  -  Day long dharna in front of Divisional Offices in all Circles.

25-06-2013   -  Day long dharna in front of Circle Offices in all Circles.

23-07-2013  - Day long dharna in front of Dak Bhawan, New Delhi along with other affiliated  unions of NFPE
Sep, 2013      - March to Parliament by GDS employees (subject to the  commencement of Parliament session, date will be announced later)
Last Phase  - Indefinite strike (date will be announced later)

            All the Circle Secretaries, CHQ office bearers are requested to circulate the program of action among all Divisions/Branches formed in their respective Circles, arrange meetings with all affiliates of NFPE, there by giving wide publicity to mobilize the members to make the struggle program  successfull.

Study Camps by NFPE :

            South Zone study camp was conducted in Chennai during October 2012 (13th & 14th) for AP, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu Circles. Central Zone study camp conducted in Vidisha (Madhya Pradesh) during January 2013 (19th & 20th) for Maharashtra, Gujrat, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh,Bihar circles. Eastern Zone study camp conducted in Guwahati (Assam) during Aril 2013 (27th & 28th) for West Bengal, Orissa, North East, Assam, Jarkhand circles.

            The Northern Zone study camp is scheduled during June 2013 (22nd & 23rd) at Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) for Uttar Pradesh, Uttara Khand & Delhi circles. For all the above study camps, our GDS have been given an opportunity to participate from respective circles and attended in good number. The attended delegates expressed their satisfaction in enlightening their knowledge and awareness about Trade Union movement and class oriented struggles of NFPE.

24th National Conference of Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers :

Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers (CCGEW) (except Railways&                                                                                                                                              Defence) is a large united forum of 105 constituent organizations of various Central Govt. Departmental organizations, having a consolidated membership of about 13 lakhs, including GDS. The 24th National Conference of CCGEW has been held from 4th to 6th May 2013 in Kolkata and our CHQ President, Com.Bijoy Gopal Sur and General Secretary, P.Pandurangarao were participated as Delegates representing AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) as an Associate Member of NFPE.

            The 24th National Conference of CCGEW unanimously elected a new set of office bearers representing from various prominent organizations of Central Govt. Departments, kept the Postal NFPE in a highest position. Com.S.K.Vyas (83years) Chairman,  a legendary personality, described as a walking university for Central Govt. Employees movement and served in various positions in the Confederation for the last 45 years, rendering unblemished services for the Trade Union movement is elected as Advisor  for the Confederation. Com.K.K.N.Kutty, has been honoured with the position of President. Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE elected as Secretary General, Confederation and this position was accepted after 56 years of formation of Confederation (1956) founder leader of Confederation Com.K.G.Bose, now to our Postal leader representing from NFPE, the top most organization leading the entire Central Govt. Employees movement through Confederation for the last few decades and Com.Vrighu Bhattacharya (Civil Accounts) is elected as Financial Secretary for the Confederation.
            This situation gives a unique opportunity for GDS, who continuously took part in the Central Govt. Employees movement from the year 1956 onwards.. That is why it is boldly expressed by our leadership about the demand of inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC for which the NFPE is ready to go for an indefinite strike with the total support of all Central Govt. organizations representing CCGEW.

            Now the responsibility is laid on our shoulders to bring the GDS movement in total consolidation of all its membership to move ahead with the united struggles for the emancipation of GDS from the present situation of bonded labour and severe exploitation.

9th Federal Council of NFPE

            From 9th to 12th June 2013, the 9th Federal Council meeting of NFPE is scheduled inHyderabad. NFPE allotted 20 GDS representatives to participate in the Federal Council meeting. As an Associate Member of NFPE, all the CHQ office bearers, Special Invitees, Mahila Committee members are invited as fraternal delegates (non-voting) to the Federal Council meeting. TA will be paid by the Reception Committee. Delegate fee of Rs.1000- has to be paid by each delegate.

Central Working Committee meeting

            In the meantime, during the sessions of Federal Council on 10th & 11th of June 2013, CHQ will arrange a Central Working Committee meeting with the attending CHQ office bearers/Circle Secretaries/Special Invitees/Mahila Committee members to sort out all the organizational matters in their respective Circles and discuss about the feasible date and arrangements for “March to Parliament” programme, exclusively by our GDS members.

            Comrades, our union formed on the basis of the concept of unity. Unity with Departmental Unions, unity with sister unions, unity with all Central Govt. organizations, unity with working class is the need of the hour. For that the AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) stood in the front row with the banner of NFPE and  plays a prominent role to resist the attacks of the policies of the Govt. there by  preventing the anti-worker policies of the Department to a great extent.

With best regards

Yours fraternally,                                                                                                                                  (P.PANDURANGARAO)                                                                                                           GENERAL SECRETARY

1.Departmentalization of Gramin Dak Savaks and all benefits of Departmental employees extended to GDS as recommended by Justice Talwar Committee.
2.Constitute 7th CPC and refer GDS wage revision also to the consideration of Pay Commission; Merger 50% of DA with TRCA for all purposes.
3.Restore the historical prorata wage structure of GDS MD and GDS BPM on par with Postman and Sorting Postman pay scales respectively as recommended by the 6th CPC by rectifying the mistakes committed by the Nataraja Murthy Committee.
4.    Withdrew new GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules, 2011 and restore GDS (Conduct & Employment) Rules, 2001.
5. Ensure minimum statutory monthly pension of Rs.3500/- to GDS and grant other retirement benefits like gratuity etc., based on the formula applicable to departmental employees and under Gratuity Act 1972 besides family pension facility to GDS.
6.Enhance the bonus quantum ceiling from Rs.2500/- to Rs.3500/- and end the discrimination.
7.Reduce cash handling norms from Rs.20,000 to 4,000 and also stamp sale norms.
8.Ensure full protection of existing TRCA when there is fall in the work load. TRCA should not be reduced under any circumstances.
9.Remove the outside recruitment quota for Postman Recruitment and 100% Postman vacancies be given to GDS.
10.Remove the 50 points compulsory conditions and provide compassionate appointment for all eligible dependents in the families of deceased GDS.
11.Introduce a medical reimbursement scheme for GDS.
12.Grant full trade union facilities including special casual leave and Foreign Service facilities to GDS Union Representatives.
13.Enhance to 6 months maternity leave to female GDS instead of 3 months and grant child care leave.
14.Grant full transfer facility to GDS and ensure protection of the existing TRCA on transfer.
15.Grant revised TRCA slabs up to 125 points to BPMs based on the workload as on 01.01.2006.
16.Grant three time bound financial up gradations to all GDS on 10th, 20th and 25th year.
17.Grant all advances to GDS at par with Regular departmental employees.
18.Stop combination of duties of GDSMD with that of BPM as it will result in restriction of business hours of BO thereby causing loss of revenue.
19.Enhance age limit for the departmental examination for promotion to the cadre of Postal Assistant from GDS at par with Postman cadre.
20.Modify date of superannuation of GDS as the last working day of the month.
21.Remove the ceiling limit of Rs.50 for cash allowance for conveyance of cash from BO to AO and vice versa.
22.Grant of LTC and home town LTC facilities to GDS.
23.Remove the discrimination in grant of welfare assistance to GDS in respect of prolonged illness, Book awards, educational assistance etc,.
24.Provide norms for MNREGS work at par with SB transactions & cash conveyance from BO to AO and vice versa.
25.Relax the embargo of fixing of minimum TRCA in respect of new appointees, Minimum should be the entitled TRCA drawn by the earlier incumbent. No fresh statistics need to be compiled.
26.Fix norms for all new items of work entrusted to GDS and until then grant enhanced incentives.
27.Payment of rent for BO to be borne by the department and till that time grant enhancement of Office Maintenance Allowance (OMA) @ Rs.500 per month.
28.Redeployment of GDS should not be done beyond 5 kms and full protection of TRCA should be given; in case of redeployment from one post to another, eligible women GDS working as GDSMC/MD/Pkr will be given opportunity to the posts of GDS BPM when fallen vacant in the name of transfer.
29.Prompt issuing of SDBS cards to all GDS employees.
30.Grant Children Educational Allowance and small family incentive to all GDS.
31.Fill up all GDS posts in RMS and convert all GDS MM posts as MTS.
32.  Make an early payment of RPLI incentive and remove the minimum condition and the maximum limit in the grant of NREGS incentive.


Amendment in Bonus Act for waiving ceilings is not considered at this time: 

Govt latest reply in Rajya Sabha

The calculation ceiling and eligibility limit has been revised from Rs. 2500/- to Rs. 3500/- per month and Rs. 3500/- to Rs. 10,000/- p.m. respectively vide the Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Act, 2007 notified on 13/12/2007 and made effective from 1st April, 2006. Keeping in view the large financial implications for both for the Public and Private Sectors further amendment to the Payment of Bonus Act for waiving both the ceilings is not considered feasible at this stage.:

 Govt reply in Rajya Sabha see details below:-

ANSWERED ON-08.05.2013

Amendment in Bonus Act
(a)whether it is a fact that at present skilled workers who are really contributing to production and productivity are not getting bonus; and

(b)whether Government is planning to amend the Bonus Act and waive the ceiling in salary and maximum bonus so as to make everybody in a production unit eligible to get the bonus?


(a):       As per the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, any employee is entitled to get bonus provided he / she is considered as an eligible employee. As per the Act, an “employee” means any person (other than an apprentice) employed on a salary or wage not exceeding ten thousand rupees per mensem in any industry to do any skilled or unskilled manual, supervisory, managerial, administrative, technical or clerical work for hire or reward, whether the terms of employment be express or implied.” Government has no specific information of skilled workers being denied bonus.

(b):       The calculation ceiling and eligibility limit has been revised from Rs. 2500/- to Rs. 3500/- per month and Rs. 3500/- to Rs. 10,000/- p.m. respectively vide the Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Act, 2007 notified on 13/12/2007 and made effective from 1st April, 2006. Keeping in view the large financial implications for both for the Public and Private Sectors further amendment to the Payment of Bonus Act for waiving both the ceilings is not considered feasible at this stage.

General Provident Fund shall carry interest rate of 8.7% per annum w.e.f. 01.04.2013

Click here to To view the Resolution published in Part I Section 1 of Gazette of India on the above subject matter.

MGNREGA has led to higher wage rates in the rural areas

Women and unskilled labourers are the main beneficiaries of the higher wage rates of MGNREGA, which has been revised recently to protect workers against inflation. With effect from April 01, 2013, a maximum wage of Rs 214 has been fixed for Haryana and a minimum of Rs 135 for North Eastern States. Moreover, there is a definite positive impact on agricultural wages and wages in general in the rural areas, which remained stagnant for a long-long time. This has been established by a Government study and research by private bodies and individuals. The National Sample Survey Office's 66th round confirms that MGNREGA has reduced the traditional gender wage discrimination which was apparent in several States across the country. According to an analysis by the Paris School of Economics in 2011, MGNREGA also leads to an increase in private sector wages and has welfare benefits for non-participating households. The gains from the rise in wages are more for the poor and marginalised, including women. Similarly, an analysis by Jean Drèze, a noted social scientist observes that the pre-MGNREGA (2000–1 to 2005-6) growth rate of real agricultural wages was around 0.1 per cent per year for men and negative for women. After the implementation of MGNREGA (2005-6 to 2010-11), the growth rate for agricultural wages for men increased to 2.7 per cent per year and for women to 3.7 per cent per year.

Till 31st March 2013, more than 1408 crore person-days of employment have been generated, of which 47.48% are women. An average of five crore households provided with employment every year since 2008. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes account for 50% of the total person-days generated. Last year 30 new works included under MGNREGA like Watershed, Irrigation and Flood management works, Agricultural and Livestock related works, Fisheries, Rural Drinking water and Sanitation related works.

To reduce delay in payment of wages, Ministry of Rural Development has initiated Electronic Fund Management System (eFMS) in Karnataka, Orissa, Gujarat, Tripura and Rajasthan, for directly crediting wages into beneficiary accounts using Core Banking System. Efms will ensure capture of real time transactions, eliminate delays and leakages. Ministry is now working to implement Efms in identified 46 MGNREGA districts for Direct Benefit Transfer. Aadhaar enabled direct electronics crediting of accounts payments for workers in MGNREGA is being implemented in 51 districts, in its pilot phase.

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act aims at enhancing the livelihood security of people in rural areas by guaranteeing 100 days of wage-employment in a financial year to a rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work. The Act came into force in February 2, 2006 and now is in operation in 632 districts in the country.

8 healthy foods every woman must eat

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